用 Xdebug 修正 PHP 应用程序中的错误

2024-01-19 12:18

本文主要是介绍用 Xdebug 修正 PHP 应用程序中的错误,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

虽然您可以使用 PHP 为系统管理和传统数据处理之类的任务创建命令行脚本,但是编程语言对 Web 应用程序的性能有主要影响。在使用过程中,每个 PHP 应用程序都驻留在服务器上,并且将通过代理(例如 Apache)调用 PHP 应用程序处理到来的请求。对于每个请求,典型的 PHP Web 应用程序在简短运行后将得到一个 Web 页面或 XML 数据结构。

假定经过简单的运行后,一个分层构造的 Web 应用程序 —— 包括客户机、网络、HTTP 服务器、应用程序代码和底层数据库 —— 将会很难隔离 PHP 代码中的错误。即使假定除了 PHP 代码以外所有层都可以正常运行,跟踪 PHP 代码中的错误也会非常难,尤其是在应用程序利用较多的类时更是如此。

PHP 语句 echo 和函数 var_dump()debug_zval_dump() 和 print_r() 都是常见且流行的调试辅助工具,可以帮助解决多种问题。但是,这些语句 —— 甚至更健壮的工具,例如 PEAR Log package —— 都是取证工具,必须在上下文环境之外先进行推测分析才能生成证据。

在某种程度上,通过推论进行调试是一种蛮干的做法。收集并筛选数据,尝试推论出发生的问题。如果缺少重要信息,则必须重新测试代码、重复执行步骤,然后重新开始研究。一种更加高效的方法是 程序运行时探测应用程序。您可以对请求参数分类,筛选过程调用堆栈,并查询任何所需的变量或对象。您可以暂时中断应用程序并且可以在变量更改值时收到警报。在某些情况下,您可以通过交互式询问 “如果……会怎样?” 问题来实际影响变量。

称为调试器 的特殊应用程序支持这种 “实时的” 或交互式的检查。调试器可能启动并连接到进程上以便控制进程并监测其内存。或者,在使用解释语言的情况下,调试器可以直接解释代码。典型的现代图形化调试器可以索引并浏览代码,以符合人类阅读习惯的形式轻松地显示复杂的数据结构,并同时显示程序状态,如调用堆栈、中间输出和所有变量的值。例如,调试器通常都会把类的属性和方法分类并进行描述。

在本文和下一篇文章中,我将介绍的工具一定能够简化 PHP 调试。下一次,我将主要介绍交互式调试和 Zend Debugger —— 一个特别针对 PHP 的健壮调试器 —— 并探究它提供的许多功能。(Zend Debugger 是一款商业产品,是 Zend PHP 集成开发环境(IDE)的一部分)。我还将介绍一款开源 PHP 调试器,以免您只愿把钱花在啤酒上,而不是花在代码上。但是,本文将主要介绍如何更好地取证。


代码出错、未能生成某个所需结果或者彻底崩溃时,您需要回答四个 w 问题:where、what、why 和 when:

  • where” 是应用程序最后一次正常运行时所在的文件和行号。
  • what” 是犯错的代码 —— 比如说,嫌疑犯。
  • why” 是错误的本质。可能它是一个逻辑错误和/或与操作系统进行交互所导致的错误,或两者兼具。
  • 而 “when” 是出现错误时的上下文。在程序终止前发生了什么情况?像在所有犯罪行为中一样,如果您可以收集到足够的线索,那么线索就可以帮助您找到犯人。

一种取证工具 Xdebug(上一篇文章中使用的工具,用于分析 PHP 应用程序性能),如名称所示,将提供几个说明程序状态的功能,并且是应当添加到指令系统中的价值颇高的研究工具(请参阅 参考资料)。安装后,Xdebug 将阻止无限次递归(表面上是这样)、修正关于堆栈跟踪和函数跟踪的错误消息以及监视内存分配,并提供其他功能。Xdebug 还包括一组函数,您可以将这组函数添加到代码中以进行运行时错误诊断。

例如,下面的代码将使用一些 xdebug_...() 步骤测试 callee() 函数,以便输出调用程序的具体位置,包括文件名、行号和调用函数的名称。

清单 1. 测试 callee() 函数的步骤
<?phpfunction callee( $a ) {echo sprintf("callee() called @ %s: %s from %s",xdebug_call_file(),xdebug_call_line(),xdebug_call_function());}$result = callee( "arg" );


callee() called @ /var/www/catalog/xd.php: 10 from {main}

构建和安装 Xdebug

Xdebug 可以很轻松地从 UNIX® 类操作系统(包括 Mac OS X)中的源代码构建。如果是在 Microsoft® Windows® 上使用 PHP,则可以从 Xdebug Web 站点下载最新 PHP 版本的二进制 Xdebug 模块(请参阅 参考资料)。

