[其他] GNome KDE / GTK GTK+ Qt / GDK / Glib

2023-12-15 18:45
文章标签 qt gnome kde gtk gdk glib

本文主要是介绍[其他] GNome KDE / GTK GTK+ Qt / GDK / Glib,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

GTK, GTK+, and Qt are GUI toolkits. These are libraries that developers use to design graphical interfaces, all running on top of the X Server or Wayland. These are things that you need to install as dependencies. They're the Linux "equivalent" to Windows' GDI/GDI+. When an application uses any of these, it will usually have a general "look and feel".

GNOME and KDE are Desktop Environments. GNOME primarily uses the GTK+ toolkit, while KDE primarily uses the Qt toolkit. There are applications designed for GNOME or KDE, such as a settings menu or a default music player, usually in the appropriate toolkit. These Desktop Environments have a set of utilities/window managers/design specification to create a more unified desktop. You can mix the two if you feel like it, but you may run into issues with colliding standards and applications (which is a bit more common on systems like Arch).

Unity uses many of the GNOME utilities and backends (Nautilus, Rhythmbox, gvfs, etc.), so Unity is more GNOME than KDE.

One A GNOME program uses multiple libraries to form a hierarchy:
The Gnome library is at the top level, including help routines, classes, and special widgets, and provides an infrastructure for your application.
The second layer is GTK, which is part of the GTK + library. This library provides a basic toolkit and widget to create GUI applications. Most GUIs are written directly with GTK. GTK also provides a powerful object system for the GNOME library.
The next layer is GDK, which is simply packaged with the X function library, which is only used when we make special drawings or set the special properties of the window.
The bottom layer is glib, a utility library for C, which includes portability and some utility functions, as well as some container classes, such as lists, variable groups, variable-length strings, hashes (seemingly Hassi), caching, an event loop, and other useful constructs


  • GLib 是基础对象库,不涉及任何图形绘制。
  • GDK 是图形绘制库,如果想定制化widget,则再此层实现。不太需要关心。
  • GTK GTK+ 和 Qt 都是 GUI 库,同级别。设备事件管理和窗口管理都在在这一层。
  • GNome 和 KDE 是对 GUI 库的二次封装。

一般开发触及到 GNome 和 GTK/GTK+ 即可。

这篇关于[其他] GNome KDE / GTK GTK+ Qt / GDK / Glib的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




摘要: 本文深入探讨了嵌入式 QT 相关的各个方面。从 QT 框架的基础架构和核心概念出发,详细阐述了其在嵌入式环境中的优势与特点。文中分析了嵌入式 QT 的开发环境搭建过程,包括交叉编译工具链的配置等关键步骤。进一步探讨了嵌入式 QT 的界面设计与开发,涵盖了从基本控件的使用到复杂界面布局的构建。同时也深入研究了信号与槽机制在嵌入式系统中的应用,以及嵌入式 QT 与硬件设备的交互,包括输入输出设


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在 Qt Creator 中,输入 /** 并按下Enter可以自动生成 Doxygen 风格的注释

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Qt: 详细理解delete与deleteLater (避免访问悬空指针导致程序异常终止)

前言 珍爱生命,远离悬空指针。 正文 delete 立即删除:调用 delete 后,对象会立即被销毁,其内存会立即被释放。调用顺序:对象的析构函数会被立即调用,销毁该对象及其子对象。无事件处理:如果在对象销毁过程中还涉及到信号和槽、事件处理等,直接 delete 可能会导致问题,尤其是在对象正在处理事件时。适用场景:适用于在确定对象已经不再被使用的情况下,并且不涉及异步处理或事件循环中的