
2023-11-27 23:40
文章标签 homepod 六件




Apple’s HomePod smart speaker is a unique little device that sounds amazing for its size, but there are probably a handful of things you don’t know about it that you should.


Of course, you probably already know about some of the HomePod’s quirks, like how it doesn’t have Bluetooth capabilities and that you can only use Apple Music if you’re wanting to control music with your voice. However, there are a few odd “features” you should know about before you think about picking one up at the Apple Store.

当然,您可能已经知道一些HomePod的怪癖,例如它不具备蓝牙功能,并且仅当您想用声音控制音乐时才可以使用Apple Music。 但是,在考虑在Apple Store取货之前,您应该了解一些奇怪的“功能”。

电源线已永久固定 (The Power Cord Is Attached Somewhat Permanently)

One of the first things you’ll notice when you open up the box to your HomePod is that the power cord is already connected to the speaker. Even giving it a decent tug doesn’t disconnect it.

打开HomePod包装盒时,您会注意到的第一件事是电源线已连接到扬声器。 即使给它一个像样的拖船也不会断开它。

This is because the power cord is meant to be attached permanently to the HomePod speaker, although only somewhat so. Many daring users have discovered that pulling hard enough will disconnect the power cord and reveal a proprietary connector, but it’s clear that it’s really not meant to be disconnected willy nilly—Apple warns that this could cause damage to internal components.

这是因为电源线应永久性地连接到HomePod扬声器,尽管有些固定。 许多大胆的用户发现,用力拉动断开电源线并露出专有的连接器,但是很明显,这并不是故意断开连接—苹果公司警告说,这可能会损坏内部组件。

没有静音按钮或开关 (There’s No Mute Button or Switch)

On the Amazon Echo, there’s a mute button right on top of the device so that you can quickly mute the microphone and prevent Alexa from triggering. The Google Home has the same feature, although it’s a button/switch on the back of the device, making it a bit harder to reach.

在Amazon Echo上,设备顶部有一个静音按钮,以便您可以快速使麦克风静音并防止Alexa触发。 Google Home具有相同的功能,尽管它是设备背面的按钮/开关,但使其难以触及。

The HomePod, however, has no such button or switch at all. The good news, though, is that you can still mute the microphones by saying “Hey Siri, stop listening”, but in order to unmute it, you have to head into the settings in the Home app to re-enable it.

但是,HomePod根本没有这样的按钮或开关。 好消息是,您仍然可以通过说“嘿Siri,停止收听”来使麦克风静音,但是要取消静音,您必须进入Home应用程序中的设置才能重新启用它。

保修外服务是300美元 (Out-Of-Warranty Service Is $300)

The HomePod comes with one year of AppleCare, and you can tack on another year for $40. After that, you’re at the mercy of paying full price for any malfunction to which the HomePod succumbs.

HomePod附带一年的AppleCare服务,您可以花40美元购买另一年的服务。 此后,您将无法为HomePod遇到的任何故障支付全价。

You’ll want to sit down for this, though, as the out-of-warranty cost for servicing a broken HomePod is $280 with a $20 shipping charge tacked on. This means you’ll pay roughly 85% of the cost of a new HomePod just get your current one repaired.

不过,您要坐下来,因为维修损坏的HomePod的保修期外费用为280美元,加上20美元的运费。 这意味着您仅需修理新的HomePod,就需要支付大约85%的费用。

The good news is that if the power cord needs repairing (which is likely the most common scenario), Apple will only charge $30—even if it’s out of warranty.


拆开而不破坏它是不可能的 (It’s Impossible to Take Apart Without Breaking It)

While Apple secretly prides itself on making their products difficult to open up and repair yourself, you can still bust open iPhones with relative ease. However, the HomePod is a completely different story.

尽管苹果公司以使产品难以打开和自行维修而暗中引以自豪,但您仍然可以相对轻松地破坏iPhone 。 但是,HomePod是一个完全不同的故事。

During their teardown, iFixit wasn’t able to get into the HomePod without cutting it open—there’s some super-strong adhesive holding the whole thing together that even the best of consumer-grade tools couldn’t handle. So out comes the hacksaw.

