
2024-01-04 01:52
文章标签 英语 概念 17 第二册


New words and expressions】生词和短语(5)

appear                         v. 登场,扮演

stage                            n. 舞台

bright                           adj. 鲜艳的

stocking                       n. (女用)长筒袜(棉的, 绒的, 并不是现在的丝袜) sock n. 短袜

appear        v. 登场, 扮演

① vi. 出现,显露(反义词是 disappear) The plane appeared.

The plane disappeared.

② vi. 当众露面;登场(演出等)

The actor appeared.

I can’t appear in this dress at the party. appear as   扮演……角色

He appeared as a prince.      (prince         n. 王子)

appear on the stage as…        (扮演的确切表达) My aunt appeared on the stage as a young girl.

③ vi.  似乎,看起来好象(与 seem 同义),显得(系动词,后面直接加形容词) He appears nervous.                             他显得很紧张(看起来)

She appears to know you. Now it appears you are wrong.

stage           n. 舞台

on the stage         在舞台上

in the stage         在某一阶段(时期)

bright           adj. 鲜艳的

bright red        鲜红色; bright yellow                              明黄色; bright blue 宝蓝色


My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!'


我的姑姑詹妮弗是位演员, 她至少也有 35 岁了. 尽管如此, 她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘. 詹妮弗很快又要参加一个新剧的演出. 这一次, 她将扮演一个 17 岁的少女. 演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜. 去年在演另一个剧时, 她不得不穿短袜和一件鲜艳的橘红色的衣服. 一旦有人问起她有多大年纪, 她总是回答 : “亲爱的, 长成大人真可怕啊!”


1、My aunt Jennifer is an actress.

以-ess 结尾的是女性;以-or、-er 结尾的是男性




女演员 :















woman doctor




女神    (God      上帝,注意 “G” 大写)

2、She must be at least thirty-five years old.


① 数字+years old,作表语

thirty-five years old           三十五岁

② 数字+-year-old,作定语

my four-year-old daughter

must + 动词原形    不得不, 必须;(对现在的)推测

She must be a model.

She is fifteen years old.         她五岁了

She must be fifteen years old.           她很可能五岁

She must be at most fifteen years old.           她最多十五岁

She must be at least fifteen years old.         她至少十五岁

at least        至少, 最少

If you can’t clean the car, you can at least help me to clean it. at most     最多

3、In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.

in spite of           不管,尽管 (“of” 为介词, 后面一定会加名词、代词或从句) in spite of this                        尽管如此

In spite of this, I still like school.

(school 前不加“the”表示上学,加“the”只表示学校)

In spite of what you have said about her, she is much better than Mary. 4、Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.

join         参加了某一种团体

join sb./sth.

join the army          参军

join the party        入党

join us      (口语)加入我们(这个团体)中来take part in                         参加某一种活动

take part in the race           参加比赛

take part in a play take part in the party

attend        出席

attend the meeting          参加会议, 出席会议

attend the party          出席宴会

attend the class        上课

Thank you for your attending.         谢谢大家的出席(到来) Thank you for your listening.                                    谢谢大家的听讲

5、This time, she will be a girl of seventeen.


She is eighteen years old. She is a girl of eighteen.

6、In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.

in (+颜色、衣服)         穿着……样的衣服,用介词短语取代动词,避免了一句话中出现两个动词

The boy in green.

in a bright red dress         鲜红色的连衣裙

bright,orange-coloured dress           鲜艳的桔黄色衣服

7、If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!' ever = at any time                                   任何时候(时间副词)

it must be         一定……(表示推测) grown-up                            adj. 成年人

be grown-up         作为一个成年人

grow up           (人)成长


It is a secret. / It is privacy. I forget it.

Key structures

情态助动词 must

Must  译为“必须”,可以表示“必要,命令或强制,邀请,决心,不可推卸的责任”等多处含义。它没有时态和人称变化,通常只用于现在时和将来时。在其他时态时,must 的有些含义可以用 have to 或 have got to。这三种形式一般可以互换,但用于第一人称时,have to(have got to)强调客观的要求或外在的原因, must 则强调主观的要求或表示说话的人认为自己有权做某事。

have to 和have got to 往往可以互换,但与 always,sometimes 等频度副词连用时,用 have to 往往比用

havt got to 好。have got to 比 have to 更口语化。

在过去时的句子中, 要用 have to 来表示 “必须”,have to 可以有任意时态

She will have to…    ;She had to…    ; She has/I have had to…

have to 作为实义动词, 否定式为 don't have to;will not have to;didn't have to

在表达“难道你不能不(做……)”时,一般用“Must you…?”,而不用“Do you have to…?” Must you leave now?                                       难道你非得现在就走吗?

