BDD - Python Behave Runner Script

2023-12-26 05:28
文章标签 python script bdd runner behave

本文主要是介绍BDD - Python Behave Runner Script,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

BDD - Python Behave Runner Script

  • 引言
  • Runner Script
    • 调用 Behave 命令行
    • 调用 Behave 提供的 API behave_main


通过终端命令执行 Behave 测试用例,有时 IDE 重启了,还得重新敲一遍命令,很是麻烦,说实话我都懒得记那些命令选项,于是我就想是否找个偷懒办法,当然是可以的,我们可以创建一个 Runner 脚本文件,每次运行这个脚本文件就可以了。

想了解更多 Behave 相关的文章,欢迎阅读《Python BDD Behave 系列》,持续更新中。

Runner Script

首先在 features 文件夹同级目录创建一个 文件。代码实现有两种,一种利用 直接执行 Behave 的命令行参数,另外一种就是使用 Behave 提供的API behave_main ,而不是直接调用其命令行工具。

在这里插入图片描述 调用 Behave 命令行

定义一个 run_behave 方法,用来构建 Behave 命令选项,通过 执行 Behave 命令。调用 run_behave 方法只需传需要的参数就可以了。

例如:运行 BDD/Features/tag_example 下,标签为 @cart 的测试用例,允许终端 Print 输出,同时生成 html 测试报告,就可以这样调用了
run_behave(feature = “BDD/Features/tag_example”, tags = “cart”, no_capture= True, html_report= True)

import subprocessdef run_behave(feature, tags, no_capture, html_report):behave_command = ["behave"]# Include feature if providedif feature:behave_command.append(feature)# Include tags if providedif tags:behave_command.extend(["--tags", tags])# Include --no-capture optionif no_capture:behave_command.append("--no-capture")  # Include html reportif html_report:behave_command.extend(["-f", "behave_html_formatter:HTMLFormatter","-o", "BDD/output/report.html"]), check=True)except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:print(f"Behave execution failed. Return code: {e.returncode}")# Handle the error or raise an exception if neededif __name__ == "__main__":run_behave(feature = "BDD/Features/tag_example",tags = "cart",no_capture= True,html_report= True)

终端输出,这里有一些 hooks 输出:

PS C:\Automation\Test> & C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe c:/Automation/Test/BDD/
Before all tests
Before feature: Shopping Cart and Order Process
Before tag: cart
Before tag: smoke
Before scenario: Guest user adds items to the cart
Before step: the user is on the home page
After step: the user is on the home page
Before step: the user adds an item to the cart
After step: the user adds an item to the cart
Before step: the user should see the item in the cart
After step: the user should see the item in the cart
After scenario: Guest user adds items to the cart
After tag: cart
After tag: smokeBefore tag: cart
Before tag: regression
Before scenario: Registered user removes items from the cart
Before step: the user is logged in
After step: the user is logged in
Before step: the user has items in the cart
After step: the user has items in the cart
Before step: the user removes an item from the cart
After step: the user removes an item from the cart
Before step: the user should see the updated cart
After step: the user should see the updated cart
After scenario: Registered user removes items from the cart
After tag: cart
After tag: regressionAfter feature: Shopping Cart and Order Process
After all tests
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
2 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 2 skipped
7 steps passed, 0 failed, 9 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.005s

Html 报告:

调用 Behave 提供的 API behave_main

定义一个 run_behave 方法,构建 Behave 参数,通过 behave_main.run_behave 传参来执行测试用例。
这里需要注意一下 behave 1.2.6 版本会有异常:AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'version'
据说 behave 1.2.5 没有问题,小伙伴们可以试一下。

# runner.pyfrom behave import __main__ as behave_maindef run_behave(features_path='features', tags=None):# 构建 Behave 参数behave_args = [features_path]# 添加标签过滤if tags:behave_args.extend(['--tags', tags])# 使用 Behave API 运行测试behave_main.run_behave(behave_args)if __name__ == "__main__":# 你可以在这里设置默认的 features_path 和 tagsdefault_features_path = 'BDD/Features/tag_example'default_tags = None# 运行 Behave 测试run_behave(features_path=default_features_path, tags=default_tags)


PS C:\Automation\Test> & C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe c:/Automation/Test/BDD/
Traceback (most recent call last):File "c:\Automation\Test\BDD\", line 22, in <module>run_behave(features_path=default_features_path, tags=default_tags)File "c:\Automation\Test\BDD\", line 14, in run_behavebehave_main.run_behave(behave_args)File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\behave\", line 67, in run_behaveif config.version:
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'version'
PS C:\Automation\Test> Behave --version
behave 1.2.6

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