2023.0.11.16:TeeChart Pro ActiveX Crack

2023-12-15 03:20

本文主要是介绍2023.0.11.16:TeeChart Pro ActiveX Crack,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


The TeeChart Pro ActiveX charting component library offers hundreds of graph styles in 2D and 3D, 57 mathematical and statistical functions for you to choose from together with an unlimited number of axes and 14 toolbox components. The charting control can be efficiently used to create multi task dashboards.


Supported IDE’s
32-bit / 64-bit ActiveX components
-for Visual Studio .Net, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, Visual Studio 6, IIS / ASP
-Powerbuilder, MS Office Suite and many other Windows COM aware programming environments
-Fully scriptable under Internet Explorer using VBScript or JavaScript
-Supports VBA and ASP (Active Server Pages)

Server and Client components
Use the full power of the TeeChart ActiveX Control on the server: Database enabled and with all export formats for use in your ASP, ISAPI, CGI or MTS application. Direct stream output as a browser independent format or the lightweight AX client control for AX aware Browsers, with a fully navigable, event driven Chart to work interactively with server sourced data.

Chart types
70+ chart types and variations including:
- Standard: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Fast Line, Point (Scatter), Bubble, Gantt, Shape, Horiz. Line, Horiz. Bar, Horiz.Area, Double Horiz. Bar
- Financial: Candle OHLC, Point and Figure, Volume, Kagi, Renko, Darvas Boxes, EquiVolume
- Statistical: Histogram, Horiz. Histogram, Error Bar, Error, High-Low, BoxPlot, Horiz. BoxPlot, Violin, Horiz. Violin, Beeswarm, Horiz Beeswarm, Funnel (Pipeline), VolumePipe, High-Low Line, Ternary, Error Point, Error Point 3D
- Extended: Polar, Radar, Polar Bar, Organizational Chart, Treemap, Arrow, Bezier, Donut, Smith, Pyramid, Map GIS
- 3D: Surface, Contour, Waterfall, ColorGrid, Vector 3D, Tower 3D, Iso-Surface, Polar Grid, Point 3D, Bubble 3D, Triangle Surface, Polar Contour
- Other: Bubble Cloud, Image Bar, Bar 3D, Rose, Wind Rose, Line Point, Bar Join, Calendar, Image Point, Delta Point, Tag Cloud, Big Candle

Gauges series type and indicators (Circular, Linear, Numeric, Knob, Equalizer and Combination) to display industrial instrumentation controls with lots of properties for fully customization.

Provides a library of map series with properties and features for chart customization.

Functions and Indicators
57 financial and statistical indicators including:
- Standard: Add, Average, Count, Multiply, Divide, High, Low, Mode Function, Median Function, Pareto, Subtract, Subset, Custom y=f(x)
- Financial: Accelerator Decelerator, ADX, Alligator, ATR, Awesome Oscillator, Bollinger Bands, Close Location Value, CCI, Compression, Gator Oscillator, MACD, Money Flow, OBV, R.S.I, RVI, SAR, Stochastic, Volume Oscillator
- Extended: Correlation Function, Cross points, Cumulative, Curve Fitting, Downsampling, Exponential Trend, Histogram, Lagrange, Perimeter, Smoothing, Trend
- Statistical: Centroid, Kurtosis, Percentage Change, Performance, Root Mean Square, Skewness, Slope, Standard Deviation, Variance
- Math: Exp. Moving Average, Momentum, Momentum Division, Moving Average, Smoothed Moving Average, Exponential Average

3rd Party Compatibility
3rd party reporting tools and components are compatible with TeeChart such as: ActiveReports by GrapeCity and Crystal Reports by SAP Software and Solutions.

Data Connectivity
You can easily create and/or connect to an existing database or dataset in your project. Data aware - Direct access to ADO data sources. Direct access to URL addressable Charts.

Chart Tools
TeeChart includes a set of 51 tools for additional charting functionality:
Clip Series, Clustering, Cursor, Drag Marks, Drag Point, Draw Line, Extra Legend, Fibonacci, Gantt Drag, Image, Legend Palette, Mark Tips, Nearest Point, Pie Slices, Region, ScrollPager, Series Band, Statistics, Surface Nearest, Axis Arrows, Axis Breaks, Axis Scroll, Color Band, Color Line, Grid Band, 2D Lighting, 3D Grid Transpose, Annotation, Anti-Alias, Arrow, Axis ScrollBar, Banner, ComboBox, Custom Legend, Data Table, Fader, Frame, Full Screen, Legend Scrollbar, Link, Magnify, Page Number, Rectangle, Repaint Monitor, Rotate, Selector, SubChart, Transpose Series, Text 3D, Video Creator, Video Player

Palette components
The Palette provide access to 14 toolbox components including ChartGrid, Navigators, Web source and Control Bar.

Chart image filters
You have control over the aesthetics of the charts with a set of 26 filters.

Exporting Formats
You can easily export charts as images (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, SVG, PDF, EPS, VML, WMF/EMF and Flex/Flash formats) and as data to HTML, XML, Text, CSV and Excel formats.

TeeChart Editor dialogues translated to 35 languages. The translation can be used at design-time and run-time, and even with your custom application forms and texts.

Fast and Memory Efficient
Chart Series internally use standard VCL Dynamic Arrays. This gives faster speed and less memory consumption. TeeChart graphical code speaks directly to Windows GDI API. Data is stored in dynamic arrays that are very closely mapped to memory which makes access and modifying the arrays almost as fast as the computer processor. The code is streamlined as much as possible to increase internal speed, especially when re-drawing.

Multiple Axes
Supports multiple axes, both Horizontal and Vertical in the same chart. There is no limit to the number of axes in just one chart.

Interactive Zooming and Scrolling
Live and animated zoom and scroll. Mouse wheel supported.

Chart Themes
Includes 16 predefined themes enabling rapid change of many chart properties with a single mouse click.

Visual Attributes
Customizable colour palette, Transparency, 3 color gradients, gray-scale. 2D, 3D plus OpenGL 3D with 360º rotation, lights and shadows. Custom drawing canvas.

Comprehensive Support
Tech support provided via managed Steema Forums. Optional Professional-level technical support gives the subscriber a priority support link into Steema.

Help and Documentation
Includes extensive demo, code examples for Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Visual C++, Visual Studio.NET, ASP Server examples, Help, Tutorials, blog articles, etc.
Issue Tracker offers an interactive way of entering and monitoring TeeChart issues.

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