
2024-01-04 13:58



Python SMTP发送邮件 | 菜鸟教程


smtplib — SMTP protocol client — Python 3.7.1 documentation

python3发送邮件(有附件) - sammy1989 - 博客园

python发送邮件脚本(支持多个附件,中文) - RangeYan - CSDN博客


att1["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename= "销售明细.xls"'
att1["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename= "1.xls"'

email — An email and MIME handling package — Python 3.7.1 documentation

email — An email and MIME handling package — Python 3.7.1 documentation

email: Examples — Python 3.7.1 documentation

18.1.5. email.header: Internationalized headers — Python 2.7.15 documentation


Python 3中bytes/string的区别 - abce - 博客园

python-string和bytes的关系 - More and Better - CSDN博客


python发邮件详解,smtplib和email模块详解 - chinesepython的博客 - CSDN博客


The email package is a library for managing email messages. It is specifically not designed to do any sending of email messages to SMTP (RFC 2821), NNTP, or other servers; those are functions of modules such as smtplib and nntplib.

email包是一个管理电子邮件信息的库。它不是专门用来向SMTP,NNTP或其它服务器发送邮件信息,这些功能是smtplib包 和nntplib包的功能。

The overall structure of the email package can be divided into three major components, plus a fourth component that controls the behavior of the other components.







from email.mime.text import MIMEText    
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart 


The central component of the package is an “object model” that represents email messages. An application interacts with the package primarily through the object model interface defined in the message sub-module.


The application can use this API to ask questions about an existing email, to construct a new email, or to add or remove email subcomponents that themselves use the same object model interface.


That is, following the nature of email messages and their MIME subcomponents, the email object model is a tree structure of objects that all provide the EmailMessage API.

也就是说,根据电子邮件消息及其MIME子组件的性质,电子邮件对象模型是所有提供EmailMessage API的对象的树结构。


The other two major components of the package are the parser and the generator. The parser takes the serialized version of an email message (a stream of bytes) and converts it into a tree of EmailMessage objects. The generator takes an EmailMessage and turns it back into a serialized byte stream. (The parser and generator also handle streams of text characters, but this usage is discouraged as it is too easy to end up with messages that are not valid in one way or another.)




The control component is the policy module. Every EmailMessage, every generator, and every parser has an associated policy object that controls its behavior. Usually an application only needs to specify the policy when an EmailMessage is created, either by directly instantiating an EmailMessage to create a new email, or by parsing an input stream using a parser. But the policy can be changed when the message is serialized using a generator. This allows, for example, a generic email message to be parsed from disk, but to serialize it using standard SMTP settings when sending it to an email server.







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