$ cat /dev/fb0 > sreensnap /*获取一屏的数据*/
$ clear /*清楚屏幕的输出*/
$ cat sreensnap > /dev/fb0 /*将刚才的屏幕数据显示*/
1)查看/dev/fb0 的信息
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <linux/fb.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- int main ()
- {
- int fp=0;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
- fp = open ("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);
- if (fp < 0){
- printf("Error : Can not open framebuffer device/n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,&finfo)){
- printf("Error reading fixed information/n");
- exit(2);
- }
- if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO,&vinfo)){
- printf("Error reading variable information/n");
- exit(3);
- }
- printf("The mem is :%d\n",finfo.smem_len);
- printf("The line_length is :%d\n",finfo.line_length);
- printf("The xres is :%d\n",vinfo.xres);
- printf("The yres is :%d\n",vinfo.yres);
- printf("bits_per_pixel is :%d\n",vinfo.bits_per_pixel);
- close (fp);
- }
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <linux/fb.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- int main ()
- {
- int fp=0;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
- long screensize=0;
- char *fbp = 0;
- int x = 0, y = 0;
- long location = 0;
- fp = open ("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);
- if (fp < 0)
- {
- printf("Error : Can not open framebuffer device/n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,&finfo))
- {
- printf("Error reading fixed information/n");
- exit(2);
- }
- if (ioctl(fp,FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO,&vinfo))
- {
- printf("Error reading variable information/n");
- exit(3);
- }
- screensize = vinfo.xres * vinfo.yres * vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;
- /*这就是把fp所指的文件中从开始到screensize大小的内容给映射出来,得到一个指向这块空间的指针*/
- fbp =(char *) mmap (0, screensize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fp,0);
- if ((int) fbp == -1)
- {
- printf ("Error: failed to map framebuffer device to memory./n");
- exit (4);
- }
- /*这是你想画的点的位置坐标,(0,0)点在屏幕左上角*/
- x = 100;
- y = 100;
- location = x * (vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8) + y * finfo.line_length;
- *(fbp + location) = 100; /* 蓝色的色深 */ /*直接赋值来改变屏幕上某点的颜色*/
- *(fbp + location + 1) = 15; /* 绿色的色深*/
- *(fbp + location + 2) = 200; /* 红色的色深*/
- *(fbp + location + 3) = 0; /* 是否透明*/
- munmap (fbp, screensize); /*解除映射*/
- close (fp); /*关闭文件*/
- return 0;
- }
三,framebuffer 内部结构
数据结构:framebuffer 设备很大程度上依靠了下面四个数据结构。这三个结构在fb.h 中声明。
Struct fb_var_screeninfo //用来描述图形卡的特性的。通常是被用户设置的。
Struct fb_fix_screeninfo // 定义了图形卡的硬件特性, 是不能改变的,用户选定了哪一个图形卡,那么它的硬件特性也就定下来了。
Struct fb_info //定义了当前图形卡framebuffer 设备的独立状态,一个图形卡可能有两个framebuffer, 在这种情况下,就需要两个fb_info 结构。这个结构是唯一在内核空间可见的。
- struct fb_var_screeninfo {
- __u32 xres; /* visible resolution */
- __u32 yres;
- __u32 xres_virtual; /* virtual resolution */
- __u32 yres_virtual;
- __u32 xoffset; /* offset from virtual to visible */
- __u32 yoffset; /* resolution */
- __u32 bits_per_pixel; /* guess what */
- __u32 grayscale; /* != 0 Graylevels instead of colors*/
- struct fb_bitfield red; /*bitfield in fb mem if true color, */
- struct fb_bitfield green; /*else only length is significant */
- struct fb_bitfield blue;
- struct fb_bitfield transp; /*transparency */
- __u32 nonstd; /* != 0 Non standard pixel format */
- __u32 activate; /* see FB_ACTIVATE_* */
- __u32 height; /* height of picture in mm???*/
- __u32 width; /* width of picture in mm????*/
- __u32 accel_flags; /* acceleration flags (hints) */
- /* Timing: All values in pixclocks, except pixclock (of course) */
- __u32 pixclock; /* pixel clock in ps (pico seconds) */
- __u32 left_margin; /* time from sync to picture */
- __u32 right_margin; /* time from picture to sync */
- __u32 upper_margin; /* time from sync to picture */
- __u32 lower_margin;
- __u32 hsync_len; /* length of horizontal sync */
- __u32 vsync_len; /* length of vertical sync */
- __u32 sync; /* see FB_SYNC_* */
- __u32 vmode; /* see FB_VMODE_* */
- __u32 reserved[6]; /* Reserved for future compatibility*/
- };
bits_per_pixel 设为1,2,4,8,16,24或32来改变颜色深度
2) fb_fix_screeninfo
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo {
- char id[16]; /* identification string eg "TT Builtin" */
- unsigned long smem_start; /* Start of frame buffer mem */
- /* (physical address) */
- __u32 smem_len; /* Length of frame buffer mem */
- __u32 type; /* see FB_TYPE_* */
- __u32 type_aux; /* Interleave for interleaved Planes */
- __u32 visual; /* see FB_VISUAL_* */
- __u16 xpanstep; /* zero if no hardware panning */
- __u16 ypanstep; /* zero if no hardware panning */
- __u16 ywrapstep; /* zero if no hardware ywrap */
- __u32 line_length; /* length of a line in bytes */
- unsigned long mmio_start; /* Start of Memory Mapped I/O */
- /* (physical address) */
- __u32 mmio_len; /* Length of Memory Mapped I/O */
- __u32 accel; /* Type of acceleration available */
- __u16 reserved[3]; /* Reserved for future compatibility */
- };
3) 显示说明
帧缓冲可以用于 页面交换page flipping(也常叫做 双缓冲double buffering),许多游戏都是采用此技术,以实现更流畅的视频输出,以便用户获得更好的游戏体验。此技术也被用于3D图形加速。
Linux内核中的Framebuffer模型中,对应有个变量yoffset,就是表示的这个具体的纵坐标,默认是0,所以显示的内容就是,0-399线,由于和实际显示 页面大小等同,所以此处可以简称为第一帧。
ioctl (framebuffer_handler, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &variable_info);