【转】BW-- BW项目的对象传输(稍作修改)

2024-01-01 21:58

本文主要是介绍【转】BW-- BW项目的对象传输(稍作修改),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

【转】BW-- BW项目的对象传输(稍作修改)


1)Transport all relation BW Object in R/3 system;

2)Transport BW Object in BI system;



1)first you have to transport R/3 objects to QA,then to PRO;

2)transport BW objects to QA, then to PRO;




1: Using transaction RSA6, all DataSources in your Source System are displayed.

2: Select the DataSource that you  wish to save (transport) and click on the transport icon .

3: Repeat for all DataSources.

4: SE10 to release the transport.

5: go to R/3 QA system and use STMS to import request.




IN QA/PRO System



To transport source-system-specific BI objects, you have to maintain the mapping table (RSLOGSYSMAP) in the BI target system. These BI objects are converted during the transport using mapping tables.

(一)method one

a) RSA1

b) Click on the Transport Connection Tab


c) Choose  "Conversion(转换)" Button with quick info Conversion of Log. System Name.

(一)method two

a) RSA1

bOn the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen, choose “Tools”

cthen click Conversion of the Logical System Names”(转换逻辑系统名称.



The View: Conversion of Source System Names after the Transport screen appears.



其中的OriginalSourceSystem“原源系统”对应的开发机中数据的来源,而Target SourceSystem “目标源系统” 则对应的是测试机数据来源,如果链接多个系统,则需要做多个映射配置;



Alert Following

The DataSource metadata from the original source system has to be transported into the specified target source system and is replicated in the postprocessing of the assigned BI objects.

Make sure that the DataSource exists in the target source systems before you import DataSource-dependent BI objects.

IN DEV System


 You first need to decide
Which objects you want to collect
How you want to collect them

4: RSA1
5: Click on the
Transport Connection Tab

6: Click on the Source System button to Select the Source System(s) that you wish to save dependent objects for
7: Select the BW objects
8: Select the Grouping option(necessary/before/after/before and after)
9: Click on the "Excute" button to gather dependent objects.
10: Click on the "Transport" Button to add all object to request


11: SE09 - display request - req is modifiable in tree - select request - release task - release parent as well - get screen with status ;



IN QA System

12:  STMS -> click bus -> choose bp2 -> opens all transports -> shows my req -> click import icon ONLY my request -> import done -> ready message.
13: Check in RSA1 in production



Process Chain
This is standard 'feature' of SAP. Why, I can only guess :) Either the activation and execution is linked and you do not want to run the process chain the moment it transports, or, you want a manual intervention one time to make sure you are not getting it in 'active' status without proper checks.It will happen on PRD as well.Please note that you would have executed the process chain when you ran the FM. You may inadvertantly execute the PC when you mean to 'only activate' it, as that is what the FM does (I think). Something to note of, if you are doing it on PRD.
Handle Method:
1)Process chains remain 'inactive' after transport. You can try activating them in RSPC,
2)Execute FM (in SE37, single test) 'RSPC_CHAIN_ACTIVATE_REMOTE' and specify the process-chain there (this will activate and execute the chain). FM did not ask request.


这篇关于【转】BW-- BW项目的对象传输(稍作修改)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




1. V-Hotkey 仓库地址: github.com/Dafrok/v-ho… Demo: 戳这里 https://dafrok.github.io/v-hotkey 安装: npm install --save v-hotkey 这个指令可以给组件绑定一个或多个快捷键。你想要通过按下 Escape 键后隐藏某个组件,按住 Control 和回车键再显示它吗?小菜一碟: <template


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Maven创建项目中的groupId, artifactId, 和 version的意思

文章目录 groupIdartifactIdversionname groupId 定义:groupId 是 Maven 项目坐标的第一个部分,它通常表示项目的组织或公司的域名反转写法。例如,如果你为公司 example.com 开发软件,groupId 可能是 com.example。作用:groupId 被用来组织和分组相关的 Maven artifacts,这样可以避免


1.访问位与修改位的题型(淘汰哪一页) 访问位:为1时表示在内存期间被访问过,为0时表示未被访问;修改位:为1时表示该页面自从被装入内存后被修改过,为0时表示未修改过。 置换页面时,最先置换访问位和修改位为00的,其次是01(没被访问但被修改过)的,之后是10(被访问了但没被修改过),最后是11。 2.内聚的类型 功能内聚:完成一个单一功能,各个部分协同工作,缺一不可。 顺序内聚:

2. 下载rknn-toolkit2项目

官网链接: https://github.com/airockchip/rknn-toolkit2 安装好git:[[1. Git的安装]] 下载项目: git clone https://github.com/airockchip/rknn-toolkit2.git 或者直接去github下载压缩文件,解压即可。


1.主界面用户信息显示 登录成功后,将用户信息存储在记录在 localStorage中,然后进入界面之前通过js来渲染主界面 存储用户信息 将用户信息渲染在主界面上,并且头像设置跳转,到个人资料界面 这里数据库中还没有设置相关信息 2.模糊查找 检测输入框是否有变更,有的话调用方法,进行查找 发送检测请求,然后接收的时候设置最多显示四个类似的搜索结果


优质博文:IT-BLOG-CN 问题 我正在使用第三方库连接到外部系统,一切运行正常,但突然出现序列化错误 java.io.InvalidClassException: com.essbase.api.base.EssException; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 90314637791991