
2024-01-31 14:30
文章标签 工作 愚蠢 困难 打交道



Humans are social creatures who seek personal validation based on how others interact with them. We feel good and important when others share our belief system and dejected when there’s a conflict of opinions.

人类是社交动物,他们根据他人与他人的互动方式寻求个人认可。 当其他人分享我们的信仰体系时,我们感到良好而重要;而在意见冲突时,我们感到沮丧。

It’s then natural to want to work with people who are just like us, our clones.


Every once in a while when we come across people who do not value our inputs, who crush our ideas, ignore what we have to say, act like a know-it-all, seem to find pleasure in criticism and satisfaction in creating chaos, and who look for the negative side of things, it upsets us.


These so-called difficult people push our buttons by acting in undesirable ways. Their behaviour gives us permission to pass judgement and offload responsibility by blaming them. After all, they are at fault.

这些所谓的困难者通过以不良的方式行事来推动我们前进。 他们的行为使我们可以通过指责他们来做出判断并减轻责任。 毕竟,他们有错。

Epictetus, a Greek stoic philosopher once said, “Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them.”


While difficult people are a reality of life and everything we feel about them may be true, is it really in our best interest to navigate our lives by blaming them, holding them responsible for not reaching our goals, and pretending that we didn’t succeed because of some mean co-workers?


Is there a better way of working with difficult people? Can we shift from acting as a critic who passes judgement or a victim who is being defensive to a responsible adult who can work with different types of people?

有更好的方法与困难的人一起工作吗? 我们可以从扮演判断力强的批评家或防御性受害者的角色转变成可以与不同类型的人一起工作的负责任的成年人吗?

Before jumping to strategies, let us learn how we think, act, and behave around difficult people. Unless we understand our own mindset, any strategy we try to put to practice will be superficial. It will not address our underlying emotions, the most critical aspect to deal with while working with people we find difficult and challenging.

在采取策略之前,让我们学习如何在困难的人周围思考,采取行动和表现。 除非我们了解自己的心态,否则我们尝试实施的任何策略都是肤浅的。 它不会解决我们的内在情绪,这是与我们发现困难和挑战的人一起工作时最关键的方面。

“To try to change outward attitudes and behaviors does very little good in the long run if we fail to examine the basic paradigms from which those attitudes and behaviors flow. As clearly and objectively as we think we see things, we begin to realize that others see them differently from their own apparently equally clear and objective point of view. ‘Where we stand depends on where we sit.’”

从长远来看,如果我们未能检验那些态度和行为所基于的基本范式,试图改变外在态度和行为将无济于事。 正如我们认为自己所看到的那样清晰而客观,我们开始意识到其他人从他们自己同样明显清晰和客观的角度来看待它们的方式也有所不同。 “我们的立场取决于我们的立场。””

— The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

—斯蒂芬·R·科维(Stephen R. Covey)的七种高效人的习惯

我们如何与困难的人打交道? (How Do We Deal With Difficult People?)

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We have personal filters that determine how we view the world and the people in it. How we relate to someone else is driven by our own personality, expectations, background, and experience.

我们拥有个人过滤器,这些过滤器决定了我们如何看待世界和其中的人们。 我们与他人的关系方式取决于我们自己的个性,期望,背景和经验。

Some people instantly click and connect to us, and it is difficult to comprehend or rationalise why we trust them. Then there are others we dislike the moment we shake their hands, with our inner voice whispering in our ears “I am not going to like this person.”

有些人会立即单击并连接到我们,因此很难理解或合理化我们为什么信任他们。 然后还有其他人不喜欢我们握手的那一刻,内心的声音在耳边轻声说道:“我不会喜欢这个人。”

Why we find someone difficult is then a very personal affair. That doesn’t mean there aren’t people who are largely unpopular, but they are very rare.

为什么我们发现某人困难是一件非常个人的事情。 这并不意味着不会有很多人不受欢迎,但是他们非常罕见。

Once our mind takes us down the emotional path, we take a one-sided view of the problem. When dealing with difficult people, remember this TRICK (T — Tagging, R — Righteousness, I — Intention, C — Confirmation, K — Keenness) framework that drives us to behave in certain ways:

一旦我们的思想使我们沿着情感的道路走下去,我们就对问题采取了单方面的看法。 与困难的人打交道时,请记住这个促使我们以某些方式行事的TRICK(T-标记,R-正义,I-意图,C-确认,K-热情)框架:

T-标记导致分类 (T — Tagging leading to classification)

Isn’t it easy to notice flaws in others while ignoring our own shortcomings?


