Android 5.1 vold模块ntfs扩展

2023-12-24 12:50
文章标签 模块 android 扩展 ntfs 5.1 vold

本文主要是介绍Android 5.1 vold模块ntfs扩展,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




【疑问】如果我们不移植,有没有办法使用NTFS功能?其实也是可以的,或者说部分可以,我们在源码中进入Kernel目录下去执行Make menuconfig(海思平台在:Hi3796MV100-2015-2-3-CP058\device\hisilicon\bigfish\sdk\source\kernel\linux-3.10.y,Broadcom平台:kernel位于源码根目录下android\kernel\private\97xxx-bcm\linux),
make menuconfig界面如下:




#ifndef _NTFS_H
#define _NTFS_H#include <unistd.h>class Ntfs {
public:static int check(const char *fsPath);static int doMount(const char *fsPath, const char *mountPoint, bool ro,bool remount, int ownerUid, int ownerGid, int permMask,bool createLost);static int format(const char *fsPath, unsigned int numSectors);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>#include <linux/kdev_t.h>#define LOG_TAG "Vold"#include <cutils/log.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <logwrap/logwrap.h>
#include "Ntfs.h"extern "C" int logwrap(int argc, const char **argv, int background);
extern "C" int mount(const char *, const char *, const char *, unsigned long, const void *);#define NTFS_3G_PATH "/system/bin/ntfs-3g"int Ntfs::check(const char *fsPath) {// no NTFS file system check is performed, always return trueSLOGI("Ntfs filesystem: Skipping fs checks\n");return 0;}int Ntfs::doMount(const char *fsPath, const char *mountPoint,bool ro, bool remount, int ownerUid, int ownerGid,int permMask, bool createLost) {int rc;unsigned long flags;char mountData[255];flags = MS_NODEV | MS_NOEXEC | MS_NOSUID | MS_DIRSYNC;flags |= (ro ? MS_RDONLY : 0);flags |= (remount ? MS_REMOUNT : 0);
#if 0/** Note: This is a temporary hack. If the sampling profiler is enabled,* we make the SD card world-writable so any process can write snapshots.** TODO: Remove this code once we have a drop box in system_server.*/char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];property_get("persist.sampling_profiler", value, "");if (value[0] == '1') {SLOGW("The SD card is world-writable because the"" 'persist.sampling_profiler' system property is set to '1'.");permMask = 0;}sprintf(mountData,"uid=%d,gid=%d,fmask=%o,dmask=%o,nls=utf8",ownerUid, ownerGid, permMask, permMask);rc = mount(fsPath, mountPoint, "ntfs", flags, "");#else   SLOGE("mount ntfs block by ntfs-3g", fsPath);sprintf(mountData,"uid=%d,gid=%d,fmask=%o,dmask=%o,nls=utf8",ownerUid, ownerGid, permMask, permMask);const char* args[16];       args[0] = NTFS_3G_PATH;args[1] = fsPath;args[2] = mountPoint;args[3] = "-o";args[4] = mountData;args[5] = NULL;rc = logwrap(5, args, 1);
#endifif(rc) {SLOGE("%s appears to be a read only filesystem - retrying mount RO", fsPath);flags |= MS_RDONLY;rc = mount(fsPath, mountPoint, "ntfs", flags, "");}return rc;
}int Ntfs::format(const char *fsPath, unsigned int numSectors) {SLOGE("Format ntfs filesystem not supported\n");errno = EIO;return -1;

在上面的代码中,我们指定了ntfs-3g支持文件的目录:#define NTFS_3G_PATH "/system/bin/ntfs-3g"这个在前面已经说过了。
3.在Volume.cpp中添加:#include "Ntfs.h"

