Ted Neward在最近的博客里引用了这个博客里的有点“禅”味的句子,
To be a Great Programmer, you must admit that you are a Terrible Programmer
"I am human, therefore I make mistakes. If I make mistakes, then I cannot assume that I will write code that has no mistakes. If I cannot write code that has no mistakes, then I must assume that mistakes are rampant within the code. If mistakes are rampant within the code, then I must find them. But because I make mistakes, then I must also assume that I make mistakes trying to identify the mistakes in the code. Therefore, I will seek the best support I can find in helping me find the mistakes in my code."
1. 使用一门静态类型的语言 (编译时和运行时的类型检查等),使用静态分析工具(Static Analysis Tool)
2. 大量使用断言(assertion)
3. 疯狂的测试(Testing Masochism--Masochism,根据在线字典,是受虐狂(“sexual pleasure obtained from receiving punishment (physical or psychological)”)的意思,即到了“以测试为乐,以break one’s own code为乐”的境地),追求测试涵盖范围至百分之百
4. 冷酷但诚实的代码评审
5. 对可见系统当机(Visible Crash)的追求(即不隐藏错误/异常,让错误/异常以导致当机的形式暴露出来)
鉴于多线程/并发代码中的缺陷很难找,Ted Neward认为业界里流行的说法“dynamic-language-authored code can be proven correct by simple use of unit tests(用动态语言编写的代码使用单元测试即可证明其之正确性)”是有问题的,认为我们需要各种形式的支持,我们需要更好的静态分析工具,而不是完全抛弃它们。