
2023-12-23 01:58



package;import rx.Subscriber;/*** Created by AbyssKitty on 2016/10/12.* Version 1.0* 可以在本类中对 Subscriber 获取到的数据进行处理。* 例如集中处理错误信息等*/
public class NetSubscriber<T> extends Subscriber<T> {@Overridepublic void onCompleted() {}@Overridepublic void onError(Throwable e) {if("".equals(e.getLocalizedMessage().toString())){System.err.println("========================   C Net Error  ========================");System.err.println("custom DEBUG :Net Error = " + "数据解析错误,请检查解析type是否正确 (NetModle.******)");System.err.println("========================   E Net Error  ========================");}else{
//            Toast.makeText(BaseApplication.context,"错误的操作 或 服务器响应异常",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();System.err.println("========================   C Net Error  ========================");System.err.println("custom DEBUG :Net Error = " + e.getLocalizedMessage());System.err.println("========================   E Net Error  ========================");}}@Overridepublic void onNext(T t) {}
package;import;/*** Created by AbyssKitty on 2016/10/18.* 使用接口 网络数据回调接口*/
public interface OnNetSubscriberListener {
//    void onNext(RespBean bean,Object data);void onNext(RespBean bean);void onError(Throwable e);
//    void onCompleted();
package;import java.util.List;/*** Created by Administrator on 2016/10/19.*/
public class RespBean {public String message;    //返回信息public List list;       //list数据public Object obj;        //obj数据public String code;    //成功返回9999public String page;public String pageNum;public List depart; //部门public List user;public Object info;public String total;         //条数public String key;        //0public String returnCode; //返回码 正确=SUCCESSpublic RespDate resp;public String token;public String userId;