int Volume::mountVol(const char* devName) {//modify by dongqiang add paramdev_t deviceNodes[4];int n, i, rc = 0;char errmsg[255];int flags = getFlags();bool providesAsec = (flags & VOL_PROVIDES_ASEC) != 0;// TODO: handle "bind" style mounts, for emulated storagechar decrypt_state[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];char crypto_state[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];char encrypt_progress[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];property_get("vold.decrypt", decrypt_state, "");property_get("vold.encrypt_progress", encrypt_progress, "");/* Don't try to mount the volumes if we have not yet entered the disk password* or are in the process of encrypting.*/if ((getState() == Volume::State_NoMedia) ||((!strcmp(decrypt_state, "1") || encrypt_progress[0]) && providesAsec)) {snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg),"Volume %s %s mount failed - no media",getLabel(), getFuseMountpoint());mVm->getBroadcaster()->sendBroadcast(ResponseCode::VolumeMountFailedNoMedia,errmsg, false);errno = ENODEV;return -1;} else if (getState() != Volume::State_Idle) {errno = EBUSY;if (getState() == Volume::State_Pending) {mRetryMount = true;}return -1;}n = getDeviceNodes((dev_t *) &deviceNodes, 4);if (!n) {SLOGE("Failed to get device nodes (%s)\n", strerror(errno));return -1;}/* If we're running encrypted, and the volume is marked as encryptable and nonremovable,* and also marked as providing Asec storage, then we need to decrypt* that partition, and update the volume object to point to it's new decrypted* block device*/property_get("ro.crypto.state", crypto_state, "");if (providesAsec &&((flags & (VOL_NONREMOVABLE | VOL_ENCRYPTABLE))==(VOL_NONREMOVABLE | VOL_ENCRYPTABLE)) &&!strcmp(crypto_state, "encrypted") && !isDecrypted()) {char new_sys_path[MAXPATHLEN];char nodepath[256];int new_major, new_minor;if (n != 1) {/* We only expect one device node returned when mounting encryptable volumes */SLOGE("Too many device nodes returned when mounting %s\n", getMountpoint());return -1;}if (cryptfs_setup_volume(getLabel(), MAJOR(deviceNodes[0]), MINOR(deviceNodes[0]),new_sys_path, sizeof(new_sys_path),&new_major, &new_minor)) {SLOGE("Cannot setup encryption mapping for %s\n", getMountpoint());return -1;}/* We now have the new sysfs path for the decrypted block device, and the* majore and minor numbers for it.  So, create the device, update the* path to the new sysfs path, and continue.*/snprintf(nodepath,sizeof(nodepath), "/dev/block/vold/%d:%d",new_major, new_minor);if (createDeviceNode(nodepath, new_major , new_minor)) {SLOGE("Error making device node '%s' (%s)", nodepath,strerror(errno));}// Todo: Either create sys filename from nodepath, or pass in bogus path so//       vold ignores state changes on this internal device.updateDeviceInfo(nodepath, new_major , new_minor);/* Get the device nodes again, because they just changed */n = getDeviceNodes((dev_t *) &deviceNodes, 4);if (!n) {SLOGE("Failed to get device nodes (%s)\n", strerror(errno));return -1;}}char finalPath[32] = {0x00};//add by dongqiang for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {char devicePath[255];sprintf(devicePath, "/dev/block/vold/%d:%d", /*major(deviceNodes[i])*/g_major,/*minor(deviceNodes[i])*/g_minor);//modify by dongqiang//add by dongqiang begin const char * path_prefix = "/mnt/media_rw/";const size_t len = strlen(path_prefix) + strlen(devName);char * path = new char[len+1];strcpy(path, path_prefix);strcat(path, devName);int errCode = mkdir(path, 0777);if(g_major == 179) {rmdir(path);}memset(finalPath, 0x00, sizeof(finalPath));if(strstr(devicePath, "179") != NULL) {strcpy(finalPath, "/mnt/media_rw/sdcard1/");} else {strcpy(finalPath, path);}delete(path);//add by dongqiang endSLOGI("%s being considered for volume %s\n", devicePath, getLabel());SLOGI("current mountpoint is %s, fuseMountPoint is %s", getMountpoint(), getFuseMountpoint());errno = 0;setState(Volume::State_Checking);
//add by dongqiang beginint permMask = providesAsec ? 0007 : 0002;bool isNtfsFS = true;        bool isFatFs = true;bool isExtFs = true;bool isExfatFs = true;if (isNtfsFS) {   SLOGI("devicePath:%s ,mountpoint:%s\n", devicePath, getMountpoint());if (Ntfs::doMount(devicePath, finalPath, false, false, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, permMask, true)) { SLOGE("%s failed to mount via NTFS (%s)\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));                isNtfsFS = false;            } else {                isFatFs = false;                isExtFs = false;                isExfatFs = false;            }        }if (isFatFs) { if (Fat::doMount(devicePath, finalPath, false, false, false,                AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, permMask, true)) {                SLOGE("%s failed to mount via VFAT (%s)\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));                isFatFs = false; } else {                isExtFs = false;                isExfatFs = false;            }        }//add by dongqiang end      errno = 0;int gid;extractMetadata(devicePath);if (providesAsec && mountAsecExternal() != 0) {SLOGE("Failed to mount secure area (%s)", strerror(errno));umount(/*getMountpoint()*/finalPath);setState(Volume::State_Idle);return -1;}char service[64];snprintf(service, 64, "fuse_%s", getLabel());property_set("ctl.start", service);setState(Volume::State_Mounted);mCurrentlyMountedKdev = deviceNodes[i];return 0;}SLOGE("Volume %s found no suitable devices for mounting :(\n", getLabel());setState(Volume::State_Idle);return -1;
int Volume::doUnmount(const char *path, bool force) {int retries = 10;if (mDebug) {SLOGD("Unmounting {%s}, force = %d", path, force);}while (retries--) {if (!umount(path) || errno == EINVAL || errno == ENOENT) {SLOGI("%s sucessfully unmounted", path);return 0;}int action = 0;if (force) {if (retries == 1) {action = 2; // SIGKILL} else if (retries == 2) {action = 1; // SIGHUP}}SLOGW("Failed to unmount %s (%s, retries %d, action %d)",path, strerror(errno), retries, action);Process::killProcessesWithOpenFiles(path, action);usleep(1000*1000);}errno = EBUSY;SLOGE("Giving up on unmount %s (%s)", path, strerror(errno));return -1;