让我们来构建和安装适用于 Debian “Sarge” Linux® 和 PHP V4.3.10-19 的 Xdebug。在撰写本文时,Xdebug 的最新版本是 V2.0.0RC4,发布于 2007 年 5 月 17 日。要继续本文,必须拥有 phpize 和 php-config 实用程序,并且必须能够编辑系统的 php.ini 配置文件(如果没有实用程序,请访问 PHP.net 以获得如何从头构建 PHP 的源代码和说明)。请执行以下步骤:

  1. 下载 Xdebug tarball(一个用 gzip 压缩的 .tar 归档文件)。wget 命令可以帮助您轻松地完成此操作:
     $ wget http://www.xdebug.org/files/xdebug-2.0.0RC4.tgz
  2. 解压缩该 tarball 并切换到源代码目录:
    $ tar xzf xdebug-2.0.0RC4.tgz
    $ cd xdebug-2.0.0RC4
  3. 运行 phpize 以准备适用于您的 PHP 版本的 Xdebug 代码:
    $ phpize
    Configuring for:
    PHP Api Version:         20020918
    Zend Module Api No:      20020429
    Zend Extension Api No:   20021010
    phpize 的输出是一个脚本 —— 通常名为配置 —— 用于调整其余的构建过程。
  4. 运行配置脚本:
    $ ./configure
    checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
    checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
    checking for gcc... gcc
    checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
    checking whether the C compiler works... yes
    checking whether we are cross compiling... no
    checking for suffix of executables... 
    checking for suffix of object files... o
    checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
    appending configuration tag "F77" to libtool
    configure: creating ./config.status
    config.status: creating config.h
  5. 通过运行 make 构建 Xdebug 扩展:
    $ make
    /bin/sh /home/strike/tmp/xdebug-2.0.0RC4/libtool
    --mode=compile gcc  -I.
    -I/home/strike/tmp/xdebug-2.0.0RC4 -DPHP_ATOM_INC
    -I/usr/include/php4 -I/usr/include/php4/main
    -I/usr/include/php4/Zend -I/usr/include/php4/TSRM 
    -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -g -O0 -c
    /home/strike/tmp/xdebug-2.0.0RC4/xdebug.c -o
    xdebug.lo mkdir .libs
    ...Build complete.
    (It is safe to ignore warnings about tempnam and tmpnam).

    使用 make 将生成 Xdebug 扩展 xdebug.so。
  6. 安装该扩展:
    $ sudo make install
    Installing shared extensions:     /usr/lib/php4/20020429/

  7. 在您喜欢的文本编辑器中打开 php.ini 文件,然后添加以下代码:
    zend_extension = /usr/lib/php4/20020429/xdebug.so
    xdebug.profiler_enable = Off
    xdebug.default_enable = On

    第一行将装入 Xdebug 扩展第二行将禁用 Xdebug 的分析器功能(只是为了简单起见),而第三行将启用扩展的调试功能

要检验 Xdebug 扩展是否已经安装并启用,请重新启动 Web 服务器,然后用代码 <?php phpinfo(); ?> 创建简单的一行 PHP 应用程序。如果将浏览器指向文件 —— 如 http://localhost/phpinfo.php —— 并向下滚动,您应当会看到类似图 1 所示的内容。

图 1. 检验 Xdebug 扩展是否已经安装并运行
Xdebug 扩展已启用

注:如果您在 phpinfo() 的输出中没有看到 Xdebug 部分,则 Xdebug 装入失败。Apache 错误日志会列出原因。常见错误包括zend_extension 的路径错误或者与其他扩展发生冲突。例如,如果需要使用 XCache 和 Xdebug,一定要先装入 XCache。但是,由于 Xdebug 适于在开发时使用并假定 xdebug.so 的路径正确,因此需要禁用其他扩展并重试。然后您可以重新启用扩展以执行其他测试,如缓存的效果。Xdebug 站点还有其他一些故障检修技巧。

配置 Xdebug

指令(图 1 中大表的最左侧一列)是一些可以设定的参数,用于改变 Xdebug 扩展的行为。可在 php.ini 文件中设置所有指令。一些指令用于配置调试工具;其他指令用于调整分析器的操作。忽略后者,让我们用一些合理设置来配置 Xdebug 以帮助调试 PHP 代码。


如果应用程序使用递归 —— 例如,计算斐波纳契数列 —— 并且终端环境不正确,应用程序会运行很长一段时间后才用尽内存或超时。您可以设定 xdebug.max_nesting_level 参数来限定递归深度。例如,xdebug.max_nesting_level = 50 将把递归深度限定为 50 次嵌套调用,然后将强制终止应用程序。下面演示一下,在启用 Xdebug 的状态下运行下列代码:

