格外空间以设计带动凯迪仕品牌价值增长 | 揽获6项国际设计大奖

本文主要是介绍格外空间以设计带动凯迪仕品牌价值增长 | 揽获6项国际设计大奖,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Kaadas is dedicated to the field of smart locks. As a full industry chain company that integrates product research and development, manufacturing, branding, global sales, installation, and after-sales, Kaadas is committed to serving every household around the world, bringing high-quality life experiences to many families around the world with higher quality products. Based on the background of the new consumer era, the offline experience of traditional spaces has more possibilities for diversification. Kaadas is also constantly exploring new ways to connect the brand with the real offline links of users.

自2017年起,凯迪仕便与格外空间进行深度合作,携手打造过凯迪仕终端 SI 1.0-2.0系统、品牌智慧企业展厅以及2017-2023每年中国建博会上千万级流量网红展馆的设计搭建。以科技力量结合艺术美学,传递凯迪仕品牌态度,为来宾打造超乎想象的空间体验。

Since 2017, Kaadas has been deeply cooperating with inDareSpace, working together to create Kaadas's terminal SI 1.0-2.0 system, brand smart enterprise exhibition hall, and the design and construction of the tens of millions of traffic internet celebrity exhibition hall at the 2017-2023 China Construction Expo. By combining technological strength with artistic aesthetics, we aim to convey the attitude of the Kaadas brand and create an unimaginable spatial experience for guests.



So far, the collaboration between Kaadas and inDareSpace has won the following honors in international design awards:





美国国际设计大奖(International Design Awards,简称IDA)于2007年设立,是最受业界尊敬和最具权威的全球设计奖项之一。奖项表彰、颂扬和推动具有传奇色彩的设计梦想者,发掘在建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计、平面设计和时尚设计方面的新兴人才,并致力于呼吁全球关注设计创新、概念化设计以及创意优质的作品。

The International Design Awards (IDA), established in 2007, are one of the most respected and authoritative global design awards in the industry. The award recognizes, praises, and promotes legendary design dreamers, uncovering emerging talents in architectural design, interior design, product design, graphic design, and fashion design, and is committed to calling for global attention to design innovation, conceptual design, and high-quality creative works.




美国缪斯设计大奖(American MUSE Design Awards )创建于2015年,作为国际奖项协会(IAA)旗下的全球性奖项赛事之一,该奖项面向建筑、室内、产品、景观、灯光、包装、时尚等广泛领域征集设计作品,致力于发掘和支持各行业处在上升期的设计师,旨在培养和推广“设计缪斯”,推动全球设计产业的发展更上一层楼。

The Muse Design Award was founded in 2015 and is one of the global award competitions under the International Awards Association (IAA). The award solicits design works from a wide range of fields such as architecture, interior, products, landscape, lighting, packaging, fashion, etc. It is committed to exploring and supporting designers in various industries who are on the rise, aiming to cultivate and promote "design Muses" and promote the development of the global design industry to a higher level.




纽约设计大奖(New York Design Awards)是全球独立的设计推广组织BETTER FUTURE(以前称为DRIVENxDESIGN)旗下的赛事之一,涵盖40个专业领域类别,得到了整个设计领域的认可,并表彰了引领潮流的人们的创造力和勇气。奖项以设计卓越和多样性为宗旨,推进世界各地的优秀设计师和品牌创造拥有更好附加价值,让好的设计成就更美好未来。

The New York Design Awards is one of the events under the global independent design promotion organization BETTER FUTURE (formerly known as DRIVENxDESIGNS), covering 40 professional categories, recognized by the entire design field, and recognizing the creativity and courage of trendsetters. The award aims for design excellence and diversity, promoting the creation of better added value by outstanding designers and brands around the world, and making good design achievements a better future.




随着全球设计行业多元化的融合发展,法国设计学院针对全球的建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计领域设立了法国双面神GPDP(Grand Prix Design Paris) Award国际设计大奖。旨在发现并表彰在建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计等领域符合法国双面神奖GPDP设计大奖国际5E设计标准的最具创新和创造力的全球最顶尖设计师、知名设计机构及产品商等。

With the diversified integration and development of the global design industry, the French Academy of Design has established the Grand Prix Design Paris Award for architectural design, interior design, and product design worldwide. Intended to discover and recognize the most innovative and creative global top designers, renowned design institutions, and product merchants who meet the international 5E design standards of the French Double sided God Award GPDP Design Award in the fields of architectural design, interior design, and product design.




伦敦国际设计大奖(London Design Awards)作为国际奖项协会(IAA)旗下的全球性奖项赛事之一,旨在表彰世界各地的杰出设计和杰出创意项目。伦敦设计奖通过吸收评委群体的专业知识,提供深入的评价。

The London Design Awards, as one of the global award competitions under the International Association of Awards (IAA), aims to recognize outstanding designs and creative projects from around the world. The London Design Awards provide in-depth evaluation by absorbing the professional knowledge of the judging panel.








The China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) is a grand event in the home decoration industry and an important platform for showcasing home brands. In 2022, the eye-catching exhibition hall design of the inDareSpace helped Kaadas achieve close communication with consumers and partners, helping Kaadas continue to stand out in terms of brand and channels.



inDareSpace has broken through XR technology and created the first "naked eye 3D triple fold giant screen" around the theme of "Future · You Come". It has created an immersive exhibition space with a strong sense of technology and future, meeting multiple functions such as check-in, press conference forums, and boutique displays. It has created tens of millions of traffic check-in hotspots for Kaadas and created a massive online and offline self dissemination through eye-catching design.


