
2024-01-09 00:52


Flet是基于Python实现的Flutter图形界面GUI。除了使用Python,具备美观、简洁、易用,还有Flutter本身的跨平台(安卓、iOS、Win、Mac、Web)、高性能、有后盾的特点。下面是0.18版官方TODO APP教程,为了准确,保持了中英双语,请对照食用。

Create To-Do app in Python with Flet


In this tutorial we will show you, step-by-step, how to create a ToDo web app in Python using Flet framework and then share it on the internet. The app is a single-file console program of just 180 lines (formatted!) of Python code, yet it is a multi-session, modern single-page application with rich, responsive UI:
在本教程中,我们将逐步向您展示如何使用Flet框架在Python中创建ToDo web应用程序,然后在互联网上共享。该应用程序是一个只有180行(格式化!)Python代码的单文件控制台程序,但它是一个多会话、现代的单页应用程序,具有丰富、响应迅速的UI:

You can see the live demo here.

We chose a ToDo app for the tutorial, because it covers all of the basic concepts you would need to create any web app: building a page layout, adding controls, handling events, displaying and editing lists, making reusable UI components, and deployment options.

The tutorial consists of the following steps:

Getting started with Flet Flet入门
Adding page controls and handling events 添加页面控件和处理事件
View, edit and delete list items 查看、编辑和删除列表项
Filtering list items 筛选列表项
Final touches 最后的润色
Deploying the app 部署应用程序
Getting started with Flet Flet入门​
To write a Flet web app you don’t need to know HTML, CSS or JavaScript, but you do need a basic knowledge of Python and object-oriented programming.
要编写Flet web应用程序,您不需要了解HTML、CSS或JavaScript,但您确实需要Python和面向对象编程的基本知识。

Flet requires Python 3.8 or above. To create a web app in Python with Flet, you need to install flet module first:
Flet需要Python 3.8或更高版本。要使用Flet在Python中创建web应用程序,您需要首先安装Flet模块:

pip install flet

To start, let’s create a simple hello-world app.

Create hello.py with the following contents:使用以下内容创建hello.py:

import flet as ftdef main(page: ft.Page):page.add(ft.Text(value="Hello, world!"))ft.app(target=main)

Run this app and you will see a new window with a greeting:

Adding page controls and handling events
Now we’re ready to create a multi-user ToDo app.

To start, we’ll need a TextField for entering a task name, and an “+” FloatingActionButton with an event handler that will display a Checkbox with a new task.

Create todo.py with the following contents:创建包含以下内容的todo.py:

import flet as ftdef main(page: ft.Page):def add_clicked(e):page.add(ft.Checkbox(label=new_task.value))new_task.value = ""page.update()new_task = ft.TextField(hint_text="Whats needs to be done?")page.add(new_task, ft.FloatingActionButton(icon=ft.icons.ADD, on_click=add_clicked))ft.app(target=main)

Run the app and you should see a page like this:

Page layout页面布局​
Now let’s make the app look nice! We want the entire app to be at the top center of the page, taking up 600 px width. The TextField and the “+” button should be aligned horizontally, and take up full app width:

Row is a control that is used to lay its children controls out horizontally on a page. Column is a control that is used to lay its children controls out vertically on a page.

Replace todo.py contents with the following:将todo.py内容替换为以下内容:

import flet as ftdef main(page: ft.Page):def add_clicked(e):tasks_view.controls.append(ft.Checkbox(label=new_task.value))new_task.value = ""view.update()new_task = ft.TextField(hint_text="Whats needs to be done?", expand=True)tasks_view = ft.Column()view=ft.Column(width=600,controls=[ft.Row(controls=[new_task,ft.FloatingActionButton(icon=ft.icons.ADD, on_click=add_clicked),],),tasks_view,],)page.horizontal_alignment = ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTERpage.add(view)ft.app(target=main)

Run the app and you should see a page like this:

Reusable UI components可重用的UI组件​
While we could continue writing our app in the main function, the best practice would be to create a reusable UI component. Imagine you are working on an app header, a side menu, or UI that will be a part of a larger project. Even if you can’t think of such uses right now, we still recommend creating all your web apps with composability and reusability in mind.