int Volume::unmountVol(bool force, bool revert, const char* devName) {//add the third param by dongqiangint i, rc;int flags = getFlags();bool providesAsec = (flags & VOL_PROVIDES_ASEC) != 0;
/*if (getState() != Volume::State_Mounted) {SLOGE("Volume %s unmount request when not mounted", getLabel());errno = EINVAL;return UNMOUNT_NOT_MOUNTED_ERR;}
*/setState(Volume::State_Unmounting);usleep(1000 * 1000); // Give the framework some time to reactchar service[64];snprintf(service, 64, "fuse_%s", getLabel());property_set("ctl.stop", service);/* Give it a chance to stop.  I wish we had a synchronous way to determine this... */sleep(3);// TODO: determine failure mode if FUSE times outif (providesAsec && doUnmount(Volume::SEC_ASECDIR_EXT, force) != 0) {SLOGE("Failed to unmount secure area on %s (%s)", getMountpoint(), strerror(errno));goto out_mounted;}//add by dongqiang beginif(strstr(devName, "mmcb")) {if (doUnmount(getFuseMountpoint(), force) != 0) {SLOGE("Failed to unmount %s (%s)", getFuseMountpoint(), strerror(errno));goto fail_remount_secure;}const char* path_pre = "/mnt/media_rw/";char* path = new char[strlen(path_pre) + strlen(devName)];strcpy(path, path_pre);strcat(path, devName);rmdir(path);delete(path);} else {const char* path_pre = "/mnt/media_rw/";char* path = new char[strlen(path_pre) + strlen(devName)];strcpy(path, path_pre);strcat(path, devName);if (doUnmount(path, force) != 0) {SLOGE("Failed to unmount %s (%s)", getFuseMountpoint(), strerror(errno));if(path != NULL) {delete(path);}goto fail_remount_secure;}int rtCode = rmdir(path);delete(path);}//add by dongqiang endif(strstr(devName, "mmcb")) {if (doUnmount(getMountpoint(), force) != 0) {SLOGE("Failed to unmount %s (%s)", getMountpoint(), strerror(errno));goto fail_remount_secure;}sleep(3);const char* path_pre = "/mnt/media_rw/";char* path = new char[strlen(path_pre) + strlen(devName)];strcpy(path, path_pre);strcat(path, devName);rmdir(path);delete(path);} else {const char* path_pre = "/mnt/media_rw/";char* path = new char[strlen(path_pre) + strlen(devName)];strcpy(path, path_pre);strcat(path, devName);if (doUnmount(path, force) != 0) {SLOGE("Failed to unmount %s (%s)", getMountpoint(), strerror(errno));if(path != NULL) {delete(path);}goto fail_remount_secure;}if(path != NULL) {rmdir(path);delete(path);}}SLOGI("%s unmounted successfully", getMountpoint());/* If this is an encrypted volume, and we've been asked to undo* the crypto mapping, then revert the dm-crypt mapping, and revert* the device info to the original values.*/if (revert && isDecrypted()) {cryptfs_revert_volume(getLabel());revertDeviceInfo();SLOGI("Encrypted volume %s reverted successfully", getMountpoint());}setUuid(NULL);setUserLabel(NULL);setState(Volume::State_Idle);mCurrentlyMountedKdev = -1;return 0;fail_remount_secure:if (providesAsec && mountAsecExternal() != 0) {SLOGE("Failed to remount secure area (%s)", strerror(errno));goto out_nomedia;}out_mounted:setState(Volume::State_Mounted);return -1;out_nomedia:setState(Volume::State_NoMedia);return -1;