We are quick to label others — he’s needy, manipulative, fake, cheat, pretentious, condescending, cynic, liar, opinionated, arrogant, argumentative.


“We judge others by their behavior, but we think we have special information about ourselves — we know what we are ‘really like’ inside, so we can easily find ways to explain away our selfish acts and cling to the illusion that we are better than others.” — Jonathan Haidt, The Happiness Hypothesis

“我们通过他人的行为来判断他人,但我们认为我们拥有关于自己的特殊信息-我们知道我们的内在'真像',因此我们可以轻松地找到方法来解释我们的自私行为并坚持我们做得更好的幻想相对于其它的。” —乔纳森·海特(Jonathan Haidt),《幸福假说》

Without making an attempt to understand the other person, what’s important to them, what’s their belief system, and what could be driving this behaviour, we place people into buckets.


Tagging people happens in the part of our brain that runs on autopilot, without our conscious awareness. It’s what helps our brain to apply shortcuts while dealing with others.

给人加标签发生在我们自动驾驶的大脑部分,而没有我们的意识。 这就是帮助我们的大脑在与他人打交道时应用快捷方式的原因。

Classifying people as easy (safe) or difficult (threat) gives permission to our brain to act in certain ways.


R-正义要求拒绝 (R — Righteousness calling for rejection)

The moment we find someone difficult, our body tightens up. We lose flexibility not only in our body but in our response too.

一旦发现某人有困难,我们的身体就会收紧。 我们不仅在身体上失去灵活性,而且在响应中也失去了灵活性。

We start believing in the righteousness of how we feel, what we want, and why the other person deserves to be treated in a certain way. Once we reject them as a person, we start rejecting their ideas too. We take a stand and stick to it.

我们开始相信我们的感受,我们想要的东西以及为什么应该以某种方式对待另一个人的正义。 一旦我们拒绝他们作为一个人,我们也开始拒绝他们的想法。 我们坚持并坚持下去。

“‘…who died maintaining his right of way / He was right, dead right, as he sped along, / But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong.’ You may be right, dead right, as you speed along in your argument; but as far as changing another’s mind is concerned, you will probably be just as futile as if you were wrong.”

“'...死于维护自己的通行权的人/他是正确的,是正确的,随着他的前进,/但他却像他错了一样死了。” 随着争论的进行,你可能是对的,是死的。 但就改变别人的想法而言,您可能会像自己错了一样徒劳无益。”

— Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

— Dale Carnegie,如何赢得朋友和影响人

The fixed view enables us to rationalise why the person is acting this way.


I —假设驱动的意图 (I — Intention driven by assumptions)

Once we know we are right and the other person is indeed difficult, it’s easy to assume that they are acting out of bad intent.


Hanlon’s razor states: “Never attribute to bad intentions that which is adequately explained by ignorance, incompetence, negligence, misunderstanding, laziness or other probable causes.”


Without applying Hanlon’s razor as a mental model to understand their behaviour and look for alternate perspectives, we assume bad intention as the source of the problem.


We choose to live with our assumptions, without showing an intent to understand the other person and their action.


Difficult becomes synonymous with bad in our minds, which further strengthens our belief system.


C-确认我们的信念 (C — Confirmation of our beliefs)

Once we label someone as difficult, every interaction then serves as a validation of our beliefs. Confirmation bias prevails, as we stick with our perception in all our discussions.

一旦我们将某人标记为困难,那么每一次互动都可以证明我们的信念。 由于我们在所有讨论中都坚持自己的看法,因此普遍存在确认偏差。

It leads us to reject the evidence that contradicts our beliefs and look for information that strengthens our point of view.


Whatever the person does or says is then viewed through a skewed lens that reinforces their difficult behaviour even though the interaction may be entirely normal.


We stick with our first impression instead of making an attempt to view every situation differently.


