
2023-12-01 14:20




If you want to show somebody photos on your phone but don’t want them wantonly scrolling through the rest of your camera roll, there are a few clever tricks you can employ to ensure that they see what you want them to see…and nothing else.


Smartphones have become our take-everywhere, do-everything, all-in-one pocket computers that we manage (and record!) our entire lives on. Unlike handing somebody the little photo book from your wallet that we used to carry around, handing somebody your smartphone gives them access to your personal photos and more. And we’ve all handed someone our phone to show them one photo, only for them to start swiping through to look at everything else.

智能手机已经成为我们无处不在,无所不能的多合一便携式计算机,我们可以一生管理(并记录!)。 与将您曾经用来随身携带的钱包中的小相册递给别人不同,递给智能手机的人可以让他们访问您的个人照片等等。 我们都已经将手机交给了某人,给他们看一张照片,只是让他们开始滑动查看其他所有内容。

Rather than simply accept that, you can easily use these tricks to put a lid on rampant camera-roll-scrolling behavior and keeps their eyes just on the photos you want to share.


对于单张照片:只需放大一点 (For Single Photos: Just Zoom In a Little Bit)

This tip is a very low effort one, and best suited for showing someone a single photo on your phone while you’re there to supervise them.


On nearly all image gallery apps, including the default gallery apps on iPhone and Android, using the pinch-to-zoom function on a photo “locks” it into place. This locking mechanism isn’t intentionally intended to lock the user onto that photo, but is a side effect of how the activating the zoom function also activates the swipe-to-pan function so you can move around the zoomed in image.

在几乎所有图库应用程序上,包括iPhone和Android上的默认图库应用程序,都使用照片上的“捏合缩放”功能将其“锁定”到位。 这种锁定机制并非有意将用户锁定在该照片上,而是一种副作用,即激活缩放功能还可以激活滑动和平移功能,以便您可以在放大的图像周围移动。

Depending on the operating system and application the photo either stays locked until you zoom out or until you attempt to swipe multiple times—on the iPhone, for example, swiping on the photo bumps into the sides of the screen, and you have to swipe multiple times before it zooms out and resumes normal camera roll functionality.


The only thing kittens love more than yarn is pinch-to-zoom.

To take advantage of this unintended feature, simply pinch-and-zoom every so slightly on the photo (zooming even the tiniest amount will do the trick). Unless the person looking at the photo understands both the concept of pinch-zooming and that the reason their swipe left/right failed, then they’ll likely just scratch their head and hand it back to you. This is a perfect super low effort solution for those times that you’re handing your phone to, say, a relative who doesn’t get the concept of digital privacy (or that you’d even have racy or private photos on your phone in the first place).

要利用此意外功能,只需在照片上稍稍捏一下即可缩放(即使是最小的缩放也可以完成)。 除非看照片的人同时了解捏放大的概念和左右滑动失败的原因,否则他们可能只会挠头并把它交给您。 这是一个完美的超级省力解决方案,适用于您将手机移交给不了解数字隐私概念的亲戚(或者您甚至在手机中有恶意或私密照片的情况下)的情况。第一名)。

创建相册以包含照片组 (Create Albums to Contain Groups of Photos)

What about those times you want people to swipe through some photos, but not others? Our little zoom-to-lock trick might be perfect for a single baby photo, but if you have a whole bunch of photos from a home renovation project, the viewer will need to swipe through them to view them.

那时候您希望人们刷一些照片而不是其他照片呢? 我们的变焦锁定小技巧可能非常适合单张婴儿照片,但是如果您有整栋住宅装修项目中的整堆照片,观看者将需要在照片中滑动才能观看。

In that case, you’re better off putting all the photos for a given thing—be it you remodeling your kitchen or your kid’s ballet recital—into a single album or folder in your photo application. Then, when you hand someone else your phone, make sure you’re viewing the gallery in question, not your full camera roll.

在这种情况下,最好将给定内容的所有照片(无论是重塑厨房还是孩子的芭蕾舞独奏)都放入照片应用程序中的单个相册或文件夹中。 然后,当您将手机交给其他人时,请确保您正在查看有问题的画廊,而不是完整的相机胶卷。

Yes, the person holding the phone can always exit the gallery and begin browsing your other photos, but practically speaking most people aren’t maliciously nosy—they’re accidentally (mildly?) nosy, and won’t go out of their way to see what they shouldn’t.


