练习 4.1
1. 判断题
(1)子类是父类的子集。 ( ✖ )
(2)父类中非私密的方法能够被子类覆盖。 ( ✔ )
(3)子类能够覆盖父类的私密方法。 ( ✖ )
(4)子类能够覆盖父类的初始化方法。 ( ✔ )
(5)当创建一个类的实例时,该类的父类的初始化方法会被自动调用。 ( ✔ )
(6)所有的对象都是object类的实例。 ( ✔ )
(7)如果一个类没有显式地继承自某个父类,则就默认它继承自object类。 ( ✔ )
2. 代码分析题
class Parent(object):x = 1class Child1(Parent):passclass Child2(Parent):passprint (Parent.x, Child1.x, Child2.x)
Child1.x = 2
print (Parent.x, Child1.x, Child2.x)
Parent.x = 3
print (Parent.x, Child1.x, Child2.x)
1 1 1
1 2 1
3 2 3
class FooParent(object): def __init__(self): self.parent = 'I\'m the parent.' print ('Parent') def bar(self,message): print( message,'from Parent')class FooChild(FooParent): def __init__(self): super(FooChild,self).__init__() print ('Child') def bar(self,message): super(FooChild, self).bar(message) print ('Child bar fuction') print (self.parent)if __name__ == '__main__':fooChild = FooChild()fooChild.bar('HelloWorld')
HelloWorld from Parent
Child bar fuction
I'm the parent.
class A(object):def tell(self):print('A tell')self.say()def say(self):print('A say')self.__work()def __work(self):print('A work')class B(A):def tell(self):print('\tB tell')self.say()super(B, self).say()A.say(self)def say(self):print('\tB say')self.__work()def __work(self):print('\tB work')self.__run()def __run(self): # privateprint('\tB run')b = B();b.tell()
B tell
B say
B work
B run
A say
A work
A say
A work
3. 程序设计题
① 学校人员分为三类:教师、学生、职员。
② 三类人员的共同属性是姓名、性别、年龄、部门。
③ 教师的特别属性是职称、主讲课程。
④ 学生的特别属性是专业、入学日期。
⑤ 职员的特别属性是部门、工资。
⑥ 程序可以统计学校总人数和各类人员的人数,并随着新人进入注册和离校注销而动态变化。
class Person:def __init__(self, name, gender, age, department):self.name = nameself.gender = genderself.age = ageself.department = departmentclass Teacher(Person):def __init__(self, name, gender, age, department=None, title=None, main_course=None):super().__init__(name, gender, age, department)self.title = titleself.main_course = main_courseclass Student(Person):def __init__(self, name, gender, age, department=None, major=None, enrollment_date=None):super().__init__(name, gender, age, department)self.major = majorself.enrollment_date = enrollment_dateclass Employee(Person):def __init__(self, name, gender, age, department=None, salary=None):super().__init__(name, gender, age, department)self.salary = salary# 人员列表,用于存储所有人员信息 people = []# 添加新人员函数
def add_person(person_type, name, gender, age, department):if person_type == 'teacher':people.append(Teacher(name, gender, age, department))elif person_type == 'student':people.append(Student(name, gender, age, department))elif person_type == 'employee':people.append(Employee(name, gender, age, department))else:print("Invalid person type.")returnprint(f"{person_type} {name} added successfully.")print(f"Total {person_type}s: {len([p for p in people if isinstance(p, person_type)])}")print("Total people: ", len(people))# 统计各类人员数量的函数
def count_people():total_teachers = len([p for p in people if isinstance(p, Teacher)])total_students = len([p for p in people if isinstance(p, Student)])total_employees = len([p for p in people if isinstance(p, Employee)])print(f"Total teachers: {total_teachers}")print(f"Total students: {total_students}")print(f"Total employees: {total_employees}")print(f"Total people: {len(people)}")
① 车辆类型(大客、大货、小客、小货、摩托)、生产日期、牌照号、办证日期。
② 车主姓名、年龄、性别、住址、身份证号。