本文主要是介绍使用conan包 - 调试软件包,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
使用conan包 - 调试软件包
- 主目录 conan Using packages
- Debugging packages
本文是基于对conan官方文档Debugging packages的翻译而来, 更详细的信息可以去查阅conan官方文档。
This section shows how to setup your project and manage dependencies (i.e., install existing packages) with Conan.
本节将介绍如何使用 Conan 设置项目和管理依赖关系(即安装现有软件包)。
主目录 conan Using packages
- Installing dependencies
- Requires
- Generators
- Options
- Using profiles
- Workflows
- Single configuration
- Multi configuration
- Debugging packages
Debugging packages
In order to run a debug session and step into the source code, the debugger needs to find the source files (or pdb files ones for Visual Studio), for Mac and Unix system the location of these files is stored inside the library itself.
为了运行调试会话并进入源代码,调试器需要找到源文件(或 Visual Studio 的 pdb 文件),对于 Mac 和 Unix 系统,这些文件的位置存储在库本身中。
Usually Conan packages don’t include these files and if they do, the path to the local cache might be different: in a typical scenario the packages are generated in a CI machine and the debug session will take place in the developers one, so the path to the sources won’t be the same.
通常 Conan 软件包不包含这些文件,如果包含,本地缓存的路径也可能不同:在典型情况下,软件包是在 CI 机器上生成的,而调试会话将在开发人员的机器上进行,因此源代码的路径不会相同。
The only rule of thumb is to compile the library we want to debug in the developer machine, and thanks to Conan this is straightforward:
唯一的经验法则是在开发者机器中编译我们要调试的库,多亏了 Conan,这一点非常简单:
conan install <reference> --build <name> --profile <debug_profile>
This command will trigger the build of the library locally in the developer’s machine, so the binaries will point to the sources where they are actually located and the debugger will find them.
Keep updated as we are investigating more integrated solutions using hooks and for the major IDEs, Visual Studio and CLion.
我们正在研究更多使用hooks的integrated solutions,以及主要集成开发环境(Visual Studio 和 CLion)的集成解决方案,请随时更新。
这篇关于使用conan包 - 调试软件包的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!