清单 2. 限制递归
<?phpfunction deep_end( ) {deep_end();}deep_end();

函数 deep_end() 将逐行进行到最底部。Xdebug 将在 49 次函数调用后介入并得到图 2(顺便说一句,main() 的初始调用用于启动程序计数作为第 1 次调用)。

图 2. 如果调用堆栈超出限制,Xdebug 将终止执行(如果想要显示如下信息,需要配置php.ini中的error_reporting和display_errors参数

如果应用程序大量使用递归隔离并解决较大的问题,则需要把深度相应地设定得 “更低”。否则,将 xdebug.max_nesting_level 设为较小的值,这样可以更快速地捕捉失控的函数调用序列。

回答四个 w 问题

出错时,您需要回答四个 w 问题。Xdebug 可以立即提供所有这些信息。下面是一些有益的初始设置;您可以随时调整这些设置。

清单 3. 错误
xdebug.dump_once = On
xdebug.dump_globals = On
xdebug.dump_undefined = On
xdebug.dump.REQUEST=*xdebug.show_exception_trace = On
xdebug.show_local_vars = 1
xdebug.var_display_max_depth = 6

xdebug.dump_oncexdebug.dump_globalsxdebug.dump_undefined 和 xdebug.dump_SUPERGLOBAL 设置(其中 SUPERGLOBAL 可以是COOKIEFILESGETPOSTREQUESTSERVER 或 SESSION)用于控制哪些 PHP 超全局变量将被包含在所有诊断结果中。

将 xdebug.dump_globals 设为 On 以转储名为 xdebug.dump_SUPERGLOBAL 设置中的超全局变量。例如,xdebug.dump_SERVER = REQUEST_METHOD,REQUEST_URI,HTTP_USER_AGENT 将打印 PHP 超全局变量 $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] 和$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']。如果需要打印超全局变量数组中的所有值,请使用星号 (*),例如 xdebug.dump_REQUEST=*。如果进一步将xdebug.dump_undefined 设为 On 并且不设定指定的超全局变量,则仍用值 undefined 打印变量。

即使捕捉到异常,代码行 xdebug.show_exception_trace = On 仍将强制执行异常跟踪。代码行 xdebug.show_local_vars = 1 将打印每个函数调用的最外围中的所有局部变量,包括尚未初始化的变量。而 xdebug.var_display_max_depth = 6 表示转储复杂变量的深度。


清单 4 显示了 php.ini 文件的 Xdebug 的所有相关设置。

清单 4. php.ini 文件的设置
zend_extension = /usr/lib/php4/20020429/xdebug.so
xdebug.default_enable = On
xdebug.show_exception_trace = On
xdebug.show_local_vars = 1
xdebug.max_nesting_level = 50
xdebug.var_display_max_depth = 6xdebug.dump_once = On
xdebug.dump_globals = On
xdebug.dump_undefined = On
xdebug.dump.REQUEST = *

将这些设置(或类似的内容)保存到 php.ini 文件中,然后重新启动 Web 服务器。


以下示例显示了出错时发生的情况。把您的 “有待改进” 的代码修改为类似清单 5 所示的代码。

清单 5. 修改错误代码
<?phpfunction deep_end( $count ) {// add one to the frame count$count += 1;if ( $count < 48 ) {deep_end( $count );}else {trigger_error( "going off the deep end!" );}}// main() is called to start the program, // so the call stack begins with one framedeep_end( 1 );


图 3. 出错时超全局变量、堆栈和局部变量的转储

传递给 trigger_error 的消息文本显示在顶部。底部是受请求的 $_SERVER 元素列表和已经定义的 $_REQUEST 元素列表。最底部是 #48 范围中的变量列表,这是根据清单对 deep_end() 进行的调用。在调用中,$count 是整数 48。当此 Xdebug 配置就绪后,您现在有更多的线索可以跟踪犯罪者。

下面是另外一个技巧:Xdebug 提供了一个增强型 var_dump() 函数,它对于 PHP 数组和类尤为有帮助。例如,清单 6 显示了简单的(PHP V4)类和实例。

清单 6. PHP V4 类和实例
<?phpclass Person {var $name;var $surname;var $age;var $children = array();function Person( $name, $surname, $age, $children = null) {$this->name = $name;$this->surname = $surname;$this->age = $age;foreach ( $children as $child ) {$this->children[] = $child;}}}   $boy = new Person( 'Joe', 'Smith', 4 );$girl = new Person( 'Jane', 'Smith', 6 );$mom = new Person( 'Mary', 'Smith', 34, array( $boy, $girl ) );var_dump( $boy, $mom );