I’m afraid so. I have to study for an exam.

must 可以表示推测,must do 表示对现在的推测;must have done 表示对过去的推测He must be mad.

在 I think…/he thinks…的从句中,一定要用事实说话. (不能说成 “I think he must be a fool.” ) must be 的否定式为 can’t be(不可能):

Someone’s using the phone, it must be John.

It can’t be John. He promised me he wouldn’t use it today.

Special DifficultiesAs 的用法

① 作为介词,可以表示“作为”、“以……身份”等

In this film, he appeared as a policeman.

As a mechanic, he can’t always keep himself clean.

② 作为连词,可以表示“因为”、“正当……时候”、“以……方式”或“如同……那样”等

You must take care of the bady tomorrow as I am going to London.(因为,由于) As we were talking about him, he knocked at the door.(正当……时候)

Do as you are told.         叫你怎么做就怎么做(按你被告知的那样去做)(以……方式)

As I learned, … (如同……那样)

③ “担任……工作”

I work as an engineer.

Dress, Suit, Costume

dress          n. 裙子,晚礼服,连衣裙(女式) suit    n. 套装(男式)

My brother never wears ready-made suits.         我的弟弟从来不穿成衣。

costume      n. 演出服,民族服装,某一年代所穿的服装

All the actors wore fifteenth-century costumes.         所有演员都穿着 15 世纪的服装。

Grow and Grow up

grow           vi. 生长,成长,发育

Trees of the kind don’t grow in our country. How tall you’ve got! You’ve grown a lot.

grow up           长成,成熟(其被动态表示长大成人)

Lucy has grown up a lot since I last saw her.


What do you want to do when you’re grown up?

Some people never grow up.         有些人总是成熟不起来。


3 She hired a(suit)(costume)for the fancy-dress party. costume

fancy-dress-party        化妆舞会; hire     v. 雇,租

Multiple choice questions

  1. The story about Jennifer suggests that ___d_ .
  1. she is not too old to appear on stage as a young girl
  2. she is too young to appear on stage as a young girl
  3. she is the right age to appear on stage as a young girl
  4. she is too old to appear on stage as a young girl suggest v. 暗示

right age         适合的年龄

too…to…           太……以至于不能

  1. One of these statements is true. Which one?       b
  1. We know exactly how old Jennifer is.
  2. We do not know exactly how old Jennifer is.
  3. Jennifer is thirty-five years old.
  4. Jennifer is over thirty-five years old. she must be… 表示对现在的推测exactly adv. 确 切 地

exact words      确切的话

What’s his exact words?

  1. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In my opinion she____ b .

a. has                 b. is                   c. can                d. must

in one's opinion =sb. think           就某人看来(后面一定是事实)

in one's opinion 常常取代 sb. think, I think 太强调个人观点

  1. She had to wear short socks. It was___ b_ for her to wear them.

a. certain           b. necessary             c. important             d. impossible

it is + adj.+ (for sb.) to do…         某人做某件事情……(it 为形式主语,for sb.为逻辑主语) It is troublesome to learn English.

It is easy to do sth.

It is troublesome for us to learn English. have to do sth. =sth. is necessary…

You have to go home. =It is necessary for you to go home.

  1. She often appears as a young girl. She _   a__ on the stage as a young girl.

a. is presented                    b. points           c. show             d. seems

appear        v.  扮演,本意为 “出现, 显示” ;seems   v. 看起来, 似乎

show       v. 显示, 给……看

be on show         展览,  演出

be presented        出席 √(过去的习惯用法)

be present<adj.>        出席(反义词为 be absent         缺席)

  1. Men usually wear _ a_ .

a. socks instead of stockings             b. stockings instead of socks

c. either socks or stockings                d. neither socks nor stockings instead of 代替(其后面的词往往是没做或不做的事情) either…or…  或者……或者……

neither…nor…           即不……也不……

sock 短袜;stocking 长筒袜(女用)

  1. She is grown up. She is _ _d__ .

a. very old                           b. an adolescent               c. a teenage              d. an adult grown   adj.长大的,成年的,长满某物的

grown up             adj. 成年的,成熟的;n. 成年人

grow up           成长

adolescent            adj. 青春期的(13-16 岁),青春的;n. 青少年

adolescent criminal          青春期犯罪

teenager             n. 十几岁的人(10-20 岁)男女青少年

adult          n. 成年人





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