Strings in the Pocket(2019浙江省省赛)(马拉车-Manacher)

2024-01-17 13:50

本文主要是介绍Strings in the Pocket(2019浙江省省赛)(马拉车-Manacher),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Strings in the Pocket(2019浙江省省赛)(马拉车-Manacher)

Time limit:1000 ms
Memory limit:65536 kB


BaoBao has just found two strings s = s 1 s 2 … s n s = s_1s_2\dots s_n s=s1s2sn and t = t 1 t 2 … t n t = t_1t_2\dots t_n t=t1t2tn in his left pocket, where s i s_i si indicates the i i i-th character in string s s s, and t i t_i ti indicates the i i i-th character in string t t t.

As BaoBao is bored, he decides to select a substring of s s s and reverse it. Formally speaking, he can select two integers l l l and r r r such that 1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ n 1 \le l \le r \le n 1lrn and change the string to s 1 s 2 … s l − 1 s r s r − 1 … s l + 1 s l s r + 1 … s n − 1 s n s_1s_2\dots s_{l-1}s_rs_{r-1} \dots s_{l+1}s_ls_{r+1}\dots s_{n-1}s_n s1s2sl1srsr1sl+1slsr+1sn1sn.

In how many ways can BaoBao change s s s to t t t using the above operation exactly once? Let ( a , b ) (a, b) (a,b) be an operation which reverses the substring s a s a + 1 … s b s_as_{a+1} \dots s_b sasa+1sb, and ( c , d ) (c, d) (c,d) be an operation which reverses the substring s c s c + 1 … s d s_cs_{c+1} \dots s_d scsc+1sd. These two operations are considered different, if a ≠ c a \ne c a=c or b ≠ d b \ne d b=d.


There are multiple test cases. The first line of the input contains an integer T T T, indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The first line contains a string s s s ( 1 ≤ ∣ s ∣ ≤ 2 × 1 0 6 1 \le |s| \le 2 \times 10^6 1s2×106), while the second line contains another string t t t ( ∣ t ∣ = ∣ s ∣ |t| = |s| t=s). Both strings are composed of lower-cased English letters.

It’s guaranteed that the sum of ∣ s ∣ |s| s of all test cases will not exceed 2 × 1 0 7 2 \times 10^7 2×107.


For each test case output one line containing one integer, indicating the answer.

Sample Input


Sample Output



For the first sample test case, BaoBao can do one of the following three operations: (2, 8), (3, 7) or (4, 6).

For the second sample test case, BaoBao can do one of the following three operations: (1, 1), (2, 2) or (3, 3).


给你两个字符串 s s s t t t ,你可以选择 s s s 的一个区间,然后区间内的元素左右翻转。此操作只能执行一次。问你有多少种操作可以使 s s s 变为 t t t


假设 s s s 可以变为 t t t (废话)


  1. s s s 不等于 t t t 时,此时 s s s t t t 一定有一段区间可以通过反转来变为 t t t 的对应区间。那么这一段区间就是一种答案。此外一次区间为基准向外扩展,因为如果此区间外左右两边的元素相同的话换与不换都不影响结果,所以包含他们就又是一种答案,以此类推,外面有几层相同的,答案就加几。
  2. s s s 等于 t t t 时,我们可以找到一个回文子串,然后反转这个区间,效果就相当于没反转,那么 s s s t t t 还是相同的。所以问题就转化为了求 s s s 的回文子串的数目。


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#define maxn 4000005
using namespace std;int p[maxn];
int T;
char str[maxn / 2], ttr[maxn / 2];
char ss[maxn];long long manacher() {int len = 0;ss[len++] = '$';ss[len++] = '#';int n = strlen(str);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {ss[len++] = str[i];ss[len++] = '#';}int mx = 0, id = 0;for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {if (mx > i) p[i] = (p[2 * id - i] < (mx - i) ? p[2 * id - i] : (mx - i));else p[i] = 1;while (i - p[i] >= 0 && i + p[i] < len && ss[i - p[i]] == ss[i + p[i]]) p[i]++;if (i + p[i] > mx) {mx = i + p[i];id = i;}}long long ans = 0;for (int i = 2; i < len - 1; ++i) {if (ss[i] == '#') ans += p[i] / 2;else ans += (p[i] + 1) / 2;}return ans;
}int getno() {int ans = 1, len = strlen(str);int l = 0, r = len - 1;while (l < r && str[l] == ttr[l]) ++l;while (r > l && str[r] == ttr[r]) --r;for (int i = l, j = r; i <= r; ++i, --j) if (str[i] != ttr[j]) return 0;for (int i = l - 1, j = r + 1, le = len; i >= 0 && j < le && str[i] == ttr[j]; --i, ++j) ++ans;return ans;
}int main() {while (cin >> T) {for (int i = 0; i < T; ++i) {scanf("%s%s", str, ttr);if (strcmp(str, ttr) == 0) cout << manacher() << "\n";else cout << getno() << "\n";}}return 0;

这篇关于Strings in the Pocket(2019浙江省省赛)(马拉车-Manacher)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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