清单 7 显示了 var_dump() 的输出。

清单 7. var_dump() 输出
object(person)var 'name' => string 'Joe' (length=3)var 'surname' => string 'Smith' (length=5)var 'age' => int 4var 'children' => arrayemptyobject(person)var 'name' => string 'Mary' (length=4)var 'surname' => string 'Smith' (length=5)var 'age' => int 34var 'children' => array0 => object(person)var 'name' => string 'Joe' (length=3)var 'surname' => string 'Smith' (length=5)var 'age' => int 4var 'children' => arrayempty1 => object(person)var 'name' => string 'Jane' (length=4)var 'surname' => string 'Smith' (length=5)var 'age' => int 6var 'children' => arrayempty

如果结合使用 Xdebug 与 PHP V5 类,转储包括 publicprivate 和 protected 之类的属性。


解决错误 —— 如解开神秘谋杀之谜 —— 通常要求构造详细的时间线。例如,内存泄漏通常不会把自身表明为一个错误计算。相反,操作将正常进行,直至内存用尽,然后应用程序突然终止。如果内存泄漏由于某些请求而恶化,可能会不断出现错误并且难以预测。在内存使用量与时间之间建立映射的时间线将揭示泄漏的严重程度。一条精细的时间线 —— 比如,从函数到函数 —— 将进一步指出泄漏源。

Xdebug 可以提供一条详细的时间线进行执行跟踪。当跟踪被启用后,Xdebug 将记录所有函数调用,包括每个函数的参数和返回值。您可以将每个日志或跟踪 的格式设为符合人类阅读习惯或者机器可读的格式。您最好使用前者,虽然您可能编写独立而特定的应用程序来分析后者。

同转储一样,Xdebug 有若干个 php.ini 选项用于自定义跟踪内容。例如,下面一批设置将生成最详细的输出。

清单 8. 跟踪自定义
xdebug.trace_format = 0
xdebug.auto_trace = On
xdebug.trace_output_dir = /tmp/traces
xdebug.trace_output_name = trace.%c.%pxdebug.collect_params = 4
xdebug.collect_includes = On
xdebug.collect_return = On
xdebug.show_mem_delta = On

设定 xdebug.auto_trace = 1 将在执行所有 PHP 脚本之前先启用自动跟踪。另外,您可以通过代码设定 xdebug.auto_trace = 0,并分别使用 xdebug_start_trace() 和 xdebug_stop_trace() 函数启用和禁用跟踪。但是,如果 xdebug.auto_trace 为 1,则可以在包括配置好的auto_prepend_file 之前先启动跟踪。

选项 xdebug.trace_ouput_dir 和 xdebug.trace_output_name 用于控制保存跟踪输出的位置。在这里,所有文件都被保存到 /tmp/traces 中,并且每个跟踪文件都以 trace 为开头,后接 PHP 脚本的名称(%s)以及进程 ID(%p)。所有 Xdebug 跟踪文件都以 .xt 后缀结尾。

默认情况下,Xdebug 将显示时间、内存使用量、函数名和函数调用深度字段。如果将 xdebug.trace_format 设为 0,则输出将符合人类阅读习惯(将参数设为 1 则为机器可读格式)。此外,如果指定 xdebug.show_mem_delta = 1,则可以查看内存使用量是在增加还是在减少,而如果指定 xdebug.collect_params = 4,则可以查看传入参数的类型和值。要监视每个函数返回的值,请设定 xdebug.collect_return = 1

接下来看另外一个示例。创建 /tmp/traces 目录,然后用 mkdir /tmp/traces; chmod a+rwx /tmp/traces 将其模式更改为能够被任何用户阅读的文件(world-readable)和能够被任何用户写入的文件(world-writable)(如果您不愿共享 traces 目录,请确保至少 Web 服务器用户 —— 通常为 www 或任何人 —— 可以将数据写入该目录)。将以上跟踪设置添加到 php.ini 文件中,重新启动 Web 服务器,然后把浏览器再次指向phpinfo() 应用程序。整个跟踪应当类似清单 9 所示:

清单 9. 整个跟踪
TRACE START [2007-06-06 14:04:55]0.0003       9440    +9440   -> {main}() /var/www/catalog/t/info.php:00.0005       9440       +0     -> phpinfo() /var/www/catalog/t/info.php:1>=-> TRUE>=-> 10.2351       9208
TRACE END   [2007-06-06 14:04:55]

在这里,main() 将调用 phpinfo(),后者将返回 TRUE。当 main() 退出时,它将返回 1。接下来,将浏览器指向 “最复杂的内容” 或系统中的其他某个 PHP 应用程序以生成更详细的跟踪。

