上facebook安卓_如何在Facebook上进行病毒式宣传? 西部会员峰会2011

2024-01-30 02:10

本文主要是介绍上facebook安卓_如何在Facebook上进行病毒式宣传? 西部会员峰会2011,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Facebook Rocks. It Kicks Ass, and we as bloggers need to understand it. It is the LARGEST Social Media Network, and if your audience is people, then you need to be utilizing Facebook. At affiliate summit, I attended a session called “Beyond the Like Button”, but it really was not beyond the like button. Rather it was more so about the Like Button, and how they used it to create viral campaigns.

Facebook Rocks。 它踢屁股,我们作为博客作者需要了解它。 这是最大的社交媒体网络,如果您的受众是人,那么您需要使用Facebook。 在会员峰会上 ,我参加了一个名为“超越喜欢按钮”的会议,但实际上并没有超出喜欢按钮。 与其说是“赞”按钮,不如说是他们如何使用它来创建病毒式广告系列。

When we first implemented the like button in WPBeginner, shortly after it surpassed twitter to be the second highest referral source to WPBeginner after Google. Facebook is one of the easiest network to get things Viral specially with the Like Button because all like button links are direct link to your site. Also every time a person like your site, all of their friends see that in their feed. So more people are tend to like the article.

当我们首次在WPBeginner中实现like按钮时,它很快超过了twitter,成为仅次于Google的WPBeginner的第二高推荐来源。 Facebook是最简单的网络,它特别喜欢通过“赞按钮”获得病毒,因为所有“赞”按钮链接都是直接链接到您的网站。 同样,每当有人喜欢您的网站时,他们的所有朋友都会在其供稿中看到它。 因此,更多的人倾向于喜欢这篇文章。

The best facebook campaigns need LOV (pronounced Love).


L = Loyalty
O = Opportunity for New Customers
V = Validation from existing client

L =忠诚度
O =新客户的机会
V =来自现有客户的验证

You need to have the three to make your campaign go viral.


Why Like Buttons?


  1. Like button can be applied to anything, from brands to content to products.

  2. By configuring the like button to show friends’ faces and by placing the button near engaging content (not off on its own), you can expect click-through rates to improve by three to give times.

  3. One last Plug: we have seen visitors are more engaged and stay longer when their real identity and real friends are driving the experience through social plugins.


By the way, I have talked about this numerous times on our Newsletter.


We have a tutorial on How to Add the Facebook Like Button in WordPress


Another Excellent Tutorial to Utilize the Power of Facebook and WordPress


My Slideshare Presentation about Facebook and WordPress

我关于Facebook和WordPress的 Slideshare演示

感谢赞助商 (Thanks to the Sponsors)

Two awesome companies sponsored my trip here.



MaxCDN is a Content Delivery Network of highly-optimized servers all around the world working together to distribute your content (CSS and Javascript files, downloadable objects, applications, real-time media streams, and much more) through hundreds of servers instead of a single host. This “smart route” technology makes sure each visitor to your site gets their data from the city closest to them thus increasing site performance dramatically. (Check out how to use MaxCDN in WordPress). Get 25% off if you use the coupon “wpbeginner”.

MaxCDN是一个内容分发网络 ,由遍布全球的高度优化的服务器组成,它们通过数百台服务器(而不是单个服务器)一起分发您的内容(CSS和Javascript文件,可下载对象,应用程序,实时媒体流等)主办。 这种“智能路线”技术可确保您网站的每个访问者都从距离他们最近的城市中获取数据,从而显着提高网站性能。 (查看如何在WordPress中使用MaxCDN )。 如果使用优惠券“ wpbeginner”,可享受25%的折扣。


BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.

BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/how-to-create-a-viral-campaign-within-facebook-affiliate-summit-west-2011/


这篇关于上facebook安卓_如何在Facebook上进行病毒式宣传? 西部会员峰会2011的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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