#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>typedef enum hiVIDEO_MODE_E {VIDEO_MODE_STREAM = 0, /* send by stream */VIDEO_MODE_FRAME, /* send by frame */VIDEO_MODE_COMPAT, /* One frame supports multiple packets sending. *//* The current frame is considered to end when bEndOfFrame is equal to 1 */VIDEO_MODE_BUTT
} VIDEO_MODE_E;/* We just coyp this value of payload type from RTP/RTSP definition */
typedef enum {PT_JPEG = 26,PT_H264 = 96,PT_H265 = 265,/* add by hisilicon */PT_MJPEG = 1002,PT_BUTT
} PAYLOAD_TYPE_E;int writ_length_to_excel(char *filename,int length)
{static FILE *fp = NULL;if(fp == NULL){fp=fopen(filename,"wb"); // fp指针指向文件头部if(fp == NULL){perror("fopen");return 0;}} fprintf(fp,"%d\n",length);
}int main(int argc, char **argv)
{int bEndOfStream = 0;int s32UsedBytes = 0, s32ReadLen = 0;FILE *fpStrm=NULL;unsigned char *pu8Buf = NULL;int bFindStart, bFindEnd;uint32_t u32Len, u32Start;int s32Ret, i;char cFileName[256]="1080P.h265";int s32MinBufSize = 1024*1024*10;int s32StreamMode = VIDEO_MODE_FRAME;int enType = PT_H265;if(argc == 2){strcpy(cFileName,argv[1]);}if(cFileName != 0){fpStrm = fopen(cFileName, "rb");if(fpStrm == NULL){printf("can't open file %s in send stream thread!\n", cFileName);return (-1);}}printf("\n \033[0;36m stream file:%s, userbufsize: %d \033[0;39m\n",cFileName, s32MinBufSize);char cCSVFileName[256] = {0};char* cFileFix = ".csv";snprintf(cCSVFileName,sizeof(cCSVFileName),"%s%s", cFileName, cFileFix);printf("cCSVFileName %s\n",cCSVFileName);pu8Buf = malloc(s32MinBufSize);if(pu8Buf == NULL){printf("can't alloc %d in send stream thread!\n", s32MinBufSize);fclose(fpStrm);return (-1);}fflush(stdout);while (1){bEndOfStream = 0;bFindStart = 0;bFindEnd = 0;u32Start = 0;fseek(fpStrm, s32UsedBytes, SEEK_SET);s32ReadLen = fread(pu8Buf, 1, s32MinBufSize, fpStrm);if (s32ReadLen == 0){int bCircleSend = 0;if (bCircleSend == 1){s32UsedBytes = 0;fseek(fpStrm, 0, SEEK_SET);s32ReadLen = fread(pu8Buf, 1, s32MinBufSize, fpStrm);}else{break;}}if (s32StreamMode==VIDEO_MODE_FRAME && enType == PT_H264){for (i=0; i<s32ReadLen-8; i++){int tmp = pu8Buf[i+3] & 0x1F;if ( pu8Buf[i ] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+1] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+2] == 1 &&(((tmp == 0x5 || tmp == 0x1) && ((pu8Buf[i+4]&0x80) == 0x80)) ||(tmp == 20 && (pu8Buf[i+7]&0x80) == 0x80))){bFindStart = 1;i += 8;break;}}for (; i<s32ReadLen-8; i++){int tmp = pu8Buf[i+3] & 0x1F;if ( pu8Buf[i ] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+1] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+2] == 1 &&(tmp == 15 || tmp == 7 || tmp == 8 || tmp == 6 ||((tmp == 5 || tmp == 1) && ((pu8Buf[i+4]&0x80) == 0x80)) ||(tmp == 20 && (pu8Buf[i+7]&0x80) == 0x80))){bFindEnd = 1;break;}}if(i>0)s32ReadLen = i;if (bFindStart == 0){printf("can not find H264 start code!s32ReadLen %d, s32UsedBytes %d.!\n",s32ReadLen, s32UsedBytes);}if (bFindEnd == 0){s32ReadLen = i+8;}}else if (s32StreamMode==VIDEO_MODE_FRAME&& enType == PT_H265){int bNewPic = 0;for (i=0; i<s32ReadLen-6; i++){uint32_t tmp = (pu8Buf[i+3]&0x7E)>>1;bNewPic = ( pu8Buf[i+0] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+1] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+2] == 1&& (tmp >= 0 && tmp <= 21) && ((pu8Buf[i+5]&0x80) == 0x80) );if (bNewPic){bFindStart = 1;i += 6;break;}}for (; i<s32ReadLen-6; i++){uint32_t tmp = (pu8Buf[i+3]&0x7E)>>1;bNewPic = (pu8Buf[i+0] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+1] == 0 && pu8Buf[i+2] == 1&&( tmp == 32 || tmp == 33 || tmp == 34 || tmp == 39 || tmp == 40 || ((tmp >= 0 && tmp <= 21) && (pu8Buf[i+5]&0x80) == 0x80) ));if (bNewPic){bFindEnd = 1;break;}}if(i>0)s32ReadLen = i;if (bFindStart == 0){printf("can not find H265 start code!s32ReadLen %d, s32UsedBytes %d.!\n",s32ReadLen, s32UsedBytes);}if (bFindEnd == 0){s32ReadLen = i+6;}}else if (enType == PT_MJPEG || enType == PT_JPEG){for (i=0; i<s32ReadLen-1; i++){if (pu8Buf[i] == 0xFF && pu8Buf[i+1] == 0xD8){u32Start = i;bFindStart = 1;i = i + 2;break;}}for (; i<s32ReadLen-3; i++){if ((pu8Buf[i] == 0xFF) && (pu8Buf[i+1]& 0xF0) == 0xE0){u32Len = (pu8Buf[i+2]<<8) + pu8Buf[i+3];i += 1 + u32Len;}else{break;}}for (; i<s32ReadLen-1; i++){if (pu8Buf[i] == 0xFF && pu8Buf[i+1] == 0xD9){bFindEnd = 1;break;}}s32ReadLen = i+2;if (bFindStart == 0){printf("can not find JPEG start code!s32ReadLen %d, s32UsedBytes %d.!\n",s32ReadLen, s32UsedBytes);}}else{if((s32ReadLen != 0) && (s32ReadLen < s32MinBufSize)){bEndOfStream = 1;}}printf("%d\n", s32ReadLen);writ_length_to_excel(cCSVFileName,s32ReadLen);s32UsedBytes = s32UsedBytes +s32ReadLen + u32Start;}printf("\033[0;35m send steam thread return ... \033[0;39m\n");fflush(stdout);if (pu8Buf != NULL){free(pu8Buf);}fclose(fpStrm);return 0;