清单 10 显示了在计算第四个斐波纳契数列时上一篇文章中的 PHP Fibonacci 生成器的跟踪:

清单 10. PHP Fibonacci 生成器跟踪
TRACE START [2007-06-06 14:17:17]0.0004      16432   +16432   -> {main}() /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:00.0006      16696     +264     -> fib('4') /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:350.0007      16696       +0       -> fib(3) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:70.0007      16736      +40         -> fib(2) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:70.0007      16848     +112           -> fib(1) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:7>=> 10.0008      16904      +56           -> fib(0) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:7>=> 0>=> 10.0009      16904       +0         -> fib(1) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:7>=> 1>=> 20.0009      16904       +0       -> fib(2) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:70.0009      16904       +0         -> fib(1) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:7>=> 10.0010      16904       +0         -> fib(0) /var/www/catalog/t/fibonacci.php:7>=> 0>=> 1>=> 3>=> 10.0011      12528
TRACE END   [2007-06-06 14:17:17]


标有 >=> 的行显示每个函数的返回值(查找相应的缩进 -> 将调用与其返回值匹配起来)。此外,最后的 >=> 1 是 main() 的返回值。

如果使用 vim,Xdebug 的创造者 Derick Rethans 提供了专门针对 Xdebug 跟踪的一组语法加亮提示。提示包含在 Xdebug 源代码包内的 xt.vim 文件中。对于最近的 Linux 发行版,只需将 xt.vim 复制到 $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/xt.vim 中,然后运行 vim tracefile.xt。图 4 显示了 vim 中加亮的 Fibonacci 跟踪。

图 4. Xdebug 跟踪的 vim 语法文件将使您可以轻松地进行分析
vim 中加亮的跟踪


跟踪 PHP 代码中的错误可能是一项挑战。但是如果您有开发系统并且可以安装 Xdebug,那么更正这些错误就会变得轻松得多。Xdebug 可以显示堆栈跟踪,转储甚为复杂的变量,随时间跟踪内存使用量,并允许您在出错或崩溃时(不是如果,而是发生时)进行有效的事后分析。

This section describes all available configuration settings available in Xdebug(http://www.xdebug.org/docs/all_settings)

Related Settings

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0
When this setting is set to on, the tracing of function calls will be enabled just before the script is run. This makes it possible to trace code in the  auto_prepend_file.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug > 2.2

If this setting is 1, Xdebug will color var_dumps and stack traces output when in CLI mode and when the output is a tty. On Windows, the ANSICON tool needs to be installed.

If the setting is 2, then Xdebug will always color var_dumps and stack trace, no matter whether it's connected to a tty or whether ANSICON is installed. In this case, you might end up seeing escape codes.

See this article for some more information.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug > 2.1
This setting, defaulting to 0, controls whether Xdebug should add variable assignments to function traces.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  1
This setting, defaulting to 1, controls whether Xdebug should write the filename used in include(), include_once(), require() or require_once() to the trace files.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0

This setting, defaulting to 0, controls whether Xdebug should collect the parameters passed to functions when a function call is recorded in either the function trace or the stack trace.

The setting defaults to 0 because for very large scripts it may use huge amounts of memory and therefore make it impossible for the huge script to run. You can most safely turn this setting on, but you can expect some problems in scripts with a lot of function calls and/or huge data structures as parameters. Xdebug 2 will not have this problem with increased memory usage, as it will never store this information in memory. Instead it will only be written to disk. This means that you need to have a look at the disk usage though.

This setting can have four different values. For each of the values a different amount of information is shown. Below you will see what information each of the values provides. See also the introduction of the feature Stack Traces for a few screenshots.

ValueArgument Information Shown
0 None.
1 Type and number of elements (f.e. string(6), array(8)).

Type and number of elements, with a tool tip for the full information 1.

3 Full variable contents (with the limits respected as set by xdebug.var_display_max_children,xdebug.var_display_max_data and xdebug.var_display_max_depth.
4 Full variable contents and variable name.
5 PHP serialized variable contents, without the name. (New in Xdebug 2.3)

1 in the CLI version of PHP it will not have the tool tip, nor in output files.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0

This setting, defaulting to 0, controls whether Xdebug should write the return value of function calls to the trace files.

For computerized trace files (xdebug.trace_format=1) this only works from Xdebug 2.3 onwards.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0
This setting tells Xdebug to gather information about which variables are used in a certain scope. This analysis can be quite slow as Xdebug has to reverse engineer PHP's opcode arrays. This setting will not record which values the different variables have, for that use  xdebug.collect_params. This setting needs to be enabled only if you wish to use xdebug_get_declared_vars().

