Build your own KMS server to activate MS Windows and MS Office

2024-01-13 23:48

本文主要是介绍Build your own KMS server to activate MS Windows and MS Office,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Note: It's illegal to activate Windows/Office by a non-authorized KMS server.  This article is for learning purpose only. Buy a license from Microsoft if you want to use it daily.

1. What are KMS and KMS server

KMS stands for Key Management Service, which is used for activating multiple Windows or Offices. Microsoft produces KMS server software that can run on Windows platforms. The KMS server software needs a product key for itself from Microsoft.


The Windows to be activated use the same product key (GVLK/General Volume Licensing Key) published publicly officially by Microsoft at:


Like many other software, KMS server has also been hacked. Many unofficial KMS server exist, of which is the open sourced vlmcsd with source code published on github at


In this article, we will use vlmcsd to demonstrated how to active windows via KMS.


2. Build a KMS server with vlmcsd on CentOS 7

To be honest, vlmcsd goes with decent documents especially the manual pages. It can run on many different Oses including Windows, Linux, and Android. We use Linux (CentOS) in this article.


git clone

cd vlmcsd



After make, a new directory vlmcsd/bin was created. The binaries are inside this folder.


cd ./bin

./vlmcsd -De  # -D for foreground running,  -e for stdout print


vlmcsd listens on 1688/TCP by default. Let's add a firewall rule to let incoming packets for it get through.


firewall-cmd --add-port=1688/tcp --permanent

firewall-cmd --reload


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