
2023-12-03 05:30




RPE-02260: Database User OWF_MGR must be a Control Center User. Please use the OWB Design Client against the Control Center repository to grant the Control Center User role。

RPE-02260:数据库用户owf_mgr必须是控制中心用户。请针对控制中心资料档案库使用OWB Design Client ,授予其控制中心用户角色。

注释:the OWB Design Client against the Control Center repository中,against the Control Center repository是修饰the OWB Design Client的,故而Please use the OWB Design Client against the Control Center repository to grant the Control Center User role应翻译成“使用针对控制中心资料档案库OWB Design Client OWF_MGR用户授予控制中心用户角色”。因为OWB组件结构中,OWB Design Client (Designcenter)是要连接到一个工作区(这里指的是运行时工作区)上的,所以“针对”可以理解为“连接到”,所以翻译成“使用一个当前连接到运行时的控制中心资料档案库OWB Design Client OWF_MGR用户授予控制中心用户角色”。


名称                   操作          状态                           日志

PFPKG_1         创建          错误                            ora-01924:角色‘OWB_USER’未被授权或不存在                               //3

                                                                                  ora-06512:在“sys.dbms_session”,line   345,

                                                                                  ora-06512:在line   1                                                                                     //4

PFPKG_1         创建          错误                             RPE-02215:无法测试同义词PFPKG_1__WB_RTI_WORKFLOW_UTIL           //1

PFPKG_1         创建          错误                             RPE-02260:数据库用户owf_mgr必须是控制中心用户。请针对控制中心资料档案库使用 

                                                                                                         OWB Design Client,授予其控制中心用户角色。                    //2

进程流_1            创建          INFORMATIONAL     RPE-02071:因为以前报告的严重错误,部署已中止。                                       //0

进程流_2            创建          INFORMATIONAL         RPE-02071:因为以前报告的严重错误,部署已中止。                                    //0


进程流包PFPKG_1 对应的脚本是PL/SQL脚本,在“sys.dbms_session”,line   345和line   1角色‘OWB_USER’未被授权或不存在,故而无法测试同义词PFPKG_1__WB_RTI_WORKFLOW_UTIL。而角色‘OWB_USER’未被授权或不存在的原因是数据库用户owf_mgr必须是控制中心用户。请针对控制中心资料档案库使用OWB Design Client,授予其控制中心用户角色。进程流_1进程流_2由于进程流包PFPKG_1的严重错误,部署已中止。

还有一种理解日志的顺序: //0 //1 //2 //3 //4


注释:Control Center User(控制中心用户)是OWB用户的另一种说法,两者指的是同一个概念。

Register the Oracle Workflow User(即使用OWB安全UI使owf_mgr称为OWB用户

You need to grant specific roles to the Oracle Workflow(OWF) user,owf_mgr, for it to have the privileges to execute a process flow in the Control Center(确切地说,是在控制中心进程注册到的工作区上。因为在部署时,owf_mgr要执行存放在该工作区上进程流对应的脚本).

You do not have to embed the password for the Control Center in database-links owned by the OWF user. The Control Center user is highly privileged(这里说的控制中心用户的权限也是属于数据库用户权限范围的) and its password is tightly controlled.

To register the OWF user, you use the Register Warehouse Builder Users wizard from the Security > Users node in Global Explorer panel. To get access to the security node, ensure you log in to the design center asthe repository owner(确切说是,工作区所有者用户,非owbsys这个用户,这个用户不能登录设计中心的).


If not already logged in, log in to the Design Center with username/password asrep_owner/rep_owner.

In the Global Explorer panel, expand the Security node. Right-click theUsers node and selectNew.

Note: You must save or revert your changes before creating a new user. To save previous changes, selectSave All from the Design menu or click on the toolbar.

Place the cursor over this icon to see the image

The Create User dialog appears.



On the Create User dialog, you can select from the available list of database users or create a new one that will be automatically registered as Warehouse Builder user.

Earlier in this lesson, where you were instructed to install Oracle Workflow Server, you were instructed to use the Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant and specify owf_mgr as the Workflow Account. This resulted in the creation of owf_mgr as a database user. Select owf_mgr from the Available DB Users list and click> to move it to Selected Users list. ClickOK.

Place the cursor over this icon to see the image

Notice that owf_mgr user is added to the Security > Users node in the Global Explorer panel.