在他们的拆解,iFixit的无法进入HomePod没有削减它打开-there的一些超强粘性保持整个事情,即使是最好的消费级工具无法处理。 钢锯就这样出来了。

When you send your HomePod in for repair to Apple, it’s likely that they have a special machine of their own that softens the adhesive and allows them to open it up without actually damaging the plastic. Unfortunately, that special machine isn’t available to the public.

当您将HomePod送修给Apple维修时,很可能他们拥有一台专用的机器,可以软化胶粘剂并允许他们打开胶粘剂而不会损坏塑料。 不幸的是,该特殊机器无法向公众提供。

可能会损坏您的木制家具 (It Could Damage Your Wooden Furniture)

If you have a piece of wooden furniture that’s finished with any kind of oil, you might want to think twice about placing your HomePod on it, as the silicone on the bad could react negatively with the wooden finish.


Keep in mind that this isn’t a HomePod issue necessarily, but rather just a wooden finish problem—some finishing oils can be rather fussy with different types of materials in the first place. And silicone is one of those materials.

请记住,这不一定是HomePod的问题,而仅是木质的饰面问题-首先,某些饰面油可能会因使用不同类型的材料而变得比较挑剔。 硅树脂就是其中一种材料。

To prevent this from happening, you can use a coaster underneath your HomePod or just mount your HomePod to the wall to keep it off of all surfaces to begin with.


您无法通过Mac AirPlay播放它 (You Can’t AirPlay to It from a Mac)

Even though the HomePod doesn’t come with Bluetooth support, you can still beam music from your iPhone or iPad to your HomePod over AirPlay, but you can’t do it from your Mac.


It’s a bit odd, considering you can even use your Apple TV and beam the audio to your HomePod, but Macs aren’t supported. It’s possible that functionality could arrive in the future with the release of AirPlay 2, but right now you can only use your iOS mobile devices and your Apple TV to AirPlay to your HomePod.

考虑到您甚至可以使用Apple TV并将音频传输到HomePod,这有点奇怪,但是不支持Mac。 随着AirPlay 2的发布,功能可能会在将来出现,但是现在您只能使用iOS移动设备和Apple TV将AirPlay播放到HomePod。

Image from iFixit


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/343916/6-things-you-should-know-about-the-homepod/





苹果HomePod入华挑战BAT  它在智能音箱的厮杀战中胜算如何?

一提到智能音箱,大众对它并不陌生,甚至越来越熟悉,它也成为当下消费者选择购物的潮流单品。国内智能音箱品牌也是众星云集,不论是互联网巨头,手机厂商、还是传统家电品牌都已经相继推智能音箱到消费级市场。虽说目前还未形成巨头垄断的局面,但后入局者想要分得一杯羹越来越不容易。   去年12月,苹果中国官网上架了国行版的HomePod音箱。据最新消息,HomePod于日前正式在中国内地市场开售。虽说苹果H


今年苹果为 HomePod 升级了一个新功能,那就是可以使用广播功能。比如我们在外面可以在手机上向家里的 HomePod 音箱发送一条广播,告诉家里的人相关的信息。这个功能具体怎么用呢?小编在这里给大家简单介绍一下,希望对大家有所帮助,需要的朋友欢迎参考操作! 具体步骤如下 1.要想在 HomePod 上实现“广播”功能,首要的一个条件是需要把你的 HomePod 固件版本升级到14或以上。具

安装 Ubuntu 13.04 后要做的六件事

最新版本的Ubuntu已经新鲜出炉:Ubuntu 13.04,代号为Raring Ringtail。作为幕后开发Ubuntu Linux的公司,Canonical在为全新安装的系统设置一系列默认值方面已经做得很到位,但你可能还是想在几个方面对这款刚安装的这款操作系统进行增添或更改。 1. 调整隐私方面的设置。   你在安装了Ubuntu后可能想调整隐私方面的设置。默认情况下,当你在D


据苹果官网1月13日公布消息,1月18日(本周五),苹果HomePod智能音箱(国行版)将正式在中国开售。 早在2018年12月,就已经有消息传出,苹果HomePod将在国内上市,当时,雷锋网就苹果这款智能音箱为何选择在中国开售,以及在中国开售尚且存在的疑虑进行了分析。简言之: 苹果HomePod选择中国市场可能的原因: 苹果HomePod在国际市场销售并不理想,而中国市场智能音箱增量市