java 护照验证_网站护照–通过可信的外部验证获得即时信誉

2024-01-05 01:50

本文主要是介绍java 护照验证_网站护照–通过可信的外部验证获得即时信誉,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

java 护照验证

Website Passports

什么是网站护照? (What are Website Passports?)

Phishing attacks and identity theft are an ever-increasing threat online especially with online websites passing off to be a legitimate organisation fooling people into thinking they are the company or organisation in which the person is associated with as a customer – whether that is with online banking or payment gateway providers, e-mail service providers or e-commerce stores. Website Passports aims to provide a solution to this by having an external organisation validate and authenticate your company and your company’s website. The external verifier checks your company’s registration status and address, VAT status, domain registrant contact information and separately authenticates the security and safety of your company’s website – malware scan status, domain age and website ratings. All of this information is displayed in a website passport which can be displayed on your company’s website.

网络钓鱼攻击和身份盗用在网络上正日益成为威胁,尤其是当在线网站假装成一个合法组织,欺骗人们以为他们是该人作为客户所关联的公司或组织时,无论是在网上银行中或付款网关提供商,电子邮件服务提供商或电子商务商店。 网站护照旨在通过让外部组织验证并验证您的公司和公司网站来提供解决方案。 外部验证程序检查您公司的注册状态和地址,增值税状态,域注册人的联系信息,并分别验证公司网站的安全性–恶意软件扫描状态,域年龄和网站等级。 所有这些信息都显示在网站护照中 ,该护照可以在您公司的网站上显示。

拥有网站护照有什么好处? (What are the benefits of having a Website Passport?)

Website Passports are issued to your organisation when validation checks are complete. When the passport is issued, you can display this information on a separate section of your website providing potential customers reassurance regarding the legitimacy of your company and your company’s website. The passport has up to the minute feeds from trusted third party sources to ensure that the information contained in the passport is always up to date and accurate.

验证检查完成后,将向您的组织颁发网站护照。 签发护照后,您可以在网站的另一部分显示此信息,以使潜在的客户可以放心地了解公司和公司网站的合法性。 护照具有来自受信任的第三方来源的最新信息,以确保护照中包含的信息始终是最新且准确的。

Your potential customers will have more confidence knowing that your company has taken steps to prove the authenticity of your business and website with detailed status information contained in the passport.


You can opt to choose what information is visible in your passport depending on your target audience. For e-commerce stores, you may wish to opt to display all the information that is part of your passport, as customers may feel the most reluctant to purchase products from e-commerce stores they may have never heard about before.

您可以选择根据目标受众选择护照中可以看到的信息。 对于电子商务商店,您可能希望选择显示护照中的所有信息,因为客户可能会最不愿意从他们从未听说过的电子商务商店购买产品。

更多信息 (More information)

Read more about Website Passports or call our sales team today on 0800 862 0380. Alternatively, you can contact our sales department by e-mailing us at [email protected].

阅读有关网站护照的更多信息,或今天致电0800 862 0380致电我们的销售团队。或者,您可以通过发送电子邮件至[email protected]与我们的销售部门联系。


java 护照验证

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