使用第三方包:go get “github.com/kardianos/service”
日志库:go get “github.com/sirupsen/logrus”
- log “github.com/sirupsen/logrus”
1 初始化日志
package utilimport (log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""io""os"
)func InitLog(logPath string) {//设置输出样式,自带的只有两种样式logrus.JSONFormatter{}和logrus.TextFormatter{}log.SetFormatter(&log.TextFormatter{})log.SetOutput(os.Stdout)//设置output,默认为stderr,可以为任何io.Writer,比如文件*os.Filefile, err := os.OpenFile(logPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)writers := []io.Writer{file,os.Stdout}//同时写文件和屏幕fileAndStdoutWriter := io.MultiWriter(writers...)if err == nil {log.SetOutput(fileAndStdoutWriter)} else {log.Info("failed to log to file.")}//设置最低loglevellog.SetLevel(log.InfoLevel)
2 导入三方Service库+编写serviceConfig(描述、可执行文件路径等)
2.1 consts
package constsimport "path"const (ServiceVersion = "v1.0"ServiceName = "yiService"ServicePort = 9999ServiceDisplayName = "yi.service"ServiceDescription = "my test service"
)var LogPath stringfunc init() {LogPath = path.Join(WorkDir, "yiService.log")
//go:build darwin
// +build darwinpackage constsimport "path/filepath"var (StartupBash = filepath.Join(WorkDir, "startup.sh")ShutdownBash = filepath.Join(WorkDir, "shutdown.sh")
)const (WorkDir = "/usr/local/yiService"MainExe = "yiService"
package constsimport "path/filepath"var (StartupBash = filepath.Join(WorkDir, "startup.bat")ShutdownBash = filepath.Join(WorkDir, "shutdown.bat")
)const (WorkDir = "c:/yiService"MainExe = "yiService.exe"
2.2 system_service
package system_serviceimport ("awesomeProject1/consts""fmt""github.com/kardianos/service"log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""os""runtime"
)var (logger service.Loggersvc service.Service
)func init() {svcConfig := &service.Config{Name: consts.ServiceName,WorkingDirectory: consts.WorkDir,DisplayName: consts.ServiceDisplayName,Description: consts.ServiceDescription,Arguments: []string{"service", "run"}, //服务注册成功之后,由服务去执行yiService.exe service run【运行服务】Executable: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", consts.WorkDir, consts.ServiceName),Option: service.KeyValue{},}if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {svcConfig.Executable = fmt.Sprintf("%s\\%s.exe", consts.WorkDir, consts.ServiceName)}var err errorprogram := &Program{}svc, err = service.New(program, svcConfig)if err != nil {log.Errorf("create service fail %v\n", err)return}errChan := make(chan error, 5)logger, err = svc.Logger(errChan)if err != nil {log.Errorf("%v\n", err)return}if err != nil {log.Errorf("%v\n", err)return}go func() {log.Info("watching err chan....")for {err := <-errChanif err != nil {log.Fatalf("service err %v", err)}}}()
}func StartSVC() {log.Infof("StartSVC...")serviceControl("install")serviceControl("start")
}func StopSVC() {log.Infof("try to stop service, if already exists.")serviceControl("stop")
}func RunSVC() {fmt.Sprintf("%s service running \n", runtime.GOOS)if err := svc.Run(); err != nil {fmt.Sprintf("%s service running fail %v \n", runtime.GOOS, err)os.Exit(1)}
}func serviceControl(action string) {log.Infof("%s service %s \n", runtime.GOOS, action)if err := service.Control(svc, action); err != nil {log.Infof("%s service: %v \n", action, err)}
3 编写服务脚本(startup、shutdown脚本)
3.1 startup脚本
- assets/startup.bat.tmpl
@echo off@REM It is recommended to start here.
@REM Modify bash args below.
@REM "name" and "tags" must be alphanumeric sequence: [a-zA-Z-_.]
@REM Chinese chars are not supported here in bash file.
@REM Example:
@REM yiService.exe service start ^
@REM Startup from here
c:/yiService/yiService.exe service startecho "yiService started!"
echo ""
- assets/startup.sh.tmpl
#!/bin/bash# It is recommended to start here.
# Modify bash args below.
# "name" and "tags" must be alphanumeric sequence: [a-zA-Z-_.]
# Chinese chars are not supported here in bash file.
# Example:
# yiService.exe service start \
# Startup from here
# launchctl start yiService
./yiService service startecho yiService started!
ps aux |grep yiService
echo ""
3.2 shutdown脚本
- assets/shutdown.bat.tmpl
@echo off
@REM This command bash will stop the yiService windows service
@REM And then uninstall this service from operation system
@REM Configurations will be remained in directory c:/yiService/yiService on the disk.
@REM You can restart from those configurations in the near future.
c:/yiService/yiService.exe service stop
set "$process=yiService.exe"
for %%a in (%$process%) do tasklist /fi "imagename eq %%a" | find "%%a" && taskkill /f /im %%aecho shutdown yiService successfully!
- assets/shutdown.sh.tmpl
#!/bin/bash# This command bash will stop the yiService windows service
# And then uninstall this service from operation system
# Configurations will be remained in directory c:/yiService on the disk.
# You can restart from those configurations in the near future.
#./yiService service stop
PID=$(ps -eaf | grep '/usr/local/yiService' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
if [[ "" != "$PID" ]]; thenecho "killing $PID"kill -9 "$PID"
fiecho shutdown yiService successfully!
