
2024-01-16 09:59


The acceleration of globalization makes the exchange of different cultures increasingly frequent and important. Cultural studies have become an important research field in modern society. Family education has always been the main concern of people from all over the world with various cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the study of family education with different cultural backgrounds meets the needs of the times and has academic and practical significance. Modern Family is a TV play that has won the Emmy Award for many times. The family structure in the play is both traditional and modern, and it is a diversified family. Through the study of Modern Family, this paper compares the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western family cultures.
The main purpose of this paper is to focus on the differences between Chinese and American parents and modern families. Based on the case of the American sitcom Modern Family, this paper studies the differences between China and the United States in terms of parental goals and expectations, parental relationships and parental strategies through careful interpretation of the cases in TV programs. And through individualism and Confucianism to analyze these differences. Through this exploration, this paper aims to find out the differences between American and Chinese parenting styles in Modern Family. The differences between Chinese and American families are different in terms of parent-child relationship, couple relationship and children's education. Both Chinese family culture and Western family culture have their own merits. In future life, we should take its essence and discard its dross.
Key words: Chinese and American family differences; Modern Family; Home education
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….....…...1
1.1 Research Background ……………………………………………………………….......…1
1.2 Research Purpose and Meaning………………………………………………….........……2
2. Literature Review………………………………………………………………………3
2.1 Studies at home…………………………………………………………………3
2.2 Studies at abroad…………………………………………………………………6
3. American Family Education Analysis in Modern Family………………………………8
3.1 The Brief Introduction of Modern Family…………………………………………………8
3.2 Differences in Family Education between China and the United States...............................9
3.2.1 Family Education in China.............................................................................................9
3.2.2 Family Education in the United States.........................................................................10
3.3 Democratic and Equal Family Relations in Modern Family……………………………9
3.4 Family Atmosphere of Support and Encouragement in Modern Family…………………11
3.5 Educational Methods in Modern Family………………………………………11
4. Influence Factors in Chinese and American Family Education………………………………13
4.1 Chinese Confucianism & American Individualism………………………………………13
4.2 Different Chinese and American Family Education Concepts……………………………13
4.3 Different Chinese and American Cultural Orientations………………...........................…14
5.1 Major Findings……………………………………………………………….....................16
5.2 Limitations………………………………………………………………….......................16
 Research Background
The family not only plays a very important role in our society, but also is a microcosm of social and economic forms. Family education also plays a key role in the development of a person's personality. This article will take Modern Family as an example to explore the differences and reasons of family education between China and the United States, hoping to provide some reference value for family education in China, Disseminate good educational ideas in China. We will promote exchanges and learning between the two countries on family education.
Modern Family It is an American sitcom, which is narrated and shot in the form of a fake documentary, and tells about three American families with different styles. These three small families are also a big family. The three families include an ordinary normal family with three children, a couple of gay husbands and Vietnamese daughters who were adopted across ethnic groups, and an interesting story between a large family composed of a 60 year old man, an exotic beauty and an 11 year old son. Among them, 60 year old Jay is the father of Claire, the mother of the first normal family, and Mitchell, one of the gay husbands.
Family education is the key to the healthy growth of children and the source of their success. People spend most of their time at home from birth to maturity. Children's temperament, quality, recognition and other qualities should be completed through family education. This important stage is the foundation for children Basic education is synchronous, but school education cannot replace it. This period is also the basic stage for the formation of a person's character, body, psychology, disposition, ability and trait. Whether a child can survive in the competition in the future and successfully live his life depends entirely on family education, honesty, resilience, responsibility and other healthy personalities.
The American family education has its own way, and the Chinese have their own set of codes of conduct. What kind of different family education does it have under different cultural background? From some teleplays reflecting national culture, it is not difficult to find that these two kinds of family education are very different. Modern Family makes a profound interpretation of family education in China and the United States.




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