Type:  boolean, Default value:  1, Introduced in  Xdebug >= 2.2
If this setting is set to 0, then Xdebug will not set-up internal structures to allow code coverage. This speeds up Xdebug quite a bit, but of course,  Code Coverage Analysis won't work.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  1
If this setting is 1, then stacktraces will be shown by default on an error event. You can disable showing stacktraces from your code with  xdebug_disable(). As this is one of the basic functions of Xdebug, it is advisable to leave this setting set to 1.

Type:  string, Default value:  Empty

* can be any of COOKIE, FILES, GET, POST, REQUEST, SERVER, SESSION. These seven settings control which data from the superglobals is shown when an error situation occurs.

Each of those php.ini setting can consist of a comma seperated list of variables from this superglobal to dump, or * for all of them. Make sure you do not add spaces in this setting.

In order to dump the REMOTE_ADDR and the REQUEST_METHOD when an error occurs, and all GET parameters, add these settings:

xdebug.dump.GET = *

Type:  boolean, Default value:  1
Controls whether the values of the superglobals as defined by the  xdebug.dump.* settings should be shown or not.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  1
Controls whether the values of the superglobals should be dumped on all error situations (set to 0) or only on the first (set to 1).

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0
If you want to dump undefined values from the superglobals you should set this setting to 1, otherwise leave it set to 0.

Type:  integer, Default value:  1
Controls whether Xdebug should enforce 'extended_info' mode for the PHP parser; this allows Xdebug to do file/line breakpoints with the remote debugger. When tracing or profiling scripts you generally want to turn off this option as PHP's generated oparrays will increase with about a third of the size slowing down your scripts. This setting can not be set in your scripts with ini_set(), but only in php.ini.

Type:  string, Default value:  , Introduced in  Xdebug > 2.1

This setting determines the format of the links that are made in the display of stack traces where file names are used. This allows IDEs to set up a link-protocol that makes it possible to go directly to a line and file by clicking on the filenames that Xdebug shows in stack traces. An example format might look like:


The possible format specifiers are:

%f the filename
%l the line number

For various IDEs/OSses there are some instructions listed on how to make this work:

Firefox on Linux
  • Open about:config
  • Add a new boolean setting "network.protocol-handler.expose.xdebug"
  • Add the following into a shell script ~/bin/ff-xdebug.sh:
    #! /bin/shf=`echo $1 | cut -d @ -f 1 | sed 's/xdebug:\/\///'`
    l=`echo $1 | cut -d @ -f 2`
    Add to that one of (depending whether you have komodo or gvim):
    • komodo $f -l $l
    • gvim --remote-tab +$l $f
  • Make the script executable with chmod +x ~/bin/ff-xdebug.sh
  • Set the xdebug.file_link_format setting to xdebug://%f@%l
Windows and netbeans
  • Create the file netbeans.bat and save it in your path (C:\Windows will work):
    @echo off
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    set NETBEANS=%1
    set FILE=%~2
    %NETBEANS% --nosplash --console suppress --open "%FILE:~19%"
    nircmd win activate process netbeans.exe

    Note: Remove the last line if you don't have nircmd.

  • Save the following code as netbeans_protocol.reg:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\netbeans]
    "URL Protocol"=""
    @="URL:Netbeans Protocol"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\netbeans\DefaultIcon]
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans 7.1.1\\bin\\netbeans.exe,1\""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\netbeans\shell][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\netbeans\shell\open][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\netbeans\shell\open\command]
    @="\"C:\\Windows\\netbeans.bat\" \"C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans 7.1.1\\bin\\netbeans.exe\" \"%1\""

    Note: Make sure to change the path to Netbeans (twice), as well as the netbeans.bat batch file if you saved it somewhere else than C:\Windows\.

  • Double click on the netbeans_protocol.reg file to import it into the registry.
  • Set the xdebug.file_link_format setting to xdebug.file_link_format = "netbeans://open/?f=%f:%l"

Type:  int, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug 2.3

If this setting is set to 1 then errors will always be displayed, no matter what the setting of PHP's display_errors is.

Type:  int, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug 2.3

This setting is a bitmask, like error_reporting. This bitmask will be logically ORed with the bitmask represented byerror_reporting to dermine which errors should be displayed. This setting can only be made in php.ini and allows you to force certain errors from being shown no matter what an application does with ini_set().

Type:  int, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug 2.3

This setting allows you to configure a mask that determines whether, and which, notices and/or warnings get converted to errors. You can configure notices and warnings that are generated by PHP, and notices and warnings that you generate yourself (by means of trigger_error()). For example, to convert the warning of strlen() (without arguments) to an error, you would do:

ini_set('xdebug.halt_level', E_WARNING);
echo "Hi!\n";

Which will then result in the showing of the error message, and the abortion of the script. echo "Hi!\n"; will not be executed.

