
2023-12-19 07:18
文章标签 学习 dlna 七十一 两百






DLNA(DIGITAL LIVING NETWORK ALLIANCE,数字生活网络联盟) 其前身是DHWG (Digital Home Working Group,数字家庭工作组),成立于2003年6月24 日, 是由索尼、英特尔、微软等发起成立的一个非营利性的、合作性质的商业组织。

DLNA旨在解决个人PC ,消费电器,移动设备在内的无线网络和有线网络的互联互通,使得数字媒体和内容服务的无限制的共享和增长成为可能。DLNA的口号是Enjoy your music, photos and videos, anywhere anytime。



2017年2月20日,DLNA在其官网宣布:本组织的使命已经完成,已于2017年1月5日正式解散,相关的认证将移交给SpireSpark公司,未来不会再更新DLNA标准 [1]  。



DLNA Guidelines - June 2016

The Interoperability Guidelines consists of ten parts covering Architecture and Protocols, Media Formats, Link Protection, DRM Interoperability Systems, Device Profiles, HTML5 RUI, Authentication, Diagnostics, HTTP Adaptive Delivery, and Low Power Mode.  It provides vendors with the information needed to build interoperable networked platforms and devices for the digital home.  The necessary standards and technologies are available now to enable products to be built for networked entertainment centric usages.  However, standards and technologies need to be clarified and options limited to ensure interoperability.  The DLNA Home Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines fulfill that role.


2.1 架构和协议

Part 1 - Architectures and Protocols

The Interoperability Guidelines are based on an architecture that defines interoperable components for devices and software infrastructure.  It covers physical media, network transports, device discovery and control, media management and control, media formats, media transport protocols, and remote user interfaces.  Table 1 shows a summary of the key functional components and technology ingredients that are covered by the Interoperability Guidelines.

Functional ComponentsTechnology Ingredients
ConnectivityEthernet, 802.11 (including Wi-Fi Direct), MoCA, HD-PLC, HomePlug-AV, HPNA and Bluetooth
NetworkingIPv4 and IPV6 Suite
Device Discovery and ControlUPnP* Device Architecture
Media Management and ControlUPnP AV, EnergyManagement, DeviceManagement, and Printer
Media FormatsRequired and Optional Format Profiles
Media TransportHTTP (Mandatory) , HTTP Adaptive Delivery (DASH) and RTP
Remote User InterfacesCEA-2014-A , HTML5
Device ProfilesCVP-NA-1, CVP-EU-1, CVP-2


Part 1-2 – Extended Digital Media Renderer

The DLNA Guidelines Parts 1–2 introduce a number of device classes to identify specific roles that connected endpoints implement in the network. Devices can act as content sources (e.g., Digital Media Servers, Push Controllers), and as content sinks (Digital Media Renderers or Digital Media Players).

Having two types of content sinks has been a useful strategy to accelerate the initial deployment phase. However, many of the modern receiver devices now include both types. Consequently, there is a need to define a receiver device that combines both types. This document addresses this issue and specifically, it describes a device class for an Extended Digital Media Renderer (XDMR).


This document focuses on the discovery, association, and control of Apps capable of augmenting DLNA devices with the ability to consume content from sources outside of the home. The basic support is realized with the UPnP ApplicationManagement Service.

2 多媒体格式协议

This document describes DLNA Media Format profiles applicable to the DLNA Device Classes.  Media Format profiles are defined for each of the following media classes: Audio, Image, and AV. In addition, Profile ID values that identify media collections were also introduced.

It is envisioned that in the home network environment, devices will be capable of exchanging content items that originate from different sources. Content items will typically come encoded in different formats. The term "format" designates the compression and encoding tools utilized to generate the binary instance of a content item, which will be eventually exchanged over the home network using streaming or file transfer protocols. Examples of formats include MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV and others for video; or MP3, AAC, WMA and others for audio. 

Formats alone however, include as part of their specifications, multiple parameters, features and tools which can be used in a myriad of combinations to generate content binaries. In this document, the notion of a Format Profile is introduced to identify a particular suitable combination of format parameters which define a way for representing content binaries. A format like MPEG-2 for example, can have multiple profiles depending on selections for the companion audio, the system-layer multiplexing specifications, allowed frame resolutions, allowed aspect ratios, allowed bit rates, etc.

This document provides a list of Format Profiles for image, audio, and AV formats defined for use in DLNA devices. For each particular format profile, this document defines a Profile ID text token to be used during the DLNA media discovery and media transfer operations. The Profile ID is exposed in a server's Content Directory Service (CDS) to signal potential networked players or renderers the existence of a content item with particular coding and compression features defined precisely by the item's Profile ID. This document also describes the uses of Format Profiles which define media collections.

The number of potential combinations for suitable profiles becomes large rather quickly, as evidenced by the long profile lists observed in the different clauses and sub clauses of this document. Consequently, this document introduces the notion of mandatory profiles, supported by all devices, as a means to provide baseline content interoperability in the home. Servers will be capable of exposing and transferring mandatory profiles while players and renderers will be capable of decoding and rendering the mandatory profiles. 

All profiles not defined as mandatory become optional in the home. An implementer can choose whether to support optional profiles. When supported and used with DLNA’s discover y and transfer methods, it will follow the guideline provisions for encoding and exposing optional profiles.






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本章知识考点:         第20课时主要学习通信系统架构设计的理论和工作中的实践。根据新版考试大纲,本课时知识点会涉及案例分析题(25分),而在历年考试中,案例题对该部分内容的考查并不多,虽在综合知识选择题目中经常考查,但分值也不高。本课时内容侧重于对知识点的记忆和理解,按照以往的出题规律,通信系统架构设计基础知识点多来源于教材内的基础网络设备、网络架构和教材外最新时事热点技术。本课时知识


文章目录 1. 常见图结构2. 谱聚类 感觉后面几节课的内容跨越太大,需要补充太多的知识点,教授讲得内容跨越较大,一般一节课的内容是书本上的一章节内容,所以看视频比较吃力,需要先预习课本内容后才能够很好的理解教授讲解的知识点。 1. 常见图结构 假设我们有如下图结构: Adjacency Matrix:行和列表示的是节点的位置,A[i,j]表示的第 i 个节点和第 j 个