To make a reusable ToDo app component, we are going to encapsulate its state and presentation logic in a separate class:

import flet as ftclass TodoApp(ft.UserControl):def build(self):self.new_task = ft.TextField(hint_text="Whats needs to be done?", expand=True)self.tasks = ft.Column()# application's root control (i.e. "view") containing all other controlsreturn ft.Column(width=600,controls=[ft.Row(controls=[self.new_task,ft.FloatingActionButton(icon=ft.icons.ADD, on_click=self.add_clicked),],),self.tasks,],)def add_clicked(self, e):self.tasks.controls.append(ft.Checkbox(label=self.new_task.value))self.new_task.value = ""self.update()def main(page: ft.Page):page.title = "ToDo App"page.horizontal_alignment = ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTERpage.update()# create application instancetodo = TodoApp()# add application's root control to the pagepage.add(todo)ft.app(target=main)

Try adding two TodoApp components to the page:尝试在页面中添加两个TodoApp组件:

# create application instance
app1 = TodoApp()
app2 = TodoApp()# add application's root control to the page
page.add(app1, app2)

View, edit and delete list items
In the previous step, we created a basic ToDo app with task items shown as checkboxes. Let’s improve the app by adding “Edit” and “Delete” buttons next to a task name. The “Edit” button will switch a task item to edit mode.

Each task item is represented by two rows: display_view row with Checkbox, “Edit” and “Delete” buttons and edit_view row with TextField and “Save” button. view column serves as a container for both display_view and edit_view rows.

Before this step, the code was short enough to be fully included in the tutorial. Going forward, we will be highlighting only the changes introduced in a step.

Copy the entire code for this step from here. Below we will explain the changes we’ve done to implement view, edit, and delete tasks.

To encapsulate task item views and actions, we introduced a new Task class:

class Task(ft.UserControl):def __init__(self, task_name):super().__init__()self.task_name = task_namedef build(self):self.display_task = ft.Checkbox(value=False, label=self.task_name)self.edit_name = ft.TextField(expand=1)self.display_view = ft.Row(alignment=ft.MainAxisAlignment.SPACE_BETWEEN,vertical_alignment=ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER,controls=[self.display_task,ft.Row(spacing=0,controls=[ft.IconButton(icon=ft.icons.CREATE_OUTLINED,tooltip="Edit To-Do",on_click=self.edit_clicked,),ft.IconButton(ft.icons.DELETE_OUTLINE,tooltip="Delete To-Do",on_click=self.delete_clicked,),],),],)self.edit_view = ft.Row(visible=False,alignment=ft.MainAxisAlignment.SPACE_BETWEEN,vertical_alignment=ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER,controls=[self.edit_name,ft.IconButton(icon=ft.icons.DONE_OUTLINE_OUTLINED,icon_color=ft.colors.GREEN,tooltip="Update To-Do",on_click=self.save_clicked,),],)return ft.Column(controls=[self.display_view, self.edit_view])def edit_clicked(self, e):self.edit_name.value = self.display_task.labelself.display_view.visible = Falseself.edit_view.visible = Trueself.update()def save_clicked(self, e):self.display_task.label = self.edit_name.valueself.display_view.visible = Trueself.edit_view.visible = Falseself.update()

Additionally, we changed TodoApp class to create and hold Task instances when the “Add” button is clicked:

class TodoApp(ft.UserControl):def build(self):self.new_task = ft.TextField(hint_text="Whats needs to be done?", expand=True)self.tasks = ft.Column()# ...def add_clicked(self, e):task = Task(self.new_task.value, self.task_delete)self.tasks.controls.append(task)self.new_task.value = ""self.update()

For “Delete” task operation, we implemented task_delete() method in TodoApp class which accepts task control instance as a parameter:

class TodoApp(ft.UserControl):# ...def task_delete(self, task):self.tasks.controls.remove(task)self.update()

Then, we passed a reference to task_delete method into Task constructor and called it on “Delete” button event handler:

class Task(ft.UserControl):def __init__(self, task_name, task_delete):super().__init__()self.task_name = task_nameself.task_delete = task_delete# ...        def delete_clicked(self, e):self.task_delete(self)

Run the app and try to edit and delete tasks:

Filtering list items筛选列表项​
We already have a functional ToDo app where we can create, edit, and delete tasks. To be even more productive, we want to be able to filter tasks by their status.