The setting is a bit mask, so to convert all notices and warnings into errors for all applications, you can set this in php.ini:


The bitmask only supports the four level that are mentioned above.

Type:  string, Default value:  *complex*
Controls which IDE Key Xdebug should pass on to the DBGp debugger handler. The default is based on environment settings. First the environment setting DBGP_IDEKEY is consulted, then USER and as last USERNAME. The default is set to the first environment variable that is found. If none could be found the setting has as default ''. If this setting is set, it always overrides the environment variables.

Type:  string, Default value:  http://www.php.net, Introduced in  Xdebug < 2.2.1
This is the base url for the links from the function traces and error message to the manual pages of the function from the message. It is advisable to set this setting to use the closest mirror.

Type:  integer, Default value:  100
Controls the protection mechanism for infinite recursion protection. The value of this setting is the maximum level of nested functions that are allowed before the script will be aborted.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  1, Introduced in  Xdebug > 2.1

By default Xdebug overloads var_dump() with its own improved version for displaying variables when the html_errors php.ini setting is set to 1. In case you do not want that, you can set this setting to 0, but check first if it's not smarter to turn off html_errors.

You can also use 2 as value for this setting. Besides formatting the var_dump() output nicely, it will also add filename and line number to the output. The xdebug.file_link_format setting is also respected. (New in Xdebug 2.3)

Type:  integer, Default value:  0
When this setting is set to 1, profiler files will not be overwritten when a new request would map to the same file (depnding on the  xdebug.profiler_output_name setting. Instead the file will be appended to with the new profile.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0
Enables Xdebug's profiler which creates files in the  profile output directory. Those files can be read by KCacheGrind to visualize your data. This setting can not be set in your script with ini_set(). If you want to selectively enable the profiler, please set  xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger to 1  instead of using this setting.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0
When this setting is set to 1, you can trigger the generation of profiler files by using the XDEBUG_PROFILE GET/POST parameter, or set a cookie with the name XDEBUG_PROFILE. This will then write the profiler data to  defined directory. In order to prevent the profiler to generate profile files for each request, you need to set  xdebug.profiler_enable to 0.

Type:  string, Default value:  /tmp
The directory where the profiler output will be written to, make sure that the user who the PHP will be running as has write permissions to that directory. This setting can not be set in your script with ini_set().

Type:  string, Default value:  cachegrind.out.%p

This setting determines the name of the file that is used to dump traces into. The setting specifies the format with format specifiers, very similar to sprintf() and strftime(). There are several format specifiers that can be used to format the file name.

See the xdebug.trace_output_name documentation for the supported specifiers.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0
Normally you need to use a specific HTTP GET/POST variable to start remote debugging (see  Remote Debugging). When this setting is set to 1, Xdebug will always attempt to start a remote debugging session and try to connect to a client, even if the GET/POST/COOKIE variable was not present.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug > 2.1
If enabled, the  xdebug.remote_host setting is ignored and Xdebug will try to connect to the client that made the HTTP request. It checks the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] variable to find out which IP address to use. Please note that there is  nofilter available, and anybody who can connect to the webserver will then be able to start a debugging session, even if their address does not match  xdebug.remote_host.

Type:  integer, Default value:  3600, Introduced in  Xdebug > 2.1
This setting can be used to increase (or decrease) the time that the remote debugging session stays alive via the session cookie.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0
This switch controls whether Xdebug should try to contact a debug client which is listening on the host and port as set with the settings  xdebug.remote_host and  xdebug.remote_port. If a connection can not be established the script will just continue as if this setting was 0.

Type:  string, Default value:  dbgp

Can be either 'php3' which selects the old PHP 3 style debugger output, 'gdb' which enables the GDB like debugger interface or 'dbgp' - the debugger protocol. The DBGp protocol is the only supported protocol.

Note: Xdebug 2.1 and later only support 'dbgp' as protocol.

Type:  string, Default value:  localhost
Selects the host where the debug client is running, you can either use a host name or an IP address. This setting is ignored if  xdebug.remote_connect_back is enabled.

Type:  string, Default value:
If set to a value, it is used as filename to a file to which all remote debugger communications are logged. The file is always opened in append-mode, and will therefore not be overwritten by default. There is no concurrency protection available. The format of the file looks something like:
Log opened at 2007-05-27 14:28:15
-> <init xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" xmlns:xdebug="http://xdebug.org/dbgp/x ... ight></init><- step_into -i 1
-> <response xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" xmlns:xdebug="http://xdebug.org/db ... ></response>

Type:  string, Default value:  req

Selects when a debug connection is initiated. This setting can have two different values:

Xdebug will try to connect to the debug client as soon as the script starts.
Xdebug will only try to connect to the debug client as soon as an error condition occurs.