4 编写extractFiles(执行exe文件之后,拷贝exe到服务工作目录)
package system_serviceimport ("awesomeProject1/assets""awesomeProject1/consts""fmt"log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""io""os""runtime"
)func ExtractFiles() {CopyMainExe()//copy startup\shutdownif err := os.WriteFile(consts.StartupBash, assets.StartupBatTmpl, os.ModePerm); err != nil {log.Errorf("create startup bash failed %v", err)}if err := os.WriteFile(consts.ShutdownBash, assets.ShutdownBatTmpl, os.ModePerm); err != nil {log.Errorf("create shutdown bash failed %v", err)}
}func CopyMainExe() {executable, err := os.Executable()log.Infof("install %s to %s", executable, consts.MainExe)if err != nil {log.Errorf("%v", err)}sFile, err := os.Open(executable)if err != nil {log.Errorf("%v", err)}defer sFile.Close()exePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", consts.WorkDir, consts.MainExe)if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {exePath = fmt.Sprintf("%s\\%s", consts.WorkDir, consts.MainExe)}_, err = os.Stat(exePath)if err == nil {//overwriteif err := os.RemoveAll(exePath); err != nil {log.Errorf("%v", err)}}eFile, err := os.Create(exePath)if err != nil {log.Errorf("%v", err)}defer eFile.Close()if _, err = io.Copy(eFile, sFile); err != nil {log.Errorf("%v", err)}if err = eFile.Sync(); err != nil {log.Errorf("%v", err)}if err = os.Chdir(consts.WorkDir); err != nil {log.Errorf("%v\n", err)}if err = os.Chmod(consts.MainExe, os.FileMode(0777)); err != nil {log.Errorf("%v", err)}
5 编写firewall部分+main函数部分(开放端口+由系统服务拉起进程)
5.1 firewall部分
- darwin
//go:build darwin
// +build darwinpackage firewallimport ("awesomeProject1/consts""bytes""fmt"log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""os/exec""strconv""strings"
)func OpenPort() {log.Infof("darwin firewall checking\n")cmd0 := exec.Command("/usr/bin/nc", "-z", "", fmt.Sprintf("%d", consts.ServicePort))log.Warnf("cmd0=%s\n", cmd0)stdout, err := cmd0.CombinedOutput()result := string(stdout)if err != nil {log.Infof("err=%v \n", err)return}if strings.Contains(result, "command not found") {fmt.Println("[warn]:", result)return}if strings.Contains(result, "not running") {fmt.Println("[warn]:", result)return}if strings.Contains(result, strconv.Itoa(consts.ServicePort)) {log.Warnf("%d already opened\n", consts.ServicePort)return}cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=%d/tcp --permanent && firewall-cmd --reload", consts.ServicePort))var out bytes.Buffervar stderr bytes.Buffercmd.Stdout = &outcmd.Stderr = &stderrif err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {log.Warnf("%s", stderr.String())log.Warnf("%v", err)}log.Warnf(out.String())
- Windows
//go:build windows
// +build windowspackage firewallimport ("bytes""fmt"log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""os/exec""runtime"
)func OpenPort() {log.Infot("windows firewall checking")cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=\"yiService\"")var out bytes.Buffervar stderr bytes.Buffercmd.Stdout = &outcmd.Stderr = &stderrif runtime.GOOS == "windows" {}if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {log.Errorf("%s", stderr.String())log.Errorf("%v", err)}cmd2 := exec.Command("cmd", "/c",fmt.Sprintf("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"yiService\" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=%d",consts.ServicePort,))var out2 bytes.Buffervar stderr2 bytes.Buffercmd2.Stdout = &out2cmd2.Stderr = &stderr2if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {}if err := cmd2.Run(); err != nil {log.Errorf("%s", stderr2.String())log.Errorf("%v", err)}
5.2 main函数
package mainimport ("awesomeProject1/consts""awesomeProject1/system_service""awesomeProject1/system_service/firewall""awesomeProject1/util"log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus""os"
)func init() {//os.Setenv("dev", "true")util.InitLog(consts.LogPath)
}func main() {if len(os.Getenv("dev")) != 0 {system_service.StopSVC()firewall.OpenPort()system_service.StartSVC()system_service.RunSVC()}log.Errorf("os.Args=%v len=%v \n", os.Args, len(os.Args))if len(os.Args) == 1 {//stop svc if existsystem_service.StopSVC()log.Errorf("install %v \n", consts.ServiceName)if err := os.MkdirAll(consts.WorkDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {log.Errorf("%v\n", err)}firewall.OpenPort()system_service.ExtractFiles()pwd, err := os.Getwd()if err != nil {log.Errorf("%v\n", err)}log.Infof("install svc, working directory %s", pwd)system_service.StartSVC()log.Infof("yiService installed!")return}os.Chdir(consts.WorkDir)log.Errorf("service %s \n", os.Args[2])switch os.Args[2] {case "start":system_service.StartSVC()returncase "stop":system_service.StopSVC()returndefault:system_service.RunSVC()log.Info("running yiService")}