package com.abysskitty.frame.tool;import;
import;import com.abysskitty.frame.Switch;
import;import;/*** This is a Log tool,with this you can the following* <ol>* <li>use KLog.d(),you could print whether the method execute,and the default tag is current class's* name</li>* <li>use KLog.d(msg),you could print log as before,and you could location the method with a click in* Android Studio Logcat</li>* <li>use KLog.json(),you could print json string with well format automatic</li>* </ol>** @author zhaokaiqiang*         github*         15/11/17 扩展功能,添加对文件的支持*         15/11/18 扩展功能,增加对XML的支持,修复BUG*         15/12/8  扩展功能,添加对任意参数的支持*         15/12/11 扩展功能,增加对无限长字符串支持*         16/6/13  扩展功能,添加对自定义全局Tag的支持*/
public class LogUtil {/*** 是否显示Log,调试时打开,正式发布时关闭!!!* */private static boolean IS_SHOW_LOG = Switch.isDebug;public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator");public static final String NULL_TIPS = "Log with null object";private static final String DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "test here";private static final String PARAM = "Param";private static final String NULL = "null";private static final String TAG_DEFAULT = "mLogUtil";private static final String SUFFIX = ".java";public static final int JSON_INDENT = 4;public static final int V = 0x1;public static final int D = 0x2;public static final int I = 0x3;public static final int W = 0x4;public static final int E = 0x5;public static final int WTF = 0x6;public static final int JSON = 0x7;public static final int XML = 0x8;@IntDef({ V, D, I, W, E, WTF, JSON, XML })public @interface LogType {}private static final int STACK_TRACE_INDEX = 6;public static String mGlobalTag = TAG_DEFAULT;public static void init(boolean isShowLog) {IS_SHOW_LOG = isShowLog;}public static void init(boolean isShowLog, @Nullable String tag) {IS_SHOW_LOG = isShowLog;mGlobalTag = tag;}public static void v() {printLog(V, null, DEFAULT_MESSAGE);}public static void v(Object msg) {printLog(V, null, msg);}public static void v(String tag, Object... objects) {printLog(V, tag, objects);}public static void d() {printLog(D, null, DEFAULT_MESSAGE);}public static void d(Object msg) {printLog(D, null, msg);}public static void d(String tag, Object... objects) {printLog(D, tag, objects);}public static void i() {printLog(I, null, DEFAULT_MESSAGE);}public static void i(Object msg) {printLog(I, null, msg);}public static void i(String tag, Object... objects) {printLog(I, tag, objects);}public static void w() {printLog(W, null, DEFAULT_MESSAGE);}public static void w(Object msg) {printLog(W, null, msg);}public static void w(String tag, Object... objects) {printLog(W, tag, objects);}public static void e() {printLog(E, null, DEFAULT_MESSAGE);}public static void e(Object msg) {printLog(E, null, msg);}public static void e(String tag, Object... objects) {printLog(E, tag, objects);}public static void a() {printLog(WTF, null, DEFAULT_MESSAGE);}public static void a(Object msg) {printLog(WTF, null, msg);}public static void a(String tag, Object... objects) {printLog(WTF, tag, objects);}public static void json(String jsonFormat) {printLog(JSON, null, jsonFormat);}public static void json(String tag, String jsonFormat) {printLog(JSON, tag, jsonFormat);}public static void xml(String xml) {printLog(XML, null, xml);}public static void xml(String tag, String xml) {printLog(XML, tag, xml);}public static void file(File targetDirectory, Object msg) {printFile(null, targetDirectory, null, msg);}public static void file(String tag, File targetDirectory, Object msg) {printFile(tag, targetDirectory, null, msg);}public static void file(String tag, File targetDirectory, String fileName, Object msg) {printFile(tag, targetDirectory, fileName, msg);}public static void printLog(@LogType int type, String tagStr, Object... objects) {printLog(true, type, tagStr, objects);}public static void printLog(boolean showHeadString, @LogType int type, String tagStr,Object... objects) {if (!IS_SHOW_LOG) {return;}String[] contents = wrapperContent(tagStr, objects);String tag = contents[0];String msg = contents[1];String headString = contents[2];if (!showHeadString) {headString = "";}switch (type) {case V:case D:case I:case W:case E:case WTF:BaseLog.printDefault(type, tag, headString + msg);break;case JSON:JsonLog.printJson(tag, msg, headString);break;case XML:XmlLog.printXml(tag, msg, headString);break;}}private static void printFile(String tagStr, File targetDirectory, String fileName, Object objectMsg) {if (!IS_SHOW_LOG) {return;}String[] contents = wrapperContent(tagStr, objectMsg);String tag = contents[0];String msg = contents[1];String headString = contents[2];FileLog.printFile(tag, targetDirectory, fileName, headString, msg);}/*** @param tagStr TAG标签* @param objects 要打印的值*/private static String[] wrapperContent(String tagStr, Object... objects) {StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();StackTraceElement targetElement = stackTrace[STACK_TRACE_INDEX];String className = targetElement.getClassName();String[] classNameInfo = className.split("\\.");if (classNameInfo.length > 0) {className = classNameInfo[classNameInfo.length - 1] + SUFFIX;}if (className.contains("$")) {className = className.split("\\$")[0] + SUFFIX;}String methodName = targetElement.getMethodName();int lineNumber = targetElement.getLineNumber();if (lineNumber < 0) {lineNumber = 0;}String methodNameShort = methodName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + methodName.substring(1);String tag = (tagStr == null ? mGlobalTag : tagStr);String msg = (objects == null) ? NULL_TIPS : getObjectsString(objects);String headString = "[ (" + className + ":" + lineNumber + ")#" + methodNameShort + " ] ";return new String[] { tag, msg, headString };}private static String getObjectsString(Object... objects) {if (objects.length > 1) {StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();stringBuilder.append("\n");for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {Object object = objects[i];if (object == null) {stringBuilder.append(PARAM).append("[").append(i).append("]").append(" = ").append(NULL).append("\n");} else {stringBuilder.append(PARAM).append("[").append(i).append("]").append(" = ").append(object.toString()).append("\n");}}return stringBuilder.toString();} else {Object object = objects[0];return object == null ? NULL : object.toString();}}



