本文主要是介绍踏雪寻梅 春夏_年度春夏发布放缓,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
踏雪寻梅 春夏
With almost all of my classes completed, it’s time for my annual summer refresh. This blog will have a similar experience: so long as things go to plan, a new redesign will be rolled out by the end of May. In the meantime, I have several deeply delayed commitments, including writing a new book and an article for Smashing Magazine, together with some travel that I must attend to.
我几乎所有的课程都完成了,现在该是我每年夏季一次的刷新。 该博客将具有类似的经验:只要一切按计划进行,新的重新设计将在5月底推出。 同时,我的承诺被深深延迟了,包括为Smashing Magazine撰写一本新书和一篇文章,以及一些我必须参加的旅行 。
For those readers in the northern hemisphere, I hope you will enjoy both the warmth and diversion; for those in the south, I wish continued interest and a brief winter.
对于北半球的那些读者,我希望您会感到温暖和转移。 对于南方的那些人,我希望继续保持兴趣并度过一个短暂的冬天。
翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/693/Annual-Spring-Summer-Posting-Slowdown
踏雪寻梅 春夏
这篇关于踏雪寻梅 春夏_年度春夏发布放缓的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!