Right click and View Image or save the image below and open it locally to get a closer view to read the flowchart.
Click below to run the wireless troubleshooting flash guide.
There are numerous reasons for a network to uh... <pun>notwork</pun>. Over the years I've seen most every possible cause. Even once where the users never contacted their ISP. They just plugged in an RJ11 cable into the wall and their computer and then called me upset because they couldn't get their Internet to work.
网络有很多原因……<pun>不起作用</ pun>。 多年来,我已经看到了几乎所有可能的原因。 甚至在用户从未联系过ISP的地方。 他们只是将RJ11电缆插入墙壁和计算机,然后让我沮丧,因为他们无法使Internet正常工作。
Anyway, the goal of this program I created is to walk typical users and level 1 techs through possible solutions of everyday wireless problems. I tried to make this cover and solve as many issues as I could without making it too overwhelming for the end user.
无论如何,我创建的该程序的目标是引导普通用户和1级技术人员了解日常无线问题的可能解决方案。 我尝试制作此封面,并尽我所能解决许多问题,而又不令最终用户感到不知所措。
I started the project by making a Visio diagram to map out the steps.
You can either navigate the Visio flowchart manually to narrow down possible issues, or run the flash program to troubleshoot your wireless problem.
I would love any suggestions or tips for improving this project. If there is enough interest I would like to go back and spend some time making the flash look a bit cleaner.
我很乐意改善这个项目的任何建议或技巧。 如果有足够的兴趣,我想回去花些时间使闪光灯看起来更干净一些。
翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/30616/Wireless-network-troubleshooter-and-flowchart.html