JVM 的类初始化机制

前言 当你在 Java 程序中new对象时,有没有考虑过 JVM 是如何把静态的字节码(byte code)转化为运行时对象的呢,这个问题看似简单,但清楚的同学相信也不会太多,这篇文章首先介绍 JVM 类初始化的机制,然后给出几个易出错的实例来分析,帮助大家更好理解这个知识点。 JVM 将字节码转化为运行时对象分为三个阶段,分别是:loading 、Linking、initialization

Spring Security 基于表达式的权限控制

前言 spring security 3.0已经可以使用spring el表达式来控制授权,允许在表达式中使用复杂的布尔逻辑来控制访问的权限。 常见的表达式 Spring Security可用表达式对象的基类是SecurityExpressionRoot。 表达式描述hasRole([role])用户拥有制定的角色时返回true (Spring security默认会带有ROLE_前缀),去

浅析Spring Security认证过程

类图 为了方便理解Spring Security认证流程,特意画了如下的类图,包含相关的核心认证类 概述 核心验证器 AuthenticationManager 该对象提供了认证方法的入口,接收一个Authentiaton对象作为参数; public interface AuthenticationManager {Authentication authenticate(Authenti

Spring Security--Architecture Overview

1 核心组件 这一节主要介绍一些在Spring Security中常见且核心的Java类,它们之间的依赖,构建起了整个框架。想要理解整个架构,最起码得对这些类眼熟。 1.1 SecurityContextHolder SecurityContextHolder用于存储安全上下文(security context)的信息。当前操作的用户是谁,该用户是否已经被认证,他拥有哪些角色权限…这些都被保

Spring Security基于数据库验证流程详解

Spring Security 校验流程图 相关解释说明(认真看哦) AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter 抽象类 /*** 调用 #requiresAuthentication(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) 决定是否需要进行验证操作。* 如果需要验证,则会调用 #attemptAuthentica

Spring Security 从入门到进阶系列教程

Spring Security 入门系列 《保护 Web 应用的安全》 《Spring-Security-入门(一):登录与退出》 《Spring-Security-入门(二):基于数据库验证》 《Spring-Security-入门(三):密码加密》 《Spring-Security-入门(四):自定义-Filter》 《Spring-Security-入门(五):在 Sprin


源码分析 常用设计模式 Proxy代理模式Factory工厂模式Singleton单例模式Delegate委派模式Strategy策略模式Prototype原型模式Template模板模式 Spring5 beans 接口实例化代理Bean操作 Context Ioc容器设计原理及高级特性Aop设计原理Factorybean与Beanfactory Transaction 声明式事物


多线程、线程池 1.  线程概念 1.1  什么是线程 1.2  线程的好处 2.   创建线程的三种方式 注意事项 2.1  继承Thread类 2.1.1 认识  2.1.2  编码实现  package cn.hdc.oop10.Thread;import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory


智听未来,一站式有声阅读平台听书系统 🌟&nbsp;开篇:遇见未来,从“智听”开始 在这个快节奏的时代,你是否渴望在忙碌的间隙,找到一片属于自己的宁静角落?是否梦想着能随时随地,沉浸在知识的海洋,或是故事的奇幻世界里?今天,就让我带你一起探索“智听未来”——这一站式有声阅读平台听书系统,它正悄悄改变着我们的阅读方式,让未来触手可及! 📚&nbsp;第一站:海量资源,应有尽有 走进“智听

Linux 网络编程 --- 应用层

一、自定义协议和序列化反序列化 代码: 序列化反序列化实现网络版本计算器 二、HTTP协议 1、谈两个简单的预备知识 --- 域名 --- 域名解析 --- IP地址 http的端口号为80端口,https的端口号为443 url为统一资源定位符。CSDN