K-乐于助人 (K — Keenness to fix others)

We do not look at ourselves to determine what about us could be causing the other person to act in a particular way. Without changing our own behaviour, we expect others to act in a certain way.

我们不会看着自己来确定我们可能导致其他人以特定方式行事的原因。 在不改变自己的行为的情况下,我们希望其他人以某种方式行事。

The assumption that the other person is at fault leads to a desire to fix them.


They might be at fault, but we cannot fix someone else. The best we can do is to take charge of things which are under our control.

他们可能有错,但我们无法修复其他人。 我们能做的最好的事情就是掌控我们所控制的事情。

“Many factors in interdependent situations are not in your Circle of Concern-problems, disagreements, circumstances, other people’s behavior. And if you focus your energies out there, you deplete them with little positive results. But you can always seek first to understand. That’s something that’s within your control. And as you do that, as you focus on your Circle of Influence, you really, deeply understand other people. You have accurate information to work with, you get to the heart of matters quickly, you build Emotional Bank Accounts, and you give people the psychological air they need so you can work together effectively.”

“在相互依存的情况下,许多因素不在您关注的问题,分歧,情况,其他人的行为之列。 而且,如果您将精力集中在那儿,则会耗尽它们,几乎没有积极的结果。 但您始终可以首先寻求了解。 那是您控制的事情。 这样一来,当您专注于影响力圈子时,您就能真正深刻地理解他人。 您可以使用准确的信息,可以快速了解事务的核心,建立Emotional银行帐户,并为人们提供所需的心理氛围,以便您可以有效地开展合作。”

— Stephen R. Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


Remember that our mind plays these tricks to help us make sense of the world and the people in it. Labelling someone difficult and sticking to it is letting your brain run on autopilot, while taking control requires conscious effort and deliberate thinking.

请记住,我们的思维发挥了这些技巧,可以帮助我们理解世界和其中的人们。 给困难的人贴上标签并坚持下去会让您的大脑在自动驾驶仪上运行,而控制时则需要有意识的努力和深思熟虑的思维。

当我们与困难的人互动时会发生什么? (What Happens When We Interact With Difficult People?)

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The amygdala is an older part of our brain in the limbic system which is responsible for processing emotions, and it’s not very good at separating a real danger from a perceived one.


When dealing with difficult people, it’s perceived as a threat by the amygdala, which triggers the fight-or-flight response as a mechanism to respond to danger.


We either try to fight the behaviour by reacting instinctively without a thoughtful response or flee from the situation without solving the problem. Each such interaction can release stress hormones that can lead to a pounding heart, quickened breathing, tense muscles, and anxiety.

我们或者试图通过本能地做出React而没有经过深思熟虑的React来打击这种行为,或者逃避这种情况而没有解决问题。 每种此类相互作用都可以释放压力激素,从而导致心脏跳动,呼吸加快,肌肉紧张和焦虑。

It can also drain us of our energy, making us feel exhausted, and can lead to overthinking which causes us to get stuck and drift away from important work, in turn hitting our productivity.


处理困难人士的4条策略 (4 Strategies to Handle Difficult People)

We may not realise that we have supreme power over our own thinking and action, which contributes to how others around us behave. As Dr. Mike Bechtle advocates in People Can’t Drive You Crazy If You Don’t Give Them the Keys, “It means that we work on our side of the relationship, no matter what happens on the other side. We don’t change them; we change ourselves.”

我们可能没有意识到我们对自己的思想和行动拥有最高的权力,这有助于我们周围其他人的行为。 正如迈克·贝克特尔(Mike Bechtle)博士所倡导的,如果不给他们钥匙,人们就不会发疯,“这意味着,无论对方发生什么事情,我们都在为我们的关系而努力。 我们不更改它们; 我们改变自己。”

It may seem right to want others to change, but it’s extremely difficult. So, control what you can and stop thinking about what you can’t by following these four practices to deal with difficult people.

希望其他人改变似乎是正确的,但这是极其困难的。 因此,通过遵循这四种做法来与困难的人打交道,控制自己可以做什么,并停止思考不能做什么。

1.将人与行为分开 (1. Separate the person from the behaviour)

Labelling a person as difficult or bad doesn’t help. When you find someone difficult, you may think that you do not like the person, but it’s actually their behaviour that you dislike.

