收藏是历史所赋予深厚的文化积淀,缘于对祖先文化的认知和崇仰,缘于我们对传统文化艺术传承的责任,缘于我们对逝去时光的留恋和追忆。历史是不可能逆转的,无论什么时期的艺术品,你只要渗透到它的文化里面就是一种境界、一种精神和一种信仰。梵·高是深深影响了二十世纪艺术的绘画巨匠,谁能想到他当年作画竟无法赚到150法郎的月薪,并因此结束了自己的一段爱情;又有谁能想到,他死后有两幅作品分别卖出了5390万美元和3950万美元的天价。1998年,梵·高的一幅没有胡子的自画像更是以7150万美元卖出。齐白石是世界文化名人,早年以卖画为生,1946年他卖掉200多幅画竟买不到10袋面粉。设若当时有人即便按最高时价买下这些画,几十年后增值又何止千倍、万倍。要知道,2017年齐白石的《山水十二条屏》以9.315亿元人民币成交,成为目前最贵的中国艺术品。李可染1964年创作《万山红遍》时名气还不是很大,但38年后也正是因为物以稀为贵的市场规律,这幅作品竟然以总价2.9325亿元的天文数字成交。为帮助艺术品收藏爱好者更好地收藏与投资,北京艺联诗书画院、中国国家书画网、中欧文化交流中心、比利时皇家艺术院、决定隆重出版《全球最具收藏投资百位艺术家》一书。书中所展现的艺术家,堪称成绩斐然而风格鲜明:有的体现人文情怀、倾情苍生,有的追求画中有诗、气韵生动;有的以思想前卫、一骑绝尘著称,有的以技法高超、标新立异立世;有的以生活实景讴歌时代,有的以寓言式画面醒世渡人;有的延续传统、千年老树开新花,有的中西合璧、美轮美奂而意味隽永……这些艺术家,在某种程度上代表着世界当代艺术发展的主流方向和高度,其作品可称之为国内外艺术市场的重要风向标,并且已为和正在为国内外艺术界权威机构和众多收藏家所青睐。Collecting is a deep cultural accumulation given by history, due to the cognition and admiration of ancestral culture, due to our responsibility for traditional culture and art inheritance, due to our attachment to and memory of bygone time. It is impossible to reverse history. No matter what period a work of art is from, it is a realm, a spirit and a faith if you penetrate into its culture.Van Gogh was a master painter who deeply influenced the art of the twentieth century. Who would have thought that he could not earn a monthly salary of 150 francs for his paintings and ended a love affair as a result; who would have thought that two of his works sold for $53.9 million and $39.5 million respectively after his death? In 1998, a self-portrait by Van Gogh without a beard sold for $71.5 million.Qi Baishi, a world cultural figure who made a living selling paintings in his early years, sold more than 200 paintings in 1946 and was unable to buy 10 sacks of flour. If someone had bought these paintings even at the highest current price, they would have increased in value a thousand or ten thousand times a few decades years later. You should know that in 2017, Qi Baishi's "Landscape with Twelve Screens" was sold at RMB 931.5 million, making it the most expensive Chinese artwork. When Li Keran created "Ten Thousand Hills in Red" in 1964, it was not very famous, but 38 years later, because of the law of the market, this work was sold for an astronomical total of 293.25 million yuan.In order to help art collectors collect and invest better, the Chinese Calligraphy and Fine Arts Research Association, the China-EU Cultural Exchange Center, and the China Contemporary Collectors Association decided to grandly publish the book "The World's Hundred Most Collected
and Invested Artists". The artists shown in the book have remarkable achievements and distinctive styles: some embody humanistic feelings and devotion to the common people; some pursue poetry in painting and vivid charm; some are known for their avant-garde thinking and unrivaled skills; some are known for their superb technique and innovative style; some eulogize the times with real life scenes; some are known for their fable-like images; some continue the tradition and blossom from old trees; some combine Chinese and Western elements; and some are known for their unique style. Beautiful and meaningful: … These artists, who in some ways represent the mainstream direction and height of contemporary art in the world, are important bellwethers for the art market both at home and abroad, and have been and are being sought by authorities and collectors in the art world both at home and abroad.