K·AI 启





The design revolves around the theme of"K · Al", breaking away from conventional ideasand selecting 160.5 square meters to display four large tilted and irregular holographiccombination screens, which are both aglle and explosive, attracting countless attentionjust from the appearance. In the golden ratio gap of the visual center, cleverly revealing theinternal displav and avout. bringing an interactive experience of the intearation of virtuaand real inside and outside. The exhibition hall showcases the spatial tone of Kaadas'shardcore technology aesthetics, highlighting its strong brand image.



During the exhibition, multiple million level internet celebrities from various circles gathered for check-in and live streaming, with numerous mainstream and industry media gathering to report. Online and offline dissemination was conducted, gaining high attention and authoritative certification, and reigniting a new wave in the industry.Kaadas has created its own traffic "gravity field" by leveraging its strength to attract different consumer groups in different circles.






The Kaadas Enterprise Smart Exhibition Hall carries the technological core towards a new spatial form of technology, with a special space from conceptual planning, exhibition hall design, multimedia production to the final landing of exhibition items. It deeply explores brand concepts and development trends, collaborates with technology interaction to empower brand benefits, and realizes that the brand exhibition hall becomes an effective spatial carrier that integrates scenes, interaction, and experience.



ln order to provide visitors with more visual surprises and emotional resonance in theexhibition hall, we use a 21m long characteristic brand axis, a 5.75m * 2.72m giant 3Dholographic screen, and 14 sets of top up LCD slide screen matrices as highlights to createan immersive future "career", telling the brand story of"product hard power" and "enterprisesoft power" in an immersive way. The exhibition hall creates a spatial tone of "seven partstechnology and three parts temperature", conveying the unlimited potential of Kaadas'scorporate image in the future.






SI 即连锁品牌形象识别系统 (Store Identify System)的简称,针对于有连锁加盟性质的企业而实施的店辅形象设计与管理系统。为统一凯迪仕标准形象的设计和建设标准,展示凯迪仕品牌形象,强化顾客对终端店面的购物体验,同时缩短工时,便于管理,便于快速开店,格外空间特制订凯迪仕品牌形象识别系统以促进加盟。

SI stands for Store Identity System, which is a store auxiliary image design and management system implemented for enterprises with franchise nature. To unify the design and construction standards ofKaadas's standard image, showcase the Kaadas brand image, and enhance the shopping experience of customers towards the end store. At the same time, to shorten working hours, facilitate management, and facilitate quick store opening, inDareSpace has developed a Kaadas brand image recognition system to promote franchise.





inDareSpace has created a technological future for Kaadas, a smart lock brand space with a home texture, highlighting the safe and reliable brand characteristics, focusing on products, integrating high aesthetic space into consumer movement, and creating a comfortable and surprising experience.


Focusing on product display, simplifying the visual language of the space, using a combination of wood and gray materials to highlight the high-end brand image, quality and technology sense. The application of wood grain materials and lighting rendering reflect the technological tone while presenting a warm design charm, creating a warm technology brand terminal visual recognition system.





I’m X.





inDareSpace adopts a display methodology of "field person focus event content dissemination", which locks in the attention of the public with the visual explosion of the space. Through the novel experience of product display, entering the space and visualizing product information, it communicates with the brand, establishes high-frequency contact and generates high-quality transformation.


Space, as an important medium for truly reaching people and generating communication and interaction, provides a smooth user experience and futuristic spatial aesthetics, helping Kaadas create a brand value experience with cross significance.






这篇关于格外空间以设计带动凯迪仕品牌价值增长 | 揽获6项国际设计大奖的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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文章目录 前言资料获取设计介绍功能介绍设计清单具体实现截图参考文献设计获取 前言 💗博主介绍:✌全网粉丝10W+,CSDN特邀作者、博客专家、CSDN新星计划导师,一名热衷于单片机技术探索与分享的博主、专注于 精通51/STM32/MSP430/AVR等单片机设计 主要对象是咱们电子相关专业的大学生,希望您们都共创辉煌!✌💗 👇🏻 精彩专栏 推荐订阅👇🏻 单片机


目录 1 项目介绍2 项目截图3 核心代码3.1 Controller3.2 Service3.3 Dao3.4 application.yml3.5 SpringbootApplication3.5 Vue 4 数据库表设计5 文档参考6 计算机毕设选题推荐7 源码获取 1 项目介绍 博主个人介绍:CSDN认证博客专家,CSDN平台Java领域优质创作者,全网30w+


文章目录 前言资料获取设计介绍功能介绍程序代码部分参考 设计清单具体实现截图参考文献设计获取 前言 💗博主介绍:✌全网粉丝10W+,CSDN特邀作者、博客专家、CSDN新星计划导师,一名热衷于单片机技术探索与分享的博主、专注于 精通51/STM32/MSP430/AVR等单片机设计 主要对象是咱们电子相关专业的大学生,希望您们都共创辉煌!✌💗 👇🏻 精彩专栏 推荐订


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