参考: Designing ETL Data Flow Mappings【OWB 11g Release 1】


Register the Oracle Workflow User

You need to grant specific roles to the Oracle Workflow(OWF) user, owf_mgr, for it to have the privileges to execute a process flow in the Control Center.

The step of registering the Oracle Workflow user, owf_mgr, is because of the new security model. This new security model means that you do not have to embed the password for the Control Center in database-links owned by the OWF user. The Control Center user is highly privileged and its password is tightly controlled.

To register the OWF user, you use the Register Warehouse Builder Users wizard from the Security > Users node in Global Explorer panel. To get access to the security node, ensure you log in to the design center as the repository owner.


RPE-02260: Database User OWF_MGR must be a Control Center User. Please use the OWB Design Client against the Control Center repository to grant the Control Center User role.

您需要授予 Oracle Workflow (OWF) 用户 owf_mgr 特定角色,使其具有在 Control Center 中执行进程流的权限。
您不必将 Control Center 的口令嵌入 OWF 用户所拥有的数据库链接中。Control Center 用户具有高特权,其口令受到严格控制。
要注册 OWF 用户,可以从 Global Explorer 面板中的 Security > Users 节点使用 Register Warehouse Builder Users 向导。要访问 Security 节点,请确保以信息库所有者的身份登录到 Design Center。
如果尚未登录,以用户名/口令 rep_owner/rep_owner 登录 Design Center。
在 Global Explorer 面板中展开 Security 节点。右键单击 Users 节点并选择 New。
注:在创建新用户之前,您必须先保存或恢复您的更改。要保存以前的更改,请从 Design 菜单中选择 Save All,或者单击工具栏中的
此时出现 Create User 对话框。

在 Create User 对话框中,您可以从可用数据库用户列表中进行选择,也可以创建一个新用户,该用户将自动注册为 Warehouse Builder 用户。

在本教程前面的部分中,我们说明了如何安装 Oracle Workflow Server,如何使用 Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant,以及如何将 owf_mgr 指定为工作流帐户。其结果是将 owf_mgr 创建为数据库用户。从 Available DB Users 列表中选择 owf_mgr,单击 > 将其移至 Selected Users 列表。单击 OK。

注意,owf_mgr 用户已添加到 Global Explorer 面板的 Security > Users 节点中。



About the Security Service

Only users with administrative privileges can access the security service under Globals Navigator to manage users and roles of the security policy in Oracle Warehouse Builder API and Scripting Reference.

When you install Oracle Warehouse Builder and then use the Repository Assistant to create a design repository, Oracle Warehouse Builder makes the design repository owner the default administrator. The first time you start the Design Center after installation, you must log in as the design repository owner. You can then define additional administrators or other users as necessary.

When you log in to the Oracle Warehouse Builder Design Center as the design repository owner, it displays the Globals Navigator.

Description of globals_navigator.gif follows
Description of the illustration globals_navigator.gif

To view default security settings:

  1. In Globals Navigator, expand Security.

  2. Expand Users, and then expand Roles.

    Description of security_01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration security_01.gif

  3. Notice that there are two predefined roles, ADMINISTRATOR and EVERYONE.

  4. The one predefined user is the design repository owner; it is assigned the ADMINISTRATOR role by default.

    To view or edit the details for a user, in the globals Navigator, under Security and then under Users, select that and double-click the user. The Edit User screen appears.

    Description of security_02.gif follows
    Description of the illustration security_02.gif

For a complete list of all the tasks administrators can perform, see "Administrator Role".


About the Security Service

Only users with administrative privileges can access the Security Service and change security policy in Oracle Warehouse Builder.

When you install Oracle Warehouse Builder and then use the Repository Assistant to create a design repository, Oracle Warehouse Builder assigns the design repository owner you define to be the default administrator. The first time you start the Design Center after installation, you must log in as the design repository owner. You can then define additional administrators or other users as necessary.

Log in to the Oracle Warehouse Builder Design Center as the design repository owner and Oracle Warehouse Builder displays the Globals Navigator.

Under the security node, there are two predefined roles,ADMINISTRATOR andEVERYONE. The one predefined user is the design repository owner,REPOS_OWNER in this example, which is assigned the ADMINISTRATOR role by default.

To perform actions under the Security node, select an object and right-click to view all of the possible operations. Or select an object and selectEdit from the menu bar.

See Also:

These topics in Oracle Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide:
  • "Managing Security"

  • "Managing Configurations"






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