AT32 F435简介2/N Features

2023-12-17 22:12
文章标签 简介 features at32 f435

本文主要是介绍AT32 F435简介2/N Features,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

AT32 F435简介2/N Features

  • 1. 源由
  • 2. Features
    • 2.1 Core
    • 2.2 Memories
    • 2.3 LCD parallel interface
    • 2.4 Power control (PWC)
    • 2.5 Clock and reset management (CRM)
    • 2.6 Analog
    • 2.7 DMA
    • 2.8 IO
    • 2.9 Timer
    • 2.10 RTC
    • 2.11 Communication interfaces
    • 2.12 Digital Video Parallel (DVP) interface
    • 2.13 CRC
    • 2.14 UID
    • 2.15 Debug mode
    • 2.16 Operating temperatures
    • 2.17 Packages
    • 2.18 Power Consumption
  • 3. 总结
  • 4. 参考资料

1. 源由

  1. 对比STM32 F405进行AT32 F435 MCU的资料研读,期望获取更多差异化信息;
  2. 配合ChibiOS的porting工作,有理有据;
  3. 寻找AT32 F435的一些亮点功能和特性;

2. Features

2.1 Core

AT32 F435

  • 【主频更高】288 MHz

Core: ARM®32-bit Cortex®-M4F CPU with FPU
288 MHz maximum frequency, with a Memory Protection Unit (MPU), single-cycle multiplication and hardware division
Floating Point Unit (FPU)
DSP instructions

STM32 F405

  • 【缓存预取】Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator) allowing 0-wait state execution from Flash memory

Core: Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU with FPU
Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator) allowing 0-wait state execution from Flash memory
frequency up to 168 MHz, memory protection unit, 210 DMIPS/ 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1)
and DSP instructions

注:STM32 F405其实也是一个变种的M4核,Cortex-M4应该不带FPU的,详见:Cortex-M4F vs M4。

2.2 Memories

AT32 F435

  • 【容量更大】256 to 4032 KBytes of Flash memory
  • 【容量更大】384 to 512 KBytes of SRAM
  • 【应用更广】sLib: configurable part of main Flash set as a library area with code executable but secured, nonreadable
  • 【应用更广】Up to 2 x QSPI interfaces for external SPI Flash or SPI RAM extension, and memory mapping mode

256 to 4032 KBytes of Flash memory
sLib: configurable part of main Flash set as a library area with code executable but secured, nonreadable
384 to 512 KBytes of SRAM
External memory controller (XMC) with 16-bit data bus: supports CF, SRAM, PSRAM, NOR, NAND, SDRAM memories
Up to 2 x QSPI interfaces for external SPI Flash or SPI RAM extension, and memory mapping mode

STM32 F405

  • 【唯一标识】512 bytes of OTP memory

Up to 1 Mbyte of Flash memory
Up to 192+4 Kbytes of SRAM including 64Kbyte of CCM (core coupled memory) data RAM
512 bytes of OTP memory
Flexible static memory controller supporting Compact Flash, SRAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND memories

2.3 LCD parallel interface


2.4 Power control (PWC)

AT32 F435

  • 无特殊优势

2.6 V ~ 3.6 V application supply
Power-on reset (POR)/ low-voltage reset (LVR), and power voltage monitor (PVM)
Low power: Sleep, Deepsleep, and Standby modes
VBAT supply for LEXT, ERTC and 20 x 32-bit battery power register (ERTC_BPR)

STM32 F405

  • 【低电压供电】1.8 V ~ 3.6 V
  • 【掉电内存保存】VBAT supply for optional 4 KB backup SRAM

1.8 V ~ 3.6 V external power supply
Low-power operation: Sleep, Stop and Standby modes
VBAT supply for RTC, 20×32 bit backup registers + optional 4 KB backup SRAM

2.5 Clock and reset management (CRM)

AT32 F435

  • 【高精度】Internal 48 MHz factory-trimmed clock (HICK)

4 to 25 MHz crystal oscillator (HEXT)
Internal 48 MHz factory-trimmed clock (HICK), accuracy 1% at TA=25 °C, 2.5 % at TA=-40 to +105 °C, with automatic clock calibration (ACC)
PLL with configurable frequency multiplication and division factor
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (LEXT)
Internal 40 kHz RC oscillator (LICK)

STM32 F405

  • 无特殊优势

4 to 26 MHz crystal oscillator
Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (1% accuracy)
32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration
Internal 32 kHz RC with calibration

2.6 Analog

AT32 F435

  • 【高速率】3 x 12-bit 5.33 MSPS A/D converters, up to 24 input channels

3 x 12-bit 5.33 MSPS A/D converters, up to 24 input channels, 12-bit/10-bit/8-bit/6-bit configurable resolution
Temperature sensor (VTS), internal reference voltage (VINTR), VBAT battery voltage monitor (VBAT/4)
2 x 12-bit D/A converters

