
2024-01-24 18:48





       Asterisk meetme功能可通过以下三种方式配置会议室号码及密码:


              conf => confno[,pin][,adminpin] 


              conf => 2345 ;分配一个会议号码为2345的会议室

              conf => 2345,1111 ; 分配一个会议号码为2345的会议室,会议密码为1111,

              conf => 2345,1111,2222 ; 分配一个会议号码为2345的会议室,会议密码为1111                                                   ; 主持人密码为2222

       2)动态分配会议,动态会议室不需要在meetme.conf配置固定的会议号码,只需要在拨号方案中使用meetme应用时添加 d D选项,表示动态的增加一个会议室。


exten => 12345,1,MeetMe(501,Mpd)

       3) realtime 会议,暂且翻译为实时会议,实时会议的会议号码将在数据表中分配,此数据表由Asterisk定义,通过extconfig.conf中配置访问数据表的方式。那么在拨号方案中可以无需再指定会议室号码,可以保留为空。当用户拨打进入会议室的分机号时,Asterisk将提示用户输入会议号码和会议密码,当输入的信息与数据表中保存的一致时,用户就可以加入会议室当中,此种方式配置相对复杂,但是应用却是非常广泛。




       MeetMe(501, 1111,2222) ;其中501为会议室号码,1111为参会密码,2222为主持人密码。


         -= Info about application 'MeetMe' =-



MeetMe conference bridge.



Enters the user into a specified MeetMe conference.  If the <confno> is o

mitted, the user will be prompted to enter one.  User can exit the conference

by hangup, or if the 'p' option is specified, by pressing '#'.

NOTE: The DAHDI kernel modules and at least one hardware driver (or

dahdi_dummy) must be present for conferencing to operate properly. In addition,

the chan_dahdi channel driver must be loaded for the 'i' and 'r' options to

operate at all.







    The conference number


    a: Set admin mode.

    A: Set marked mode.

    b: Run AGI script specified in ${MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND} Default:


    NOTE: This does not work with non-DAHDI channels in the same


    c: Announce user(s) count on joining a conference.

    C: Continue in dialplan when kicked out of conference.

    d: Dynamically add conference.

    D: Dynamically add conference, prompting for a PIN.

    e: Select an empty conference.

    E: Select an empty pinless conference.

    F: Pass DTMF through the conference.

    i: Announce user join/leave with review.

    I: Announce user join/leave without review.

    l: Set listen only mode (Listen only, no talking).

    m: Set initially muted.

    M[(class)]: Enable music on hold when the conference has a single

    caller. Optionally, specify a musiconhold class to use. If one is not

    provided, it will use the channel's currently set music class, or 'de


    o: Set talker optimization - treats talkers who aren't speaking as

    being muted, meaning (a) No encode is done on transmission and (b) Received

    audio that is not registered as talking is omitted causing no buildup

    in background noise.

    p[(keys)]: Allow user to exit the conference by pressing '#' (default)

    or any of the defined keys. If keys contain '*' this will override option

    's'. The key used is set to channel variable ${MEETME_EXIT_KEY}.

    P: Always prompt for the pin even if it is specified.

    q: Quiet mode (don't play enter/leave sounds).

    r: Record conference (records as ${MEETME_RECORDINGFILE} using format

    ${MEETME_RECORDINGFORMAT}. Default filename is 'meetme-conf-rec-${CON

    FNO}-${UNIQUEID}' and the default format is wav.

    s: Present menu (user or admin) when '*' is received (send to menu).

    t: Set talk only mode. (Talk only, no listening).

    T: Set talker detection (sent to manager interface and meetme list).

    W[(secs)]: Wait until the marked user enters the conference.

    x: Close the conference when last marked user exits

    X: Allow user to exit the conference by entering a valid single digit

    extension ${MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT} or the current context if that variable

    is not defined.

    1: Do not play message when first person enters

    S(x): Kick the user <x> seconds *after* he entered into the


    L([x][:y[:z]]): Limit the conference to <x> ms. Play a warning when

    <y> ms are left. Repeat the warning every <z> ms. The following special

    variables can be used with this option:

        ${CONF_LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE}: File to play when time is up.

        ${CONF_LIMIT_WARNING_FILE}: File to play as warning if <y>

        is defined. The default is to say the time remaining.



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