int Volume::createDeviceNode(const char *path, int major, int minor) {//add by dongqiang beging_major = major;g_minor = minor;//add by dongqiang endmode_t mode = 0660 | S_IFBLK;dev_t dev = (major << 8) | minor;if (mknod(path, mode, dev) < 0) {if (errno != EEXIST) {return -1;}}return 0;


int VolumeManager::mountVolume(const char *label) {Volume *v = lookupVolume(label);if (!v) {errno = ENOENT;return -1;}return v->mountVol(devName);//modify by dongqiang ---add param
}int VolumeManager::unmountVolume(const char *label, bool force, bool revert) {Volume *v = lookupVolume(label);if (!v) {errno = ENOENT;return -1;}if (v->getState() == Volume::State_NoMedia) {errno = ENODEV;return -1;}if (v->getState() != Volume::State_Mounted) {SLOGW("Attempt to unmount volume which isn't mounted (%d)\n",v->getState());errno = EBUSY;return UNMOUNT_NOT_MOUNTED_ERR;}cleanupAsec(v, force);return v->unmountVol(force, revert, NULL);//add the third param by dongqiang

①定义全局变量数组char nameForRm[32] = {0x00};

int DirectVolume::handleBlockEvent(NetlinkEvent *evt) {const char *dp = evt->findParam("DEVPATH");PathCollection::iterator  it;for (it = mPaths->begin(); it != mPaths->end(); ++it) {if ((*it)->match(dp)) {/* We can handle this disk */int action = evt->getAction();const char *devtype = evt->findParam("DEVTYPE");if (action == NetlinkEvent::NlActionAdd) {int major = atoi(evt->findParam("MAJOR"));int minor = atoi(evt->findParam("MINOR"));char nodepath[255];snprintf(nodepath,sizeof(nodepath), "/dev/block/vold/%d:%d",major, minor);if (createDeviceNode(nodepath, major, minor)) {SLOGE("Error making device node '%s' (%s)", nodepath,strerror(errno));}if (!strcmp(devtype, "disk")) {handleDiskAdded(dp, evt);} else handlePartitionAdded(dp, evt);}/* Send notification iff disk is ready (ie all partitions found) */if (getState() == Volume::State_Idle) {char msg[255];snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),"Volume %s %s disk inserted (%d:%d)", getLabel(),getFuseMountpoint(), mDiskMajor, mDiskMinor);mVm->getBroadcaster()->sendBroadcast(ResponseCode::VolumeDiskInserted,msg, false);}} else if (action == NetlinkEvent::NlActionRemove) {if (!strcmp(devtype, "disk")) {handleDiskRemoved(dp, evt);} else {handlePartitionRemoved(dp, evt);}} else if (action == NetlinkEvent::NlActionChange) {if (!strcmp(devtype, "disk")) {handleDiskChanged(dp, evt);} else {handlePartitionChanged(dp, evt);}} else {SLOGW("Ignoring non add/remove/change event");}return 0;}}errno = ENODEV;return -1;


void DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded(const char *devpath, NetlinkEvent *evt) {int major = atoi(evt->findParam("MAJOR"));int minor = atoi(evt->findParam("MINOR"));int part_num;const char *tmp = evt->findParam("PARTN");if (tmp) {part_num = atoi(tmp);} else {SLOGW("Kernel block uevent missing 'PARTN'");part_num = 1;}if (part_num > MAX_PARTITIONS || part_num < 1) {SLOGE("Invalid 'PARTN' value");return;}if (part_num > mDiskNumParts) {mDiskNumParts = part_num;}if (major != mDiskMajor) {SLOGE("Partition '%s' has a different major than its disk!", devpath);return;}
#ifdef PARTITION_DEBUGSLOGD("Dv:partAdd: part_num = %d, minor = %d\n", part_num, minor);
#endifif (part_num >= MAX_PARTITIONS) {SLOGE("Dv:partAdd: ignoring part_num = %d (max: %d)\n", part_num, MAX_PARTITIONS-1);} else {if ((mPartMinors[part_num - 1] == -1) && mPendingPartCount)mPendingPartCount--;mPartMinors[part_num -1] = minor;}if (!mPendingPartCount) {
#ifdef PARTITION_DEBUGSLOGD("Dv:partAdd: Got all partitions - ready to rock!");
#endifif (getState() != Volume::State_Formatting) {setState(Volume::State_Idle);if (mRetryMount == true) {mRetryMount = false;mountVol(evt->findParam("DEVNAME"));//modify by dongqiang ----add param}}} else {
#ifdef PARTITION_DEBUGSLOGD("Dv:partAdd: pending %d disk", mPendingPartCount);


void DirectVolume::handleDiskRemoved(const char * /*devpath*/,NetlinkEvent *evt) {int major = atoi(evt->findParam("MAJOR"));int minor = atoi(evt->findParam("MINOR"));char msg[255];bool enabled;if (mVm->shareEnabled(getLabel(), "ums", &enabled) == 0 && enabled) {mVm->unshareVolume(getLabel(), "ums");}SLOGD("handleDiskRemoved, volume %s %s disk %d:%d removed\n", getLabel(), getMountpoint(), major, minor);snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Volume %s %s disk removed (%d:%d)",getLabel(), getFuseMountpoint(), major, minor);mVm->getBroadcaster()->sendBroadcast(ResponseCode::VolumeDiskRemoved,msg, false);setState(Volume::State_NoMedia);if(strstr(nameForRm, evt->findParam("DEVNAME"))) {const char * path_prefix = "/mnt/media_rw/";const size_t len = strlen(path_prefix) + strlen(nameForRm);char * path = new char[len+1];strcpy(path, path_prefix);strcat(path, nameForRm);SLOGD("dq>---------handleDiskRemoved-----path to remove: %s, name=%s", path, nameForRm);Volume::unmountVol(true, false, nameForRm);sleep(3);int code = rmdir(path);SLOGD("handleDiskRemoved,  now remove path: %s, error: %s", path, strerror(code));}


