Bryntum Gantt JS 5.6.2 cRACK

2023-12-01 11:45
文章标签 js crack 5.6 gantt bryntum

本文主要是介绍Bryntum Gantt JS 5.6.2 cRACK,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

The fastest JS Gantt chart
Bryntum Gantt is a super fast and fully customizable Gantt chart suite for your React / Angular / Vue / JS apps.

View Examples
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Install Apache
Configure Ports
Configure Firewall
Configure Ports Availability
Easy integration with your stack
Lightning fast
The Gantt chart is built with pure JavaScript / ES6+ and uses a very fast rendering engine. This means you can load large data sets and still have great scrolling and rescheduling performance.

Fully customizable and themeable
Choose between five different themes, or make your own by extending our standard themes. Shipped themes:

With task constraints, you get granular control over how tasks are scheduled. Gantt supports the standard constraint types:

The world’s most flexible Gantt chart
A Gantt chart encapsulates an enormous amount of complexity. We provide you with a simple, yet highly configurable and well-tested API so you don’t have to worry about the small details.


View API Docs
import { Gantt } from '../../dist/gantt/build/gantt.module.js?a=1';
Best in class scheduling engine
The Gantt engine provides asynchronous scheduling of any number of tasks, by taking task dependencies, constraints and scheduling modes into account. It is implemented independently from the DOM and can also be run on a node server.

Animated redraws
After moving a task, the result is animated into place so users can easily follow how an update affects other tasks.

More features
The Gantt chart has lots of features built-in, such as task editor, configurable tooltips, resource assignment editor and many more showcased in the example browser. If you want to know technical details about all the features, you can always find them described in the documentation.

Customizable Task Editor
The built-in Task Editor is made to be easily extended and customized. You can change the visible fields and also add your own custom tabs.

# Bryntum Gantt version history

## 5.6.2 - 2023-11-24


* [REACT] Docs and demos for custom column editors updated to show how to handle async `setState()` calls, to avoid
  loosing column editor values


* [#7092]( - Feature mixin on-owner events are not exposed on class
* [#7395]( - Data on tooltip does not align with placement of task
* [#7716]( - Link is created to a task when trying to abort building the link
* [#7741]( - Gantt not mapping `dataSource` for task name field
* [#7886]( - Column of type `'check'` is not triggering the setter in the task model
* [#7898]( - Console error when used specific calendar settings together with `fillTicks` feature
* [#7900]( - `TaskNonWorkingTime` elements not updated on splitter repositioning


* TypeScript: `>= 3.6.0`
* Angular: `>= 9.0.0`
* React: `>= 16.0.0`
* Vue: `>= 2.0.0`
* Ionic: `>= 5.0.0`
* Vite: `>= 4.0.0`
* Webpack: `>= 4.0.0`

## 5.6.1 - 2023-11-17


* Added support for filtering `TimeColumn`s ([#7692](
* Added option to maintain scroll position during remote changes when the viewport is near the end of the scrollable
  range. Configure Gantt with `preserveScroll : { overscroll : true }` to opt-in to the new behavior ([#7759](


* There is a new locale key `selectATime : 'Select time'` which may be used by `FieldFilterPicker`'s time input


* [#1075]( - `task.copy()` copies original successors and predecessors
* [#5719]( - [YARN] Can not install `@bryntum` product packages using yarn v2/v3
* [#7597]( - Gantt `Baseline` duration not persisted in Baseline example
* [#7732]( - Crash when cutting a row and pasting with selected assignment cell
* [#7742]( - Start date column not working when set min value
* [#7745]( - `Splitter` should hover above dependencies
* [#7746]( - Extra API calls after project load when using stores CRUD urls
* [#7750]( - Vite error `@charset must precede all other statements`
* [#7753]( - White space shown when deleting many selected tasks while scrolled down
* [#7754]( - [Frameworks] Thin packages not working with `pnpm`
* [#7768]( - CRUD operations for `TaskStore` works different in Chrome and Firefox
* [#7785]( - Multiple resources can be set in Gantt single assignment settings
* [#7794]( - Calendar intervals stops rendering after some time ahead
* [#7820]( - `globalThis` should be defined in locales to support LWC
* [#7830]( - Exception when cutting task with collapsed normal region
* [#7831]( - [Thin bundles] some classes are not exported from `@bryntum/engine-thin` package
* [#7842]( - Selected tasks missing selection styling


* TypeScript: `>= 3.6.0`
* Angular: `>= 9.0.0`
* React: `>= 16.0.0`
* Vue: `>= 2.0.0`
* Ionic: `>= 5.0.0`
* Vite: `>= 4.0.0`
* Webpack: `>= 4.0.0`