STM32 F405

  • 【高速率】A/D converters 7.2 MSPS in triple interleaved mode

3×12-bit, 2.4 MSPS A/D converters: up to 24 channels and 7.2 MSPS in triple interleaved mode
Temperature sensor is internally connected to the ADC1_IN16, which ranges from 1.8 V to 3.6 V and varies from chip to chip due to process variation
2×12-bit D/A converters

2.7 DMA

AT32 F435

  • 【资源多】22 channels in all

− 2 x general-purpose DMAs and 1 x EDMA
− 22 channels in all

STM32 F405

  • 无特殊优势

  • General-purpose DMA: 16-stream DMA controller with FIFOs and burst support

2.8 IO

AT32 F435

  • 无特殊优势

Up to 116 Fast I/O Interfaces
All mappable to 16 external interrupt vectors
Almost 5 V-tolerant

STM32 F405

  • 【更多IO】Up to 140 I/O ports with interrupt capability

Up to 140 I/O ports with interrupt capability
Up to 136 fast I/Os up to 84 MHz
Up to 138 5 V-tolerant I/Os

2.9 Timer

AT32 F435

  • 【更多Timer】Up to 18 Timers (TMR)

Up to 18 Timers (TMR)
Up to 13 x 16-bit timers + 2 x 32-bit timers, each with 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter channels
2 x Watchdog timers (WDT and WWDT)
SysTick timer: 24-bit downcounter

STM32 F405

Up to 17 timers
Up to 12 x 16-bit + 2 x 32bit timers up to 168 MHz, each with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input

2.10 RTC


AT32 F435

ERTC: enhanced RTC with auto-wakeup, alarm, subsecond precision, hardwar calendar and calibration feature

STM32 F405

RTC: subsecond accuracy, hardware calendar

2.11 Communication interfaces

AT32 F435

  • 【更多资源】Up to 23 communication interfaces
  • 【更多资源】Up to 4 x SPIs (36 Mbit/s)
  • 【更多资源】Up to 2 x SDIO interfaces

Up to 23 communication interfaces
Up to 3 x I2C interfaces (SMBus/PMBus)
Up to 4 x USARTs/4 x UARTx (ISO7816, LIN, IrDA capability, modern control and RS485 drive enable), support TX/RX swap
Up to 4 x SPIs (36 Mbit/s), all with I2S interface multiplexed, I2S2/I2S3 support fullduplex
Up to 2 x CAN interfaces (2.0B Active)
Up to 2 x OTG FS controller, supporting crystal-less in device mode
Up to 2 x SDIO interfaces − Infrared transmitter (IRTMR)

STM32 F405

  • 无特殊优势

Up to 15 communication interfaces
Up to 3 × I2C interfaces (SMBus/PMBus)
Up to 4 USARTs/2 UARTs (10.5 Mbit/s, ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, modem control)
Up to 3 SPIs (42 Mbits/s), 2 with muxed full-duplex I2S to achieve audio class accuracy via internal audio PLL or external clock
2 × CAN interfaces (2.0B Active)
SDIO interface

2.12 Digital Video Parallel (DVP) interface


AT32 F435

8~14-bit digital video parallel (DVP) interface

STM32 F405

8- to 14-bit parallel camera interface up to 54 Mbytes/s

2.13 CRC


CRC calculation unit

2.14 UID


96-bit unique ID (UID)

2.15 Debug mode

支持Debug(Serial wire debug (SWD) and JTAG interfaces)

2.16 Operating temperatures

-40 to +105 °C

2.17 Packages

AT32 F435

LQFP144 20 x 20 mm
LQFP100 14 x 14 mm
LQFP64 10 x 10 mm
LQFP48 7 x 7 mm
QFN48 6 x 6 mm

STM32 F405

LQFP176 (24 × 24 mm)
LQFP144 (20 × 20 mm)
LQFP100 (14 × 14 mm)
LQFP64 (10 × 10 mm)
WLCSP90 (4.223x3.969 mm)
UFBGA176 (10 × 10 mm)

2.18 Power Consumption

AT32 F435

  • 【功耗双倍】
  • 【核心功耗】相当

Core: 59.9 mA
Periperial(on):222.7 mA

STM32 F405

Core: 46 mA
Periperial(on):93 mA

3. 总结

航模应用上,重点是:性能,资源;因此,整体上看,AT32 F435芯片特性上看,会更具备优势。

  • 288MHz 主频更高,整体性能更优
  • ROM最大支持到4MB,RAM更多,与日益复杂的飞控功能相得益彰
  • IO/DMA/Timer/SPI资源更多,符合飞控应用需求

4. 参考资料

【2】ARTERY AT32F435
【3】ST STM32F405/415

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