
2023-11-28 22:50
文章标签 js 链接 拯救 报纸



For a long time now, Scott Karp over at Publishing 2.0 has been pushing the idea of link journalism: the idea that the more you point your visitors toward good content that exists on other people’s web sites, the more likely they are to come back to yours in the future. This runs contrary to the attitudes that have pervaded the newspaper business for many years that say that you have to lock visitors into your site for as long as possible to make any money off them. But it is also the same principle that has made Google billions of dollars — the faster Google sends you away, the more likely you are to go back.

很长一段时间以来,发布2.0的Scott Karp一直在推动链接新闻学的思想:您越是将访问者指向其他人的网站上提供的优质内容,他们就越有可能回到您的未来。 这与多年来困扰报纸业的态度背道而驰,这种态度表明,您必须尽可能长时间地将访问者锁定在您的网站中,才能从他们身上赚钱。 但这也是使Google赚了数十亿美元的同一原理-Google将您送走的速度越快,您退回的可能性就越大。

Karp published stats earlier this month showing that the Drudge Report, a site that is almost 100% links to outside sources, had the highest engagement with readers among all news web sites. Mainstream news sites are starting to take notice.

卡普本月初发布的统计数据显示,《 Drudge Report》这个网站几乎100%链接到外部资源,在所有新闻网站中与读者的互动度最高 。 主流新闻网站开始受到关注。

The New York Times’ technology section has been linking out to tech blog using their algorithmic Techmeme-like “Blogrunner” software for months. The Wall Street Journal’s AllThingsD site has Voices section that links out to hand picked tech blog posts.

《纽约时报》的技术版块已经使用类似于Techmeme的算法“ Blogrunner”软件链接到技术博客。 《华尔街日报》的AllThingsD网站的“ 语音”部分链接到精选的技术博客文章。

Now the Washington Post has gotten in on the link journalism trend with the launch of Political Browser. Political Browser is a human-edited aggregator site that links not just to Washington Post blogs and content, but also to hand picked content on third-party sites.

现在,随着《 政治浏览器》的推出,《华盛顿邮报》开始关注链接新闻的趋势。 政治浏览器是一个人工编辑的聚合网站,不仅链接到《华盛顿邮报》的博客和内容,而且还链接到第三方网站上的精选内容。

As Eric Pianin, the Politics Editor for washingtonpost.com, told Scott Karp, Political Browser puts the Washington Post “stamp of approval” on selected stories. In essence, it’s a filter from a trusted source. Pianin told Karp that the Post has been “fascinated” by the success of aggregator sites like the Huffington Post or Drudge Report, and could use their strong brand and reputation with their readers for reliability to get a piece of that action.

正如washingtonpost.com的政治编辑埃里克·皮安宁(Eric Pianin) 告诉斯科特·卡普 ( Scott Karp)一样 ,政治浏览器将《华盛顿邮报》的“认可印章”放在选定的故事上。 本质上,它是来自可信来源的筛选器。 Pianin告诉Karp,《赫芬顿邮报》或《德拉吉报告》等聚合网站的成功使邮政对“迷住了”,并且可以利用其强大的品牌和声誉在读者中获得可靠性,从而采取行动。

The Posts’ page goes further than the Wall Street Journal’s or New York Times’ tech pages do in terms of linking out to trusted sources and associating their brand with their choice of linked-to content. And that could make a winner for the Post and other papers that emulate their model. Karp is right that there is a huge opportunity in filtering. The barrier to creating and publishing content is low there there is more content and information coming our way now each day than ever before. The result is information overload and a poor signal to noise ratio.

在链接到受信任的来源以及将其品牌与所选择的链接内容相关联方面,“帖子”页面比《华尔街日报》或《纽约时报》的技术页面走得更远。 这样可以使《邮政》和其他模仿其模型的论文成为赢家。 卡普说的对,这是一个巨大的过滤机会。 创建和发布内容的障碍很低,每天都有越来越多的内容和信息以前所未有的方式传播。 结果是信息过载和较差的信噪比。

We’ve talked about credibility filtering as the future of content aggregation, but pointed out some inherent flaws in current wisdom of crowds models to get it done. Newspapers, though, which are already trusted sources of information for their readers, could become content aggregators and filter by credibility in a way that would really resonate with readers.

我们已经将可信度过滤作为内容聚合的未来进行了讨论,但指出了人群模型目前的智慧存在一些固有缺陷,无法完成。 不过,报纸已经是其读者值得信赖的信息来源,它们可以成为内容聚合者,并通过可信度进行过滤,从而真正引起读者的共鸣。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/will-links-save-the-newspaper-industry/





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