本文主要是介绍精彩回顾:2023 SpinalHDL 应用前景探索研讨会,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
达坦科技此次联合SpinalHDL社区及该语言的创建者 Charles Papon 举办了 《2023 SpinalHDL应用前景探索》的线上研讨会,分为两个Track。
Track 1: Tooling and flow
Yindong Xiao, Get started with SpinalHDL with a Simplified Setup
Abstract: The existing SpinalHDL environment requires several steps to install, and the user may encounter various problems during the process. This is not very friendly to newcomers, especially students, who need to spend a lot of time learning how to work with the environment rather than the design itself. On the other hand, the installation process requires access to the Internet, which is not possible for many companies and places with poor network conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a better way of offline installable to simplify the usage. The talk will show how to quickly and easily set up a development environment using Docker on Linux or the MSYS2 installation tool on Windows.
Get started with SpinalHDL with a Simplified Setup分享视频
yportne13, Some Tips on Using Memory Black Box in SpinalHDL
Abstract: In this lecture, I will share some tips and tricks on how to use Memory Black Box in SpinalHDL. The main contents include the following four points: how to automatically select an appropriate implementation method based on Memory size, how to send bist enable signal to all Memories, how to add new interfaces to Memory, and how to manage bist logic.
Some Tips on Using Memory Black Box in SpinalHDL分享视频
Charles Papon, Pipelining API Introduction
Abstract: VexRiscv and NaxRiscv had their own pipelining API, now it's time for SpinalHDL to integrate its own ! This talk will introduce the recently added spinal.lib.misc.pipeline API. It mainly allows the user to define pipeline without having to manualy propagate data through the pipeline and define the arbitration, but also allows quite a few additional design patterns that will be demonstrated during the talk.
Pipelining API Introduction分享视频
Andreas Wallner, SpinalHDL Intro for New Users
Abstract: We will design a WG2812 controller, starting with a very classical design and build a bus peripheral from that. Along the way I'll introduce basic SpinalHDL concepts.
SpinalHDL Intro for New Users分享视频
Track 2: Projects
Chenbo, Pcie Brief Introduction
Abstract: In this lecture, I will share 3 subtopics
pcie brief introduction, I will give audience basic knowledge of pcie.
xilinx pcie, explain some concepts in pcie through xilinx pcie integrated block and it's example design.
spinal pcie, overview of spinal pcie facility and its future.
Pcie Brief Introduction分享视频
Christopher Lozinski, The J1Sc Family
Abstract: The J1 in Scala (J1Sc) is the newest member of a large family of stack processors. When your finite state machines become too complex and you don’t have an SoC, it is time to use a soft core processor. The j1 is a small stack processor. It can run Forth, a small Reverse Polish notation programming language, Forth includes an interpreter, which is great for hardware debugging. The J1Sc Coding style will be compared with the original J1 Verilog. There are so many variants of the J1, really the only way to manage them all from a single code base is with a high level tool like SpinalHDL.
The J1Sc Family分享视频
Related Resources
精彩回顾 l SpinalHDL应用前景探索线上研讨会
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