ADROID 2.1 架构解析 8 触摸屏

2024-01-02 18:58

本文主要是介绍ADROID 2.1 架构解析 8 触摸屏,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

8 触摸屏

8.1 分类输入事件


int EventHub::open_device(const char *deviceName)



       uint8_t key_bitmask[(KEY_MAX+1)/8];

    memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask));

    LOGV("Getting keys...");

    if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) {


        //for (int i=0; i<((KEY_MAX+1)/8); i++) {

        //    LOGI("%d: 0x%02x/n", i, key_bitmask[i]);


        for (int i=0; i<((BTN_MISC+7)/8); i++) {

            if (key_bitmask[i] != 0) {

                device->classes |= CLASS_KEYBOARD;




       if ((device->classes & CLASS_KEYBOARD) != 0) {

            device->keyBitmask = new uint8_t[sizeof(key_bitmask)];

            if (device->keyBitmask != NULL) {

                memcpy(device->keyBitmask, key_bitmask, sizeof(key_bitmask));

            } else {

                delete device;

                LOGE("out of memory allocating key bitmask");

                return -1;





    // See if this is a trackball.

   if (test_bit(BTN_MOUSE, key_bitmask)) {

        uint8_t rel_bitmask[(REL_MAX+1)/8];

        memset(rel_bitmask, 0, sizeof(rel_bitmask));

        LOGV("Getting relative controllers...");

        if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_REL, sizeof(rel_bitmask)), rel_bitmask) >= 0)


            if (test_bit(REL_X, rel_bitmask) && test_bit(REL_Y, rel_bitmask)) {

                device->classes |= CLASS_TRACKBALL;





    uint8_t abs_bitmask[(ABS_MAX+1)/8];

    memset(abs_bitmask, 0, sizeof(abs_bitmask));

    LOGV("Getting absolute controllers...");

    ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_ABS, sizeof(abs_bitmask)), abs_bitmask);


    // Is this a new modern multi-touch driver?

if (test_bit(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR, abs_bitmask)

            && test_bit(ABS_MT_POSITION_X, abs_bitmask)

            && test_bit(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, abs_bitmask)) {

        device->classes |= CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN | CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN_MT;


    // Is this an old style single-touch driver?

} else if (test_bit(BTN_TOUCH, key_bitmask)

            && test_bit(ABS_X, abs_bitmask) && test_bit(ABS_Y, abs_bitmask)) {

        device->classes |= CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN;





8.2 输入事件服务


8.2.1 获取事件

Thread mThread = new Thread("InputDeviceReader") {

        public void run() {

            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "");




            RawInputEvent ev = new RawInputEvent();

            while (true) {

                try {                  


                    // block, doesn't release the monitor




8.2.2 获取触摸点数据

// Process position events from multitouch protocol.

else if (ev.type == RawInputEvent.EV_ABS &&

                                (classes&RawInputEvent.CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN_MT) != 0) {

                            if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;


                                       + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_PRESSURE] = ev.value;

                            } else if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_MT_POSITION_X) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;


+ MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] = ev.value;

                                if (DEBUG_POINTERS) Log.v(TAG, "MT @"

                                        + di.mAbs.mAddingPointerOffset

                                        + " X:" + ev.value);

                            } else if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_MT_POSITION_Y) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;


+ MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] = ev.value;

                                if (DEBUG_POINTERS) Log.v(TAG, "MT @"

                                        + di.mAbs.mAddingPointerOffset

                                        + " Y:" + ev.value);

                            } else if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;


+ MotionEvent.SAMPLE_SIZE] = ev.value;



                        // Process position events from single touch protocol.

                        } else if (ev.type == RawInputEvent.EV_ABS &&

                                (classes&RawInputEvent.CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN) != 0) {

                            if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_X) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;

                                di.curTouchVals[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] = ev.value;

                            } else if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_Y) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;

                                di.curTouchVals[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] = ev.value;

                            } else if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_PRESSURE) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;

                                di.curTouchVals[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_PRESSURE] = ev.value;


+ MotionEvent.SAMPLE_PRESSURE] = ev.value;

                            } else if (ev.scancode == RawInputEvent.ABS_TOOL_WIDTH) {

                                di.mAbs.changed = true;

                               di.curTouchVals[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_SIZE] = ev.value;


                    + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_SIZE] = ev.value;





8.2.3 获取转换后触点数据

if (doMotion) {

                                        // XXX Need to be able to generate

                                        // multiple events here, for example

                                        // if two fingers change up/down state

                                        // at the same time.

                                        do {

                                           me = ms.generateAbsMotion(di, curTime,

curTimeNano, mDisplay,

mOrientation, mGlobalMetaState);

                                            if (DEBUG_POINTERS) Log.v(TAG, "Absolute: x="

                                                    + di.mAbs.mNextData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X]

                                                    + " y="

                                                    + di.mAbs.mNextData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y]

                                                    + " ev=" + me);

                                            if (me != null) {

                                                if (WindowManagerPolicy.WATCH_POINTER) {

                                                    Log.i(TAG, "Enqueueing: " + me);


                                                addLocked(di, curTimeNano, ev.flags,

                                                        RawInputEvent.CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN, me);


                                        } while (ms.hasMore());



8.3 读取触摸点数据的流程



di.curTouchVals[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] = ev.value;


       { "readEvent",       "(Landroid/view/RawInputEvent;)Z",

            (void*) android_server_KeyInputQueue_readEvent },


static jboolean

android_server_KeyInputQueue_readEvent(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,

