list遍历塞入map中_微软只是将广告塞入Windows 10邮件中。 他们什么时候停止?

2023-12-15 19:30

本文主要是介绍list遍历塞入map中_微软只是将广告塞入Windows 10邮件中。 他们什么时候停止?,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Whether it’s pre-installing Candy Crush Saga, showing full-screen ads on your lock screen, or displaying banner ads in File Explorer, Microsoft has been shoehorning ads into every inch of Windows 10. The Mail app is getting them next.

无论是预装Candy Crush Saga ,在锁定屏幕上显示全屏广告,还是在File Explorer中显示横幅广告,Microsoft都一直在将广告刺入Windows 10的每一英寸。 邮件应用程序下一步将获取它们。

Update: Microsoft’s head of communications, Frank Shaw, just backpedaled on Twitter. He said “this is an experimental feature that was never intended to be tested broadly and is being turned off.” As Mehedi Hassan notes over at Thurrott, this is a strange claim because Microsoft has a detailed support page explaining these advertisements.

更新:微软的传播负责人弗兰克·肖(Frank Shaw)刚刚在Twitter上退位。 他说:“这是一项实验性功能,从未打算对其进行广泛测试,因此将其关闭。” 正如Mehedi Hassan在Thurrott提到的那样,这是一个奇怪的说法,因为Microsoft拥有详细的支持页面来解释这些广告。

As originally spotted by Italian blog Aggiornamenti Lumia and noticed by Mehedi Hassan over at Thurrott, Windows 10’s Mail app is getting a a personalized ad banner at the top of your inbox. Here’s what Microsoft’s Mail app says about it:

正如最初在意大利博客Aggiornamenti Lumia上发现并在Thurrott上被Mehedi Hassan注意到的那样,Windows 10的Mail应用正在您的收件箱顶部显示个性化广告横幅。 这是微软的邮件应用对此的评价:

The ads at the top of the message list come from Microsoft. You’ll see them whether you are using a Microsoft email account, like, or an account from another email service provider, like Google.

邮件列表顶部的广告来自Microsoft。 无论您使用的是Microsoft电子邮件帐户(例如还是来自其他电子邮件服务提供商的帐户(例如Google),您都会看到它们。

You can only get rid of these ads by paying for an Office 365 subscription. They have nothing to do with—they’ll appear no matter which email account you’re using, even if you’re using a work email account.

您只能通过支付Office 365订阅来摆脱这些广告。 它们与Outlook.com无关,即使您使用的是工作电子邮件帐户,也不会显示它们,无论您使用的是哪个电子邮件帐户。

This feature is new and just in Insider builds of Windows 10—for now. Microsoft could be A/B testing—in other words, testing advertisements in Mail for some Windows users, but not others, to see what the response is like (and how much money they’ll make.)

此功能是新增功能,目前仅在Windows 10的Insider内部版本中。 微软可以进行A / B测试,换句话说,可以为某些Windows用户(而非其他用户)测试Mail中的广告,以查看响应是什么样的(以及他们将赚多少钱)。

But, even if Microsoft is A/B testing this advertisement, it’s our job as Windows users to be upset about it and show Microsoft we aren’t happy. If we don’t, Microsoft will slowly place ads in every inch of Windows 10 where there’s some free space. Of course, Microsoft might do that even if we’re unhappy about it.

但是,即使Microsoft正在A / B测试此广告,作为Windows用户,我们也要为此感到沮丧,并向Microsoft表示我们不高兴。 如果我们不这样做,微软将在具有一定可用空间的Windows 10的每一英寸处缓慢放置广告。 当然,即使我们对此不满意,微软也可能会这样做。

This just shows the problems with “Windows as a Service.” Microsoft would probably say it needs this additional revenue to help keep Windows continually updated, but lots of Windows users would rather have an ad-free operating system than constant feature updates.

这仅显示了“ Windows即服务”的问题。 微软可能会说,需要这笔额外的收入来帮助不断更新Windows,但是许多Windows用户宁愿拥有无广告的操作系统,也不愿不断更新功能。

Remember, Windows 10 isn’t free! Microsoft actually charges $200 for Windows 10 Professional licenses, and people who pay that $200 to get work done have to put up with Candy Crush Saga and all these other advertisements, just like the rest of us.

请记住,Windows 10不是免费的! 微软实际上对Windows 10专业版许可证收取200美元,而为完成工作而支付200美元的人们必须忍受Candy Crush Saga和所有其他广告,就像我们其他人一样。

Three years ago, Satya Nadella said Microsoft wants people to love Windows. But, when it’s time for hard decisions, Microsoft would rather make some extra cash than have Windows users love the operating system we’re all stuck using.

三年前,萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)说,微软希望人们喜欢Windows。 但是,当需要做出艰难的决定时,微软宁愿赚一些额外的钱,也不愿让Windows用户喜欢我们都被困住的操作系统。

Image Credit: Aggiornamenti Lumia

图片来源: Aggiornamenti Lumia



这篇关于list遍历塞入map中_微软只是将广告塞入Windows 10邮件中。 他们什么时候停止?的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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