Type:  integer, Default value:  9000
The port to which Xdebug tries to connect on the remote host. Port 9000 is the default for both the client and the bundled debugclient. As many clients use this port number, it is best to leave this setting unchanged.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug >= 2.1
If this setting is 1, then Xdebug will disable the @ (shut-up) operator so that notices, warnings and errors are no longer hidden.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0
When this setting is set to 1, Xdebug will show a stack trace whenever an exception is raised - even if this exception is actually caught.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0
When this setting is set to something != 0 Xdebug's generated stack dumps in error situations will also show all variables in the top-most scope. Beware that this might generate a lot of information, and is therefore turned off by default.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0
When this setting is set to something != 0 Xdebug's human-readable generated trace files will show the difference in memory usage between function calls. If Xdebug is configured to generate computer-readable trace files then they will always show this information.

Type:  boolean, Default value:  0, Introduced in  Xdebug > 2.2
When this setting is set to 1, you can trigger the generation of trace files by using the XDEBUG_TRACE GET/POST parameter, or set a cookie with the name XDEBUG_TRACE. This will then write the trace data to  defined directory. In order to prevent Xdebug to generate trace files for each request, you need to set  xdebug.auto_trace to 0.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0

The format of the trace file.

0 shows a human readable indented trace file with: time index, memory usage, memory delta (if the settingxdebug.show_mem_delta is enabled), level, function name, function parameters (if the setting xdebug.collect_paramsis enabled), filename and line number.
1 writes a computer readable format which has two different records. There are different records for entering a stack frame, and leaving a stack frame. The table below lists the fields in each type of record. Fields are tab separated.
2 writes a trace formatted in (simple) HTML.

Fields for the computerized format:

Record type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - ...
Entry level function # always '0' time index memory usage function name user-defined (1) or internal function (0) name of the include/require file filename line number no. of parameters parameters (as many as specified in field 11) - tab separated
Exit level function # always '1' time index memory usage empty
Return level function # always 'R' empty return value empty

See the introduction of Function Traces for a few examples.

Type:  integer, Default value:  0
When set to '1' the trace files will be appended to, instead of being overwritten in subsequent requests.

Type:  string, Default value:  /tmp
The directory where the tracing files will be written to, make sure that the user who the PHP will be running as has write permissions to that directory.

Type:  string, Default value:  trace.%c

This setting determines the name of the file that is used to dump traces into. The setting specifies the format with format specifiers, very similar to sprintf() and strftime(). There are several format specifiers that can be used to format the file name. The '.xt' extension is always added automatically.

The possible format specifiers are:

SpecifierMeaningExample FormatExample Filename
%c crc32 of the current working directory trace.%c trace.1258863198.xt
%p pid trace.%p trace.5174.xt
%r random number trace.%r trace.072db0.xt

script name 2

cachegrind.out.%s cachegrind.out._home_httpd_html_test_xdebug_test_php
%t timestamp (seconds) trace.%t trace.1179434742.xt
%u timestamp (microseconds) trace.%u trace.1179434749_642382.xt
%H $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] trace.%H trace.kossu.xt
%R $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] trace.%R trace._test_xdebug_test_php_var=1_var2=2.xt
%U $_SERVER['UNIQUE_ID'] 3 trace.%U trace.TRX4n38AAAEAAB9gBFkAAAAB.xt
%S session_id (from $_COOKIE if set) trace.%S trace.c70c1ec2375af58f74b390bbdd2a679d.xt
%% literal % trace.%% trace.%%.xt

2 This one is not available for trace file names.

3 New in version 2.2. This one is set by Apache's mod_unique_id module

Type:  integer, Default value:  128

Controls the amount of array children and object's properties are shown when variables are displayed with eitherxdebug_var_dump(), xdebug.show_local_vars or through Function Traces.

To disable any limitation, use -1 as value.

This setting does not have any influence on the number of children that is send to the client through the Remote Debuggingfeature.

Type:  integer, Default value:  512

Controls the maximum string length that is shown when variables are displayed with either xdebug_var_dump(),xdebug.show_local_vars or through Function Traces.

To disable any limitation, use -1 as value.

This setting does not have any influence on the number of children that is send to the client through the Remote Debuggingfeature.

Type:  integer, Default value:  3

Controls how many nested levels of array elements and object properties are when variables are displayed with eitherxdebug_var_dump(), xdebug.show_local_vars or through Function Traces.

The maximum value you can select is 1023. You can also use -1 as value to select this maximum number.

This setting does not have any influence on the number of children that is send to the client through the Remote Debuggingfeature.


这篇关于用 Xdebug 修正 PHP 应用程序中的错误的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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