使用第三方应用程序增强控制 (Use Third Party Apps for Increased Control)

Tapping into a third party application is a great way to separate your daily use from the photos you’d actually show family and friends. By using a distinct app (as opposed to just zooming or using an album within the default app), you’re recreating the old analog concept of the photo book inside your wallet: a separate space just for the shareable photos.

利用第三方应用程序是一种将日常使用与实际显示给家人和朋友的照片区分开的好方法。 通过使用独特的应用程序(而不是仅缩放或使用默认应用程序中的相册),您可以在钱包内重新创建相簿的旧模拟概念:一个单独的空间,用于共享照片。

You don’t need us to tell you that there are hundreds of photo apps in both the App Store and Play Store to choose from. You can find everything from default-gallery replacement apps to hide-your-porn apps, and everything in between. Among the many apps we’ve tested out, however, there’s one that we like a lot: ShowStopper Photo, available for both Android and iOS. For the goal we’re focused on in this article, the ability to hand your phone to grandma or your friend Steve without them swiping around all your personal photos, it’s a perfect fit.

您不需要我们告诉您,App Store和Play Store中都有数百种照片应用可供选择。 您可以找到从默认画廊替换应用程序到隐藏您的色情应用程序的所有内容,以及介于两者之间的所有内容。 但是,在我们测试过的众多应用程序中,有一个我们非常喜欢应用程序: ShowStopper Photo ,可用于Android和iOS 。 对于本文中我们重点关注的目标,能够将电话交给奶奶或朋友史蒂夫而无需他们在您的所有个人照片上四处滑动的功能非常适合。

Why it so perfect? First, it looks just like the default apps, so even if a nosy-type person is looking at the app, they won’t notice that it isn’t the default. Second, it layers right over your existing camera roll, so there’s a zero-friction experience when setting it up. Third, you can either simply select a handful of photos or create actual albums using it. Finally, the app has a PIN system that locks the person into the photos or gallery you’ve selected and—this is our favorite part—the PIN unlock mimics the appearince of the platform it’s on (Android or iOS), so if the person tries to leave the gallery it just looks like your phone is locked. It’s genius and it works perfectly. The basic app (which supports up to 4 photos in the select-and-share mode) is free; to unlock the full app with unlimited photos and galleries is only $0.99.

为什么如此完美? 首先,它看起来像默认应用程序,因此即使管闲的人看着该应用程序,他们也不会注意到它不是默认应用程序。 其次,它位于您现有的相机胶卷上,因此设置时具有零摩擦的体验。 第三,您可以选择几张照片,也可以使用它创建实际的相册。 最终,该应用程序具有一个PIN系统,可以将该人锁定到您选择的照片或画廊中,这是我们最喜欢的部分,PIN解锁模拟了其所在平台(Android或iOS)的外观,因此如果该人试图离开画廊,就好像您的手机已锁定。 这是个天才,它运作完美。 基本应用程序(在“选择和共享”模式下最多支持4张照片)是免费的; 解锁具有无限照片和画廊的完整应用程序只需$ 0.99。

使用家长控制将其锁定到应用程序中 (Lock Them Into an App with Parental Controls)

Even though ShowStopper has a PIN code to prevent them from returning to the app itself and looking around, that PIN does not lock the person into the application—it only locks them out of the other functions of the application.


If you’re really trying to stop an intentional snooper, you’re better off just not giving them your phone. But you can also lock people into a single app with the built-in parental controls on your phone. iPhone users should look for a function called “Guided Access”—we detail how to use it in our guide on locking down your iOS device for kids. You can configure it to lock them into the default gallery app, or an app like ShowStoppers, until you use your PIN or TouchID to unlock things. The same trick works on Android devices running Android 5.0 and above, you can lock users into a single app using the “screen pinning” feature.

如果您确实想阻止故意的窥探者,最好不要给他们手机。 但是,您也可以使用手机上内置的家长控制功能,将人们锁定在一个应用程序中。 iPhone用户应寻找一个称为“引导访问”的功能-我们在为儿童锁定iOS设备的指南中详细介绍了如何使用它。 您可以对其进行配置,以将其锁定到默认的图库应用程序或ShowStoppers之类的应用程序中,直到使用PIN或TouchID解锁内容为止。 相同的技巧也适用于运行Android 5.0及更高版本的Android设备,您可以使用“屏幕固定”功能将用户锁定在单个应用中。

Whether you just want to keep grandpa from swiping and finding your bikini pictures or you want the ability to lock everyone into an album of your graduation photos so you can leave the room without worrying about them getting into your personal stuff, there’s a solution for everyone.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/299221/how-to-stop-people-from-swiping-through-your-smartphone-photos/






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