## 5.6.0 - 2023-10-26


* This release introduces a new set of npm packages and framework components, that allows combining multiple Bryntum
  products in the same application. These packages contain the product specific code only, as opposed to the current
  packages that has all code for the products each product builds upon (for example Scheduler contains Grid & Core).
  The new packages are called `thin` packages, and moving forward it will be the recommended way of using Bryntum
  products in npm based applications (for all supported frameworks). See the "What's new" guide for more information
* The task bar wrapper element (`.b-gantt-task-wrap`) now uses CSS grid layout to better match event bars in Scheduler.
  This makes it easier to internally share styling with Scheduler for features like labels. If your app uses custom CSS
  for task bars that rely on the wrapper using `flexbox`, you might need to adjust it
* `@bryntum/gantt-thin` bundle includes scss theme files in `sass/themes` folder ([#7445](
* It is now possible to use asymmetrical `resourceMargin` by assigning an object with `start` (margin top in horizontal
  mode, margin left in vertical mode) and `end` (margin bottom / margin right) properties ([#6185](
* Updated `tooltips` demo to show a more customized tooltip design
* Updated `custom-rendering` demo to show a clean & minimal Gantt design
* New `RowResize` feature allowing users to change the global row height using drag drop. Try it out in the
  updated `advanced` example ([#2843](
* The task bar wrapper element (`.b-gantt-task-wrap`) now use CSS grid layout to better match event bars in Scheduler.
  This makes it easier to internally share styling with Scheduler for features like labels
* Added `preserveScroll` config to Gantt, preventing vertical viewport movement during remote changes ([#7353](
* Infer field types for `auto` fields when using `FieldFilterPicker` with store data present ([#7691](
* Added a new `ScrollButtons` feature, which injects buttons in each row that scrolls the task bar into view. The
  buttons are only visible when the task bar is out of view ([#5152](
* The `custom-rendering` demo was updated both with a fresh new look and with a new demo specific feature that displays
  time axis scroll buttons in the header


* [BREAKING] `Core.util.helper.Point` class has been moved to solve circular module dependencies. It is now a named
  export of the `Core.util.helper.Rectangle` module. Check upgrading guide for the details
* `TaskModel` has got new `projectConstraintResolution` field allowing to specify how a task treats
  the project border (whether it's allowed for the task or not to move before the project start date for example).
  Please check the field docs for more details ([#7156](
* `isMulti` is now the default mode for the Grid Filter plugin. To configure the filter pickers inside the column
  filter editor popup, provide a `GridFieldFilterPickerGroup` configuration using the Filter feature's `pickerConfig`
  config option. Configure `legacyMode : true` to use the previous UI instead ([#6685](
* [DEPRECATED] The Filter feature context menu items `disableFilter`, `removeFilter`, and `editFilter` will be
  renamed `filterDisable`, `filterRemove`, and `filterEdit`, respectively, in `6.0.0`. If you are customizing the
 `TaskMenu` to hide or replace any of these menu items, you will need to change their names accordingly
* [FRAMEWORKS][DEPRECATED] `BryntumProjectModel` wrapper component has been renamed to `BryntumGanttProjectModel`.
  Please see the upgrade guide for details
* [TypeScript] Functions and events declarations in typings were improved to contain all available parameters and return
  type ([#6961](, [#4456](
* `ExcelExport` feature now supports exporting to CSV file ([#5612](
* Added a `Print` feature based on `PdfExport` feature which allows using browser print dialog and not rely on backend


* New locales for `AdvancedTab`, `HonorProjectConstraintResolution`, `IgnoreProjectConstraintResolution`
  and `ProjectConstraintConflictEffectDescription` classes. Check "What's new" Gantt guide for the details


* [#7277]( - `scrollTaskIntoView` not working reliably in `infiniteScroll`
* [#7287]( - `visibleDate` not functioning correctly
* [#7492]( - Row being resized should go on top
* [#7498]( - Collapsing grid part of Gantt when scrolled down results in blank space at top
* [#7501]( - Gantt Resource column overflowing avatar has no `border-radius` in Firefox
* [#7686]( - Overflow avatar is not the rightmost avatar


* TypeScript: `>= 3.6.0`
* Angular: `>= 9.0.0`
* React: `>= 16.0.0`
* Vue: `>= 2.0.0`
* Ionic: `>= 5.0.0`
* Vite: `>= 4.0.0`
* Webpack: `>= 4.0.0`

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