                                          jobject event)



    bool res = hub->getEvent(&deviceId, &type, &scancode, &keycode,

&flags, &value, &when);




bool EventHub::getEvent(int32_t* outDeviceId, int32_t* outType,

        int32_t* outScancode, int32_t* outKeycode, uint32_t *outFlags,

        int32_t* outValue, nsecs_t* outWhen)



                            res = read(mFDs[i].fd, &iev, sizeof(iev));



                       *outValue = iev.value;



8.4 触点数据转换


MotionEvent generateAbsMotion(InputDevice device, long curTime,

                long curTimeNano, Display display, int orientation,

                int metaState) {


            if (mSkipLastPointers) {

                mSkipLastPointers = false;

                mLastNumPointers = 0;



            if (mNextNumPointers <= 0 && mLastNumPointers <= 0) {

                return null;



            final int lastNumPointers = mLastNumPointers;

            final int nextNumPointers = mNextNumPointers;

            if (mNextNumPointers > MAX_POINTERS) {

                Log.w("InputDevice", "Number of pointers " + mNextNumPointers

                        + " exceeded maximum of " + MAX_POINTERS);

                mNextNumPointers = MAX_POINTERS;



            int upOrDownPointer = updatePointerIdentifiers();


            final float[] reportData = mReportData;

            final int[] rawData;

            if (KeyInputQueue.BAD_TOUCH_HACK) {

                rawData = generateAveragedData(upOrDownPointer, lastNumPointers,


            } else {

                rawData = mLastData;



            final int numPointers = mLastNumPointers;


            if (DEBUG_POINTERS) Log.v("InputDevice", "Processing "

                    + numPointers + " pointers (going from " + lastNumPointers

                    + " to " + nextNumPointers + ")");


            for (int i=0; i<numPointers; i++) {

                final int pos = i * MotionEvent.NUM_SAMPLE_DATA;

                reportData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] = rawData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X];

                reportData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] = rawData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y];

                reportData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_PRESSURE] = rawData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_PRESSURE];

                reportData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_SIZE] = rawData[pos + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_SIZE];



            int action;

            int edgeFlags = 0;

            if (nextNumPointers != lastNumPointers) {

                if (nextNumPointers > lastNumPointers) {

                    if (lastNumPointers == 0) {

                        action = MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN;

                        mDownTime = curTime;

                    } else {

                        action = MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN

                                | (upOrDownPointer << MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT);


                } else {

                    if (numPointers == 1) {

                        action = MotionEvent.ACTION_UP;

                    } else {

                        action = MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP

                                | (upOrDownPointer << MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT);



                currentMove = null;

            } else {

                action = MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE;



            final int dispW = display.getWidth()-1;

            final int dispH = display.getHeight()-1;

            int w = dispW;

            int h = dispH;

            if (orientation == Surface.ROTATION_90

                    || orientation == Surface.ROTATION_270) {

                int tmp = w;

                w = h;

                h = tmp;



            final AbsoluteInfo absX = device.absX;

            final AbsoluteInfo absY = device.absY;

            final AbsoluteInfo absPressure = device.absPressure;

            final AbsoluteInfo absSize = device.absSize;

            for (int i=0; i<numPointers; i++) {

                final int j = i * MotionEvent.NUM_SAMPLE_DATA;


                if (absX != null) {

                    reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] =

                            ((reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X]-absX.minValue)

                                / absX.range) * w;


                if (absY != null) {

                    reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] =

                            ((reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y]-absY.minValue)

                                / absY.range) * h;


                if (absPressure != null) {

                    reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_PRESSURE] =

                            ((reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_PRESSURE]-absPressure.minValue)

                                / (float)absPressure.range);


                if (absSize != null) {

                    reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_SIZE] =

                            ((reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_SIZE]-absSize.minValue)

                                / (float)absSize.range);



                switch (orientation) {

                    case Surface.ROTATION_90: {

                        final float temp = reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X];

                        reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] = reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y];

                        reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] = w-temp;



                    case Surface.ROTATION_180: {

                        reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] = w-reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X];

                        reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] = h-reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y];



                    case Surface.ROTATION_270: {

                        final float temp = reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X];

                        reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] = h-reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y];

                        reportData[j + MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] = temp;






            // We only consider the first pointer when computing the edge

            // flags, since they are global to the event.

            if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {

                if (reportData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] <= 0) {

                    edgeFlags |= MotionEvent.EDGE_LEFT;

                } else if (reportData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X] >= dispW) {

                    edgeFlags |= MotionEvent.EDGE_RIGHT;


                if (reportData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] <= 0) {

                    edgeFlags |= MotionEvent.EDGE_TOP;

                } else if (reportData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y] >= dispH) {

                    edgeFlags |= MotionEvent.EDGE_BOTTOM;




            if (currentMove != null) {

                if (false) Log.i("InputDevice", "Adding batch x="

                        + reportData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_X]

                        + " y=" + reportData[MotionEvent.SAMPLE_Y]

                        + " to " + currentMove);

                currentMove.addBatch(curTime, reportData, metaState);

                if (WindowManagerPolicy.WATCH_POINTER) {

                    Log.i("KeyInputQueue", "Updating: " + currentMove);


                return null;



            MotionEvent me = MotionEvent.obtainNano(mDownTime, curTime,

                    curTimeNano, action, numPointers, mPointerIds, reportData,

                    metaState, xPrecision, yPrecision,, edgeFlags);

            if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {

                currentMove = me;



            if (nextNumPointers < lastNumPointers) {




            return me;



这篇关于ADROID 2.1 架构解析 8 触摸屏的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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