R12应收模块收款API研究 撰写人:杜春阳 撰写日期:2012年1月10日 最后修改日期:2012年1月10日 版本: 1.0 文档控制 更改记录 日期 姓名 版本 变更参考 2011-01-10 杜春阳 1.0 无前期版本 审阅 姓名 职位 分发 编号. 名称 地点 1 2 1 2 目录 文档控制2 更改记录2 审阅2 分发2 目录3 文档说明4 使用对象4 参考文档4 相关业务汇总5 相关业务汇总5 代码案例详解7 创建收款(AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.CREATE_CASH)7 核销收款(AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.APPLY)9 创建并核销收款(AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.CREATE_AND_APPLY)11 撤销核销收款(AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.CREATE_AND_APPLY)13 冲销收款(AR_RECEIPT_API.PUB.REVERSE)14 文档说明 该文档主要介绍应收模块的收款功能相关API。本文仅介绍了部分主要业务的API,对于其他业务请参阅下方ORACLE官方文档。 使用对象 开发人员 参考文档 l Metalink Oracle Receivables: Receipts API Overview, Setup, Sample Scripts and Troubleshooting [ID 1361075.1] 相关业务汇总 相关业务汇总 包名:AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB。黄色为本文介绍 编号 业务 过程名称 英文解释 1. 创建收款 CREATE_CASH Creates a single cash receipt, as in the case of manually created cash receipts 2. 核销应收发票 APPLY Applies a cash receipt to a particular installment of a debit item. The application can also be a cross currency application. 3. 创建并同时核销发票 CREATE_AND_APPLY Creates a cash receipt and applies it to a specified installment of a debit item in one pass. Application will fail if the receipt cannot be created. This API is a super-set of CREATE_CASH and APPLY. It provides more parameters which allow the user to have more control over the type of receipt and application to create. For example, this API takes in a value for p_factor_discount_amount, whereas APPLY API above does not. 4. 取消核销发票 UNAPPLY Unapplies the application of a particular installment of a debit item against the specified cash receipt. 5. 冲销收款 REVERSE Reverses the specified receipt. 6 核销账户 APPLY_ON_ACCOUNT Creates an on-account application for a cash receipt 7 撤销核销账户 UNAPPLY_ON_ACCOUNT Unapplies the on-account application on the specified receipt. 8 核销活动 ACTIVITY_APPLICATION Applies to an activity, such as Receipt Write-off or Refund. 9 创建杂项收款 CREATE_MISC Creates a single miscellaneous receipt. 10 核销其他账户活动 APPLY_OTHER_ACCOUNT Applies to other account activities, such as Claim Investigation (for Trade Management customers only). 11 撤销核销其他账户 UNAPPLY_OTHER_ACCOUNT Unapplies from other account activities, such as Claim Investigation. 12 不懂 APPLY_OPEN_RECEIPT Creates a receipt-to-receipt application (payment netting). 13 不懂 UNAPPLY_OPEN_RECEIPT Unapplies a receipt-to-receipt application. 14 不懂 CREATE_APPLY_ON_ACC Creates a cash receipt and an on-account application in one pass. Application will fail if the receipt cannot be created. 15 核销到发票行明细 APPLY_IN_DETAIL Apply a receipt at invoice line level. 代码案例详解 创建收款(AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.CREATE_CASH) API描述 这个API一次可以创建一个收款,创建成功后,状态为未核销。 该API一次只能创建一个收款,无法创建收款批。 API代码详解 PROCEDURE Create_cash( -- Standard API parameters. p_api_version IN