void DirectVolume::handlePartitionRemoved(const char * /*devpath*/,NetlinkEvent *evt) {int major = atoi(evt->findParam("MAJOR"));int minor = atoi(evt->findParam("MINOR"));char msg[255];int state;const char* devName = evt->findParam("DEVNAME");//modify by dongqiang begin const char * path_prefix = "/mnt/media_rw/";const size_t len = strlen(path_prefix) + strlen(devName);char * path = new char[len+1];strcpy(path, path_prefix);strcat(path, devName);memset(nameForRm, 0x00, sizeof(nameForRm));strcpy(nameForRm, devName);if(major == 179) {//179 sdcardSLOGD("Volume %s %s partition %d:%d removed\n", getLabel(), getMountpoint(), major, minor);} else {//usbSLOGD("Volume %s %s partition %d:%d removed\n", getLabel(), /*getMountpoint()*/path, major, minor);}
//modify by dongqiang end /** The framework doesn't need to get notified of* partition removal unless it's mounted. Otherwise* the removal notification will be sent on the Disk* itself*/state = getState();SLOGD("dq------current state: %d",state);if (state != Volume::State_Mounted && state != Volume::State_Shared) {SLOGE("state !=State_Mounted && state != State_Shared");Volume::unmountVol(true, false, devName);sleep(3);int code = rmdir(path);SLOGD("we now remove path: %s, error: %s", path, strerror(code));delete(path);return;}
//add by dongqiang beginif(path != NULL) {delete(path);}
//add by dongqiang end    if ((dev_t) MKDEV(major, minor) == mCurrentlyMountedKdev) {/** Yikes, our mounted partition is going away!*/bool providesAsec = (getFlags() & VOL_PROVIDES_ASEC) != 0;if (providesAsec && mVm->cleanupAsec(this, true)) {SLOGE("Failed to cleanup ASEC - unmount will probably fail!");}snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Volume %s %s bad removal (%d:%d)",getLabel(), getFuseMountpoint(), major, minor);mVm->getBroadcaster()->sendBroadcast(ResponseCode::VolumeBadRemoval,msg, false);if (Volume::unmountVol(true, false, evt->findParam("DEVNAME"))) {//add the third param by dongqiangSLOGE("Failed to unmount volume on bad removal (%s)", strerror(errno));// XXX: At this point we're screwed for now} else {SLOGD("Crisis averted");}} else if (state == Volume::State_Shared) {/* removed during mass storage */snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Volume %s bad removal (%d:%d)",getLabel(), major, minor);mVm->getBroadcaster()->sendBroadcast(ResponseCode::VolumeBadRemoval,msg, false);if (mVm->unshareVolume(getLabel(), "ums")) {SLOGE("Failed to unshare volume on bad removal (%s)",strerror(errno));} else {SLOGD("Crisis averted");}}


//modify by dongqiang, add parameter
int mountVol(const char* devName);
//modify by dongqiang
int unmountVol(bool force, bool revert, const char* devName);//add the third param by dongqiang 




这篇关于Android 5.1 vold模块ntfs扩展的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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介绍 R语言的扩展物种堆积图是一种数据可视化工具,它不仅展示了物种的堆积结果,还整合了不同样本分组之间的差异性分析结果。这种图形表示方法能够直观地比较不同物种在各个分组中的显著性差异,为研究者提供了一种有效的数据解读方式。 加载R包 knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = F, message = F)library(tidyverse)library(phyl

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private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;static {applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("bean.xml");} BeanFactory的功能扩展类ApplicationContext进行深度的分析。ApplicationConext与 BeanF


//------------------start opencv--------------------@Override public void onResume(){ super.onResume(); //通过OpenCV引擎服务加载并初始化OpenCV类库,所谓OpenCV引擎服务即是 //OpenCV_2.4.3.2_Manager_2.4_*.apk程序包,存

从状态管理到性能优化:全面解析 Android Compose

文章目录 引言一、Android Compose基本概念1.1 什么是Android Compose?1.2 Compose的优势1.3 如何在项目中使用Compose 二、Compose中的状态管理2.1 状态管理的重要性2.2 Compose中的状态和数据流2.3 使用State和MutableState处理状态2.4 通过ViewModel进行状态管理 三、Compose中的列表和滚动

Android 10.0 mtk平板camera2横屏预览旋转90度横屏拍照图片旋转90度功能实现

1.前言 在10.0的系统rom定制化开发中,在进行一些平板等默认横屏的设备开发的过程中,需要在进入camera2的 时候,默认预览图像也是需要横屏显示的,在上一篇已经实现了横屏预览功能,然后发现横屏预览后,拍照保存的图片 依然是竖屏的,所以说同样需要将图片也保存为横屏图标了,所以就需要看下mtk的camera2的相关横屏保存图片功能, 如何实现实现横屏保存图片功能 如图所示: 2.mtk