本文主要是介绍Cracking The Coding Interview 2.2,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class linklist
private:class node{public:node(){}string data;node * next;};node *head;int size;
public:linklist(){head = new node;size = 0;}/***整表创建***/void Create(string *s,int size){if (s==NULL || size == 0){return;}node *p = new node;p->data = s[0];head->next = p;for (int i = 1; i<size; i++){node *t = new node;t->data = s[i];p->next = t;p=p->next;}p->next = NULL;this->size = size;}/***整表删除***/void Clear(){for (int i = 1;i<size+1; i++){Delete(i);}head = NULL;size = 0;}/***第i[i为1,2....size,下同]个元素前插入string型e***/void Insert(int i, string e){if (i<0 || i>size){return;}int t = i - 1;node *p = head;node *pn = p->next;while(t!=0){p = p->next;pn = pn->next;t--;}node *ee = new node;ee->data = e;ee->next = pn;p->next = ee;size ++;}/****获取第i个元素的值,并返回该值**/string Get(int i){if (i<=0 || i>size){return "Error: You input wrong num.";}int t = i;node *p =head;while(t!=0){p = p->next;t--;}return p->data;}/***删除第i个元素***/void Delete(int i){if (i<0 || i>size){return;}int t = i - 1;node *p = head;node *pn = p->next;while(t!=0){p = p->next;pn = pn->next;t--;}p->next = pn->next;delete pn;size --;}void Display(){if (head==NULL){return;}node * p;p=head->next;/*for (int i =0; i<size; i++){cout<<p->data<<" ";p=p->next;}*/while(p!=NULL){cout<<p->data<<" ";p=p->next;}cout<<endl;}~linklist(){}/*****Implement an algorithm to find the nth to last element of a singly linked list.*****/string GetLastN(int n){if (n<0||n>size){return "Error: Wrong Number";}int i = 0;node *p = head->next;node *q = head->next;while(i<n){p=p->next;i++;}while(p!=NULL){p=p->next;q=q->next;}return q->data;}
};int main()
{string str[8]={"sos","OMG","sos","OMG","OMG","OMG","fof","fof"};linklist s;s.Create(str,8);s.Display();/*s.Insert(2,"bingo");s.Display();s.Delete(3);s.Display();cout<<s.Get(1)<<endl;s.Clear();s.Display();*///s.RemoveDupulicate();cout<<s.GetLastN(6);//s.Display();return 0;
这篇关于Cracking The Coding Interview 2.2的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!