toefl 2018.8.26 independent writing

2023-12-21 23:30

本文主要是介绍toefl 2018.8.26 independent writing,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


虚拟 倒装 强调

When it comes to the issue what's a better way to improve performance in order to get better grades or payment, people's opinion differs from place to place and culture to culture. Some people prefer to participate in more activities and make more contributions to the group discuss, for these always related with exchanging ideas with different people. While others may think devotion in works or assignment definitely leads to better grade or higher payment. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter one with reasons below.

Admittedly, more activities do provide people with different chances to meet with new friends and inspire each one in the group to try to come up with better learning skills to study the novel and complex theories.  But, could people easily find such activities that are meaningful and closely relevant with what they are dealing with? Even so, could students really concentrate constantly on the studies when they have the chance to meet peers and to talk about various topic? Obviously, it is not easily to just simply study when people have to deal with other things like activities.

Additionally, contributing ideas more frequently not seems feasible either. Even though some students or workers just want to give more advice on how to do every things in details, the fact is they may not be equipped with all the knowledge to figure out so many ideas that suit every situations. A better solution may just like only giving the ideas that  they are proficient in, otherwise, their willingness of contribute may just lead to opposite effects to the groups with their opinions probably only slow the implement of the advanced solutions or just jeopardize the development of the performance of the group in the further.

On the contrary, doing more works and assignments very likely can give people a surprisingly perfect outcomes. Hadn't Marie Curie so focused on her studies that she sometimes forgotten to eat, she would probably never won a Nobel Prize with all the obstacles she had to face when she pursued her further studies and searched for a proper laboratory. It is just the constant works and far more devotions she had than her contemporary scientists that leads her to be the first woman to win Nobel Prize, and the first and only woman to win twice.

With the discussion above, we can safely draw a conclusion that extra works or assignments are of higher priority to be considered when people want to improve their performance.

这篇关于toefl 2018.8.26 independent writing的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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