
2023-12-27 14:40



A feed is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. Feed readers are used to read a feed, thereby allowing users to subscribe to it. Making a collection of feeds accessible in one spot is known as aggregation, which is performed by a feed aggregator.

提要是一种数据格式,用于为用户提供频繁更新的内容。 提要阅读器用于阅读提要,从而允许用户订阅它。 使一个集合的提要可以在一个位置访问是众所周知的聚合,这是由一个提要聚合器执行的。

WordPress Feeds

In this tutorial I’ll show you the different kinds of feed formats provided by WordPress and how to access them, with a focus on customizing them programmatically.


WordPress支持的提要格式 (Feed Formats Supported by WordPress)

WordPress supports four popular feed formats: RDF, RSS 0.92, RSS 2.0 and Atom. RSS 2.0 is the most popular feed format and is supported by almost every feed reader.

WordPress支持四种流行的提要格式:RDF,RSS 0.92,RSS 2.0和Atom。 RSS 2.0是最流行的提要格式,几乎每个提要阅读器都支持它。

The URL paths for these feeds are:



You don’t have to hardcode them into your themes or plugins, you can just use the following functions to retrieve the URLs of the various feed formats:



These URLs retrieve the latest ‘posts’ of the site.


WordPress最近评论提要 (WordPress Recent Comments Feed)

The above paths provide the latest posts of the site. To find recent comments we need to use the comments specific feed path:

以上路径提供了该网站的最新帖子。 要查找最近的评论,我们需要使用评论特定的供稿路径:


If you don’t want to hardcode it, you can use this function to retrieve the comments feed:



WordPress also provides a feed for comments of a single post. To find the recent comments of a specific post the feed path is:

WordPress还提供了供稿,用于评论单个帖子。 要查找特定帖子的最新评论,提要路径为:


Again, if you don’t want to hardcode it, you can use this function to retrieve it:


post_comments_feed_link('link_text', 'post_id', 'rss2' );

WordPress分类供稿 (WordPress Category Feed)

WordPress provides a feed for every category. The feed path for a single category or multiple categories is:

WordPress提供了每个类别的供稿。 单个类别或多个类别的提要路径为:


You can use this function to retrieve the feed URL of a single category or multiple categories by using the following:


get_category_feed_link('id1', 'rss2');

Similarly, you can also get the feed URL of a tag or multiple tags too.

同样,您也可以获取一个标签或多个标签的Feed URL。

WordPress作者提要 (WordPress Author Feed)

WordPress also provides a feed for the recent posts of an author. This is useful if a user wants to follow a particular author via a feed.

WordPress还为作者的最新帖子提供了提要。 如果用户想通过提要关注特定作者,这将很有用。

The URL path of an author’s feed can be constructed using the below code:


echo '<a href="' . get_author_link(0, $authordata->ID, $authordata->user_nicename) . 'feed/">' . the_author($idmode, false) . '</a>';

Note: WordPress doesn’t provide any built-in functions to retrieve the URL of an author feed.


WordPress搜索供稿 (WordPress Search Feed)

WordPress can also retrieve a feed for a search term. Here’s the feed URL path for a search term:

WordPress还可以检索搜索词的提要。 以下是搜索字词的供稿网址路径:


查看提要请求 (Check Feed Request)

In your theme or plugin, you can check if a request is a feed request or not by using the below code:


echo "Feed Request";

Here we are using the is_feed() function to check if the current request is a feed request or not. If yes, then it returns true.

在这里,我们使用is_feed()函数检查当前请求是否为feed请求。 如果是,则返回true。

WordPress internally uses a built in feed template to display feeds. Using the do_feed action we can define our own feed templates.

WordPress内部使用内置的提要模板来显示提要。 使用do_feed操作,我们可以定义自己的提要模板。

删除提要 (Remove Feeds)

If you don’t want to provide feeds on your site, then you can use the code below to disable all of them:


function disable_feed() 
wp_die(__("Feed Disabled"));
add_action('do_feed',      'disable_feed', 1);
add_action('do_feed_rdf',  'disable_feed', 1);
add_action('do_feed_rss',  'disable_feed', 1);
add_action('do_feed_rss2', 'disable_feed', 1);
add_action('do_feed_atom', 'disable_feed', 1);

过滤Feed内容 (Filtering Feed Content)

To filter the description of a post in a feed only we can use the_content_feed filter. Here is an example on how to use it:

要仅过滤Feed中帖子的描述,我们可以使用the_content_feed过滤器。 这是有关如何使用它的示例:

function feed_word_count($content)
$content .= 'Total '.str_word_count($content).' words';
return $content;
add_filter("the_content_feed", "feed_word_count");

In WordPress 3.0 onwards, there is a theme support feature to add feed URLs to the head tag. If you’re a WordPress theme developer, then add this line of code to your theme’s function.php file to enable this feature.

在WordPress 3.0及更高版本中,提供了主题支持功能,可将供稿URL添加到head标签。 如果您是WordPress主题开发人员,请将此代码行添加到主题的function.php文件中以启用此功能。

add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );

将WordPress提要重定向到FeedBurner提要 (Redirecting WordPress Feeds to FeedBurner Feeds)

Many site administrators prefer to provide their feeds using FeedBurner (or other third party services). This lets them track their feeds and number of subscribers.

许多站点管理员更喜欢使用FeedBurner (或其他第三方服务)提供其提要。 这样一来,他们就可以跟踪自己的供稿和订阅者人数。

The dirty way to do this is by adding the below code to .htaccess file


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !FeedBurner    [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !FeedValidator [NC]
RewriteRule ^feed/?([_0-9a-z-]+)?/?$ http://feeds.feedburner.com/name [R=302,NC,L]

This code redirects requests to the latest posts feed to FeedBurner.


If you’re hesitant to touch your .htaccess file, then you can use FeedBurner Plugin to do the same thing.


更多动作和过滤器 (More Actions and Filters)

WordPress provides many more actions and filters to customize our feeds. We’ve only covered some of the most important and useful ones.

WordPress提供了更多的操作和过滤器来定制我们的提要。 我们仅介绍了一些最重要和最有用的内容。

You can find many more feed related actions at WordPress Action Reference and filters at WordPress Filter Reference.

您可以在WordPress操作参考中找到更多与提要相关的操作,并在WordPress过滤器参考中找到过滤器 。

结论 (Conclusion)

Many WordPress users prefer feed subscriptions rather than email or social subscriptions. As feed aggregators are now available for all platforms it’s a good idea to provide users an option to subscribe via feeds, with RSS 2.0 being the preferred format. You should also display an author feed and a comments feed if you have commenting enabled, not just recent posts feed.

许多WordPress用户更喜欢订阅订阅,而不是电子邮件或社交订阅。 由于feed聚合器现在可用于所有平台,因此最好为用户提供通过feed订阅的选项,其中RSS 2.0是首选格式。 如果您已启用评论功能,那么您还应该显示作者信息源和评论信息源,而不仅仅是最近的帖子信息源。

Let me know your experience with WordPress feeds below.

在下面让我知道您对WordPress feed的体验。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/developers-guide-to-feeds-in-wordpress/






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