ACO article list

2024-01-25 01:48
文章标签 list article aco

本文主要是介绍ACO article list,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

The Hyper-Cube Framework for Ant Colony Optimization

Ant system: optimization by a colony of cooperating agents

Colonies of learning automata

MAGMA: A Multiagent Architecture for Metaheuristics


Advanced Engineering Informatics

Ant colony optimization techniques for the vehicle routing problem


Journal of the Operational Research Society

Ant colony optimization for the examination scheduling problem

Ant colonies for the quadratic assignment problem

Ants can colour graphs


Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization

A hybrid ant colony optimization approach for finite element mesh decomposition


IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans.

Ant colony optimization for routing and load-balancing: Survey and new directions


Applied Intelligence

Ant colony optimization with global pheromone evaluation for scheduling a single machine


IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

Ant colony optimization for resource-constrained project scheduling

Data mining with an ant colony optimization algorithm

A short convergence proof for a class of ant colony optimization algorithms

Guest editorial: Special section on ant colony optimization

Ants can solve constraint satisfaction problems


Computers and Operations Research

Beam-ACO - Hybridizing ant colony optimization with beam search: An application to open shop scheduling


International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology

Space-planning by ant colony optimization


European Journal of Operational Research

Ant colony optimization algorithm to the inter-cell layout problem in cellular manufacturing

Ant colony optimization and local search for bin packing and cutting stock problems

Scheduling continuous casting of aluminum using a multiple objective ant colony optimization metaheuristic

Optimization of the keyboard arrangement problem using an Ant Colony algorithm

An Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to solve a 2-machine bicriteria flowshop scheduling problem

Ant-colony algorithms for permutation flowshop scheduling to minimize makespan/total flowtime of jobs

Greedy random adaptive memory programming search for the capacitated clustering problem


International Journal of Electronics

Antenna array pattern nulling by controlling both amplitude and phase using modified touring ant colony optimization algorithm


Applied Soft Computing Journal

An immunity-based ant colony optimization algorithm for solving weapon-target assignment problem


Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

An ant colony optimization approach to addressing a JIT sequencing problem with multiple objectives


Future Generation Computer Systems

Continuous interacting ant colony algorithm based on dense heterarchy

Ant algorithms and stigmergy

MAX-MIN Ant System

Parallel Ant Colonies for the quadratic assignment problem

On how Pachycondyla apicalis ants suggest a new search algorithm

ANTS heuristic for the frequency assignment problem


Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Designing digital IIR filters using ant colony optimisation algorithm

Training recurrent neural networks by using parallel tabu search algorithm based on crossover operation


Journal of Heuristics

Multi colony ant algorithms

Introduction to the special issue on parallel meta-heuristics


Computational Optimization and Applications

Ant colony optimisation for machine layout problems


Computers and Operations Research

An ant algorithm for the single row layout problem in flexible manufacturing systems

New metaheuristic approaches for the edge-weighted k-cardinality tree problem


Information Processing Letters

ACO algorithms with guaranteed convergence to the optimal solution


Expert Systems

A new and efficient ant-based heuristic method for solving the traveling salesman problem 

这篇关于ACO article list的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


-bash: /bin/mv: Argument list too long mv

把labels下的所有文件mv到img文件夹下: mv labels/* img/ 报错: -bash: /bin/mv: Argument list too long  mv # Using find ... -exec + find folder2 -name '*.*' -exec mv --target-directory=folder '{}' +   # Using xar


哈喽,各位小伙伴们,你们好呀,我是喵手。运营社区:C站/掘金/腾讯云;欢迎大家常来逛逛   今天我要给大家分享一些自己日常学习到的一些知识点,并以文字的形式跟大家一起交流,互相学习,一个人虽可以走的更快,但一群人可以走的更远。   我是一名后端开发爱好者,工作日常接触到最多的就是Java语言啦,所以我都尽量抽业余时间把自己所学到所会的,通过文章的形式进行输出,希望以这种方式帮助到更多的初


CSS(层叠样式表)是用于控制网页样式的一种语言,它允许开发者以一种非常灵活的方式来设置网页元素的外观。在CSS中,list-style属性族是专门用来设置列表样式的。列表是网页设计中常见的元素,它们可以是有序列表(<ol>)或无序列表(<ul>)。list-style系列属性允许你自定义列表项前的标记,包括类型、位置和图像。 1. list-style-type list-style-typ


在做web应用时,经常需要将json转化成Object/list/map或者将Object/List/map转化成json,通过简单封装可以在写代码是减轻很多负担。本文将给出json转化的一系列方法。 闲话不 多说,直接上代码: 先是Object /List /Map转化为Json /* 功能 :将一个对象转成json数组* 参数 :object对象* retu

【C++11 之新增容器 array、foward_list、tuple、unordered_(multi)map/set】应知应会

C++11 标准中新增了多个容器,这些容器为 C++ 程序员提供了更多的选择,以满足不同的编程需求。以下是对这些新容器的介绍和使用案例: std::array 介绍: std::array 是一个固定大小的数组容器,它在栈上分配内存,并提供了类似于标准库容器的接口。它提供了更好的类型安全性和范围检查,同时保持了与原生数组相似的性能。std::array 的大小必须在编译时确定,并且不能更改。


1、定义template<class T> class initializer_list2、用途此类型用于访问初始化表中的元素。初始化表是由一系列的const T组成的表。如:auto il = { 10, 20, 30}; // 以逗号分隔,包含在一堆花括号({})内3、如要使用initializer_list,需包含头文件<initializer_list>。 4、初始化表中的


目录 1.程序功能描述 2.测试软件版本以及运行结果展示 3.核心程序 4.本算法原理 5.完整程序 1.程序功能描述       基于ACO蚁群优化的城市最佳出行路径规划matlab仿真,可以修改城市个数,输出路径规划结果和ACO收敛曲线。 2.测试软件版本以及运行结果展示 MATLAB2022A版本运行 点数较少时 点数规模中等时 点数较多时


一、首先需要下载JSON依赖的jar包。它主要是依赖如下:       json-lib-2.2.2-jdk15       ezmorph-1.0.4       commons-logging-1.0.4       commons-lang-2.4       commons-collections-3.2.1       commons-beanutils      二、


在C#中,数组(Array)和List集合(List<T>)是两种不同的数据结构,它们有一些区别,主要包括以下几点: 固定长度 vs 动态长度: 数组是固定长度的数据结构,一旦创建后,其长度无法改变。 List集合是动态长度的数据结构,可以根据需要动态增加或减少元素。 类型限制: 数组可以存储任意类型的元素,包括值类型和引用类型。 List集合是泛型集合,可以指定存储的元素类型,例如 Li


文章目录 1 List元素去重1.1 移除List中指定某一元素1.1.1 For循环移除1.1.1.1 For移除不彻底问题1.1.1.2 用 i-- 解决问题1.1.1.3 倒序遍历移除元素 1.1.2 ForEach移除1.1.2.1 ConcurrentModificationException异常1.1.2.2 iterator遍历 1.2 移除List中重复元素1.2.1 Fo