将一个人标记为困难或不良无济于事。 当发现某人困难时,您可能会认为您不喜欢该人,但实际上您不喜欢他们的行为。

Separating the person from their behaviour will allow you to identify your own limits and determine what aspect of a person’s behaviour troubles you.


Following this as a practice every time you encounter a difficult person can help you to draw patterns. Is it the perfectionist that bothers you, or someone who’s too aggressive and loud? What about the extremely logical kinds who ignore emotional cues, or people who stick to norms and fear disruption? Or maybe it’s the cultural misfits?

每次遇到困难的人时,都应遵循此做法,以帮助您绘制图案。 是完美主义者困扰着您,还是一个太激进和大声的人? 那些忽略情感线索或坚持规范并惧怕干扰的极端逻辑类型呢? 还是文化不匹配?

Once you understand this, you can be kind to the person while still devising strategies to deal with their behaviour.


It also enables a healthy dialogue by helping you shift in the language you use. There’s a huge difference in saying “I find you obnoxious” vs. saying “the idea that you suggested does not consider….”

通过帮助您改变使用的语言,还可以实现健康的对话。 说“我觉得你很讨厌”与说“你建议的想法没有考虑……”有很大的不同。

The first statement is about the person, which can instantly make them defensive, while the second one is about their idea, which invites the other person to have a healthy debate.


2.拓宽视野 (2. Widen your perspective)

When you are having a tough time trying to understand why the other person is behaving in a manner that displeases you, take a moment to step back. Instead of passing judgement, explore answers.

当您在艰难的时期试图理解另一个人为什么以令您不满意的方式行事时,请花点时间退后一步。 与其通过判断,不如探索答案。

Widen your perspective by asking these questions:


  • Why do I feel this way?

  • What does the other person feel in this situation?

  • How are my biases coming into play?

  • Could I be skipping some facts?

  • How do I contribute to this behaviour?

  • What if my feelings are wrong?

  • What do this situation and person teach me about myself?

  • Could they be feeling insecure around me?


“Self-awareness enables us to stand apart and examine even the way we ‘see’ ourselves — our self-paradigm, the most fundamental paradigm of effectiveness. It affects not only our attitudes and behaviors, but also how we see other people. It becomes our map of the basic nature of mankind.”

“自我意识使我们能够脱颖而出,甚至可以检验我们'看'自己的方式-我们的自我范式,最基本的有效性范式。 它不仅影响我们的态度和行为,还影响我们如何看待他人。 它成为我们人类基本本性的地图。”

— The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

—斯蒂芬·R·科维(Stephen R. Covey)的七种高效人的习惯

Turning the difficult moment into a learning experience can help you make changes in the way you respond, ask questions, and act around difficult people. Some of these small changes can be big enablers for reinforcing positive behaviour.

将困难时刻转变为学习经历,可以帮助您改变应对方式,提出问题和与困难的人交往的方式。 这些小变化中的一些可能是增强正面行为的重要推动力。

It may even present an opportunity to the difficult person to shift their perspective by noticing how others around them behave and act.


3.不要React,采取行动 (3. Don’t react, act)

When you are upset, the natural tendency is to react without thinking straight. While not intentional, your reaction may give more power to the difficult person by acknowledging that they bother you. It causes fixation on a different problem than the one you intended to solve together.

当您不高兴时,自然的趋势是做出React而没有直截了当。 尽管不是故意的,但您的React可能会承认困难者使您感到困扰,从而使他们更加有能力。 它导致解决与您打算一起解决的问题不同的问题。

A well-thought-out action, on the other hand, may diffuse the situation by shifting the focus from their difficult behaviour to the desire to find a solution together.


When dealing with difficult coworkers, show a collaborative mindset by:


  • Discussing the outcomes that you both desire

  • Establishing boundaries on acceptable behaviour

  • Actively listening to the other person

  • Moving the focus from drama to finding solutions together


Action, not reaction, drives results.


4.走艰难的路 (4. Take the hard road)

Despite all your efforts to keep the drama in check, things may eventually not work out. Some people are indeed very difficult to manage.

尽管您尽了一切努力来控制电视剧,但最终还是无法解决问题。 有些人确实很难管理。

Instead of being disappointed and reverting back to your default mode, involve the right people for guidance and seeking ideas.


