skype 加密通话_如何设置任何人都可以加入的Skype视频通话

2023-12-18 13:10

本文主要是介绍skype 加密通话_如何设置任何人都可以加入的Skype视频通话,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

skype 加密通话

skype 加密通话

Skype invite link on iPhone
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Are you not wanting to participate in Zoom meetings because of privacy concerns? Try Skype’s Meet Now feature that lets you set up a video call that anyone can join using a link. Here’s how to set up a free meeting on Skype.

您是否出于隐私考虑而不想参加Zoom会议 ? 尝试使用Skype的“立即开会”功能,该功能可让您设置任何人都可以使用链接加入的视频通话。 以下是在Skype上设置免费会议的方法。

The Meet Now feature has existed for quite a while, but during the Coronavirus pandemic, Microsoft has pushed the feature with an easy-to-use website.


Now, you can just visit Skype’s conference call page, sign in with your account, create a free meeting, and instantly generate a link. When your colleague clicks on the link, they’ll be able to join the call directly in the browser (as long as they’re using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge).

现在,您只需访问Skype的电话会议页面,使用您的帐户登录,创建免费会议并立即生成链接即可。 当您的同事单击链接时,他们将能够直接在浏览器中加入通话(只要他们使用的是Google Chrome或Microsoft Edge)。

Recipients won’t need to download the Skype app or even sign in with an account. If they want, they can open the meeting in the Skype app, but that’s not mandatory.

收件人无需下载Skype应用程序,甚至无需使用帐户登录。 如果他们愿意,他们可以在Skype应用程序中打开会议,但这不是强制性的。

To set up a Skype video conference, open the Skype Meeting page. Here, make sure that you’re logged in with your primary Skype account and then click on the “Create A Free Meeting” button.

要设置Skype视频会议,请打开“ Skype会议”页面 。 在这里,请确保您使用主要的Skype帐户登录,然后单击“创建免费会议”按钮。

Create meeting in Skype online

The Skype website will instantly create a unique link (which uses randomized numbers and characters, and is more secure that Zoom’s public links).


Click on the Copy button to add the link to your clipboard.


Copy the invite link

Alternatively, if you want to invite a team using email, you can click on the “Share Invite” button and then choose the “Outlook Mail” or “Gmail” options.

或者,如果您想使用电子邮件邀请团队,则可以单击“共享邀请”按钮,然后选择“ Outlook邮件”或“ Gmail”选项。

Choose how to share the invite

When a participant opens the link in their browser, they’ll be asked if they want to directly open the Skype app. If they click on the “Open Skype” button, it will open the meeting group in the Skype app directly.

参与者在浏览器中打开链接时,系统会询问他们是否要直接打开Skype应用程序。 如果他们单击“打开Skype”按钮,它将直接在Skype应用程序中打开会议组。

But they don’t need to do that. They can click on the “Cancel” option to join as a guest.

但是他们不需要这样做。 他们可以单击“取消”选项以访客身份加入。

Click on cancel from Skype popup

Once the popup disappears, they can click on the “Join As Guest” option.


Click on Join as Guest

The participant can now enter their name and then click on the “Join” button to instantly join the meeting group in the browser (again, this only works on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge).

参加者现在可以输入其姓名,然后单击“加入”按钮以立即在浏览器中加入会议组(同样,该操作仅适用于Google Chrome和Microsoft Edge)。

Click on Join

Once everyone has joined the meeting, you can just click on the “Start Call” button.


Click on Start Call from meeting

You’ll again see the option to copy the invite link or to invite people. Click on the “Start Call” button again to begin the video call.

您将再次看到复制邀请链接或邀请他人的选项。 再次单击“开始通话”按钮以开始视频通话。

Click on Start Call button

You can use the “Share Call Link” option to share the link to the video call any time during the conversation.


By default, Skype will label the conversation “Meet Now.” To rename the conversation, right-click on the conversation from the sidebar and choose the “Manage Group ” option.

默认情况下,Skype会将对话标记为“立即开会”。 要重命名对话,请在侧边栏中右键单击对话,然后选择“管理组”选项。

Click on Manage Group

Here, click on the Edit button next to the meeting name to change it.


Click on Edit button from the name

Once you’re done with the meeting and you want to delete it, right-click on the conversation and choose the “Delete Conversation” option. You can also leave the group itself by clicking on the “Leave Group” option.

完成会议并要删除会议后,右键单击对话并选择“删除对话”选项。 您也可以通过单击“离开小组”选项离开小组。

Click on Delete or leave Group

Want to document your Skype call? Here’s how you can record your Skype sessions.

是否要记录您的Skype通话? 这是记录Skype会话的方法 。


skype 加密通话

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