No identities were available - administrator request

2023-11-28 21:58

本文主要是介绍No identities were available - administrator request,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


ios 提交 app store 出现错误

I had problems while "archiving" my app. I think there are invalid profiles because of iPhone Update to 5.1 and XCode update to 4.2.2.

I've taken now more than 4 hours to get rid of certification issues while using this thread step by step 3 times (which costs a lot of time):

:-( A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain

I still have the following fault: 

No identities were available An administrator must request identities before they can be downloaded.

The "Download identities" button went back to this window after processing some seconds.

Do you know how to get out of this wood of certification documentations and solve that fault?


  2. Go to "iOS Provisioning Portal" -> "Certificates" (Left sidebar) -> "Distribution" tab
  3. Check field "Provisioning Profiles". If empty, next (4)
  4. Go to "Provisioning" (Left sidebar) -> "Distribution" tab. Press "New Profile" and complete it. Go back to (3) check the field again.
  5. Back to XCode Organizer - Devices. Click TEAM (Left sidebar) and click "Refresh" (right-bottom). You will find XCode fetch the new profile.
  6. Then validate or distribute you app again. It should work that I solve the same problem just minutes ago.

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Vue3上传图片报错:Current request is not a multipart request

当你看到错误 "Current request is not a multipart request" 时,这通常意味着你的服务器或后端代码期望接收一个 multipart/form-data 类型的请求,但实际上并没有收到这样的请求。在使用 <el-upload> 组件时,如果你已经设置了 http-request 属性来自定义上传行为,并且遇到了这个错误,可能是因为你在发送请求时没有正确地设置

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