Some other strategies that may also work and are worth trying:


  • Give candid feedback to the difficult person yourself or have their manager deliver the message.

  • Involve a third party who can act as a mediator by adopting a more neutral tone.


Humans are complex, irrational beings, and we are not magicians to turn everyone into our clones.


But we can add a little magic to our lives by controlling our own behaviour around difficult people.


How do you manage difficult people at work and in life?


摘要 (Summary)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-deal-with-difficult-people-at-work-ca9f09a20984




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    提示:这篇博客以我前两篇博客作为先修知识,请大家先去看看我前两篇博客 博客指路:前端 ESlint 代码规范及修复代码规范错误-CSDN博客前端 Vue3 项目开发—— ESLint & prettier 配置代码风格-CSDN博客 husky 工具配置代码检查工作流的作用 在工作中,我们经常需要将写好的代码提交至代码仓库 但是由于程序员疏忽而将不规范的代码提交至仓库,显然是不合理的 所


    经济在不断发展的同时,科技也在飞速发展。零工经济作为一种新兴的工作模式,正在全球范围内迅速崛起。特别是在中国,随着数字经济的蓬勃发展和共享经济模式的深入推广,零工小程序在促进就业、提升资源利用效率方面显示出了巨大的潜力和价值。 一、零工经济的定义及现状 零工经济是指通过临时性、自由职业或项目制的工作形式,利用互联网平台快速匹配供需双方的新型经济模式。这种模式打破了传统全职工作的界限,为劳动


    深入浅出Smarty模板引擎工作机制,我们将对比使用smarty模板引擎和没使用smarty模板引擎的两种开发方式的区别,并动手开发一个自己的模板引擎,以便加深对smarty模板引擎工作机制的理解。 在没有使用Smarty模板引擎的情况下,我们都是将PHP程序和网页模板合在一起编辑的,好比下面的源代码: <?php$title="深处浅出之Smarty模板引擎工作机制";$content=

    3.比 HTTP 更安全的 HTTPS(工作原理理解、非对称加密理解、证书理解)

    所谓的协议 协议只是一种规则,你不按规则来就无法和目标方进行你的工作 协议说白了只是人定的规则,任何人都可以定协议 我们不需要太了解细节,这些制定和完善协议的人去做的,我们只需要知道协议的一个大概 HTTPS 协议 1、概述 HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)是一种安全的超文本传输协议,主要用于在客户端和服务器之间安全地传输数据


    在网络中传输数据时需要遵循一些标准,以太网协议定义了数据帧在以太网上的传输标准,了解以太网协议是充分理解数据链路层通信的基础。以太网交换机是实现数据链路层通信的主要设备,了解以太网交换机的工作原理也是十分必要的。 1、以太网协议介绍 1.1以太网协议 以太网是当今现有局域网(Local Area Network, LAN)采用的最通用的通信协议标准,该标准定义了在局域网中采用的电缆类型和信号


    将JVM工作过程粗略分为5个阶段,包括加载阶段、链接阶段、初始化阶段、执行阶段、回收阶段 其中, (1)加载阶段、链接阶段的解析部分主要由类加载器完成 (2)初始化阶段是由JVM的类加载机制在类加载过程的最后阶段自动触发的。 (3)执行阶段主要由执行引擎负责 (4)回收阶段主要是垃圾收集器(Garbage Collector)负责。 所以,在Java虚拟机(JVM)中,读取字节码文件、解析字节码


    总体原则:抓住重点,条理清晰,可回溯,过程都清楚。 1 要有问题跟踪表,有什么问题,怎么解决的,解决方案。 2 要有常用操作的手册,比如怎么连sqlplus,一些常用的信息,保存好,备查。

    Struts 2的工作流程

    基本简要流程如下:1、客户端浏览器发出HTTP请求。2、根据web.xml配置,该请求被 FilterDispatcher接收。3、根据struts.xml配置,找到需要调用的Action类和方法, 并通过IoC方式,将值注入给Aciton。4、Action调用业务逻辑组件处理业务逻辑,这一步包含表单验证。5、Action执行完毕,根据 struts.xml中的配置找到对应的返回结果result