Copy the entire code for this step from here. Below we will explain the changes we’ve done to implement filtering.

Tabs control is used to display filter:选项卡控件用于显示筛选器:

# ...class TodoApp(ft.UserControl):def __init__(self):self.tasks = []self.new_task = ft.TextField(hint_text="Whats needs to be done?", expand=True)self.tasks = ft.Column()self.filter = ft.Tabs(selected_index=0,on_change=self.tabs_changed,tabs=[ft.Tab(text="all"), ft.Tab(text="active"), ft.Tab(text="completed")],)self.view = ft.Column(width=600,controls=[ft.Row(controls=[self.new_task,ft.FloatingActionButton(icon=ft.icons.ADD, on_click=self.add_clicked),],),ft.Column(spacing=25,controls=[self.filter,self.tasks,],),],)

To display different lists of tasks depending on their statuses, we could maintain three lists with “All”, “Active” and “Completed” tasks. We, however, chose an easier approach where we maintain the same list and only change a task’s visibility depending on its status.

In TodoApp class we overrided update() method which iterates through all the tasks and updates their visible property depending on the status of the task:

class TodoApp(ft.UserControl):# ...def update(self):status = self.filter.tabs[self.filter.selected_index].textfor task in self.tasks.controls:task.visible = (status == "all"or (status == "active" and task.completed == False)or (status == "completed" and task.completed))super().update()

Filtering should occur when we click on a tab or change a task status. TodoApp.update() method is called when Tabs selected value is changed or Task item checkbox is clicked:

class TodoApp(ft.UserControl):# ...def tabs_changed(self, e):self.update()class Task(ft.UserControl):def __init__(self, task_name, task_status_change, task_delete):super().__init__()self.completed = Falseself.task_name = task_nameself.task_status_change = task_status_changeself.task_delete = task_deletedef build(self):self.display_task = ft.Checkbox(value=False, label=self.task_name, on_change=self.status_changed)# ...def status_changed(self, e):self.completed = self.display_task.valueself.task_status_change(self)

Run the app and try filtering tasks by clicking on the tabs:

Final touches最后的润色​
Our Todo app is almost complete now. As a final touch, we will add a footer (Column control) displaying the number of incomplete tasks (Text control) and a “Clear completed” button.

Copy the entire code for this step from here. Below we highlighted the changes we’ve done to implement the footer:

class TodoApp():def __init__(self):# ...self.items_left = ft.Text("0 items left")self.view = ft.Column(width=600,controls=[ft.Row([ ft.Text(value="Todos", style="headlineMedium")], alignment=ft.MainAxisAlignment.CENTER),ft.Row(controls=[self.new_task,ft.FloatingActionButton(icon=ft.icons.ADD, on_click=self.add_clicked),],),ft.Column(spacing=25,controls=[self.filter,self.tasks,ft.Row(alignment=ft.MainAxisAlignment.SPACE_BETWEEN,vertical_alignment=ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER,controls=[self.items_left,ft.OutlinedButton(text="Clear completed", on_click=self.clear_clicked),],),],),],)# ...def clear_clicked(self, e):for task in self.tasks.controls[:]:if task.completed:self.task_delete(task)def update(self):status = self.filter.tabs[self.filter.selected_index].textcount = 0for task in self.tasks.controls:task.visible = (status == "all"or (status == "active" and task.completed == False)or (status == "completed" and task.completed))if not task.completed:count += 1self.items_left.value = f"{count} active item(s) left"super().update()

Run the app:运行应用程序:

Deploying the app部署应用程序​
Congratulations! You have created your first Python app with Flet, and it looks awesome!

Now it’s time to share your app with the world!

Follow these instructions to deploy your Flet app as a web app to Fly.io or Replit.

In this tutorial, you have learnt how to:在本教程中,您已经学会了如何:

Create a simple Flet app;创建一个简单的Flet应用程序;
Work with Reusable UI components;使用可重用的UI组件;
Design UI layout using Column and Row controls;使用列和行控件设计UI布局;
Work with lists: view, edit and delete items, filtering;
Deploy your Flet app to the web;将Flet应用程序部署到网络;
For further reading you can explore controls and examples repository.

We would love to hear your feedback! Please drop us an email, join the discussion on Discord, follow on Twitter.





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