Spire.Office for Java 7.11.2 - 2022-11-16

2023-11-27 03:30
文章标签 java 16 office 2022 spire 7.11

本文主要是介绍Spire.Office for Java 7.11.2 - 2022-11-16,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

非破解版Spire.Office for Java is a combination of Enterprise-Level Office Java APIs offered by E-iceblue. It includes Spire.Doc for Java, Spire.XLS for Java, Spire.Presentation for Java, Spire.PDF for Java and Spire.Barcode for Java.

Developers can use Spire.Office for Java to perform a wide range of office document operations in Java applications, such as opening, creating, modifying, converting and printing Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents, generating and scanning 1D&2D barcodes.


Spire.Doc for Java
Spire.Doc for Java is a professional Java Word API that enables Java applications to create, convert, manipulate and print Word documents without using Microsoft Office.

A plenty of Word document processing tasks can be performed by Spire.Doc for Java, such as creating, reading, editing, converting and printing Word documents, inserting image, adding header and footer, creating table, adding form field and mailing merge field, adding bookmark and watermarking, adding hyperlink, setting background color/image, adding footnote and endnote, encrypting Word documents.

Spire.XLS for Java
Spire.XLS for Java is a professional Java Excel API that enables developers to create, manage, manipulate, convert and print Excel worksheets without using Microsoft Office or Microsoft Excel.

Spire.XLS for Java offers a wide range of features of operating Excel worksheets on Java applications, such as creating, reading, editing, converting and printing Excel worksheets, finding and replacing data, creating charts, creating auto filters, reading and writing hyperlinks, merging/unmerging cells and files, grouping/ungrouping rows and columns, freezing/unfreezing panes, and encrypting/decrypting Excel workbooks.

Spire.Presentation for Java
Spire.Presentation for Java is a professional PowerPoint API that enables developers to create, read, write, convert and save PowerPoint documents in Java Applications. 

A rich set of features can be supported by Spire.Presentation for Java, such as adding/editing/removing slides, creating charts and tables, adding bullets, encrypting and decrypting documents, adding watermarks and hyperlinks, inserting audios and videos, setting documenting properties, inserting/extracting images, extracting text, setting animations, adding headers and footers, adding/deleting comments, adding notes, and creating SmartArt.

Spire.PDF for Java
Spire.PDF for Java is a PDF API that enables Java applications to read, write and save PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. 

Using this Java PDF library, developers and programmers can implement rich capabilities to create PDF files from scratch or process existing PDF documents entirely. Spire.PDF for Java supports extract text/image from the PDF, merge/split PDF, draw text/image/shape/barcode to the PDF, create and fill in form fields, add and delete PDF layers, overlay PDF, insert text/image watermark to the PDF, add/update/delete PDF bookmarks, add tables to the PDF, compress PDF document etc.

Spire.Barcode for Java
Spire.Barcode for Java is a professional barcode library specially designed for developers to generate, read and scan 1D & 2D barcodes on Java applications (J2SE and J2EE).

Spire.Barcode supports various common image formats, such as Bitmap, JPG, PNG, EMF, TIFF, GIF and WMF.

Spire.PDF for Java
New feature-Supports setting the print page range.
pdf.getPrintSettings().selectPageRange(int fromPage, int toPage);
PrintSettings setting = pdf.getPrintSettings();
BugSPIREPDF-5293Fixes the issue that the position of the added annotation was incorrect.
BugSPIREPDF-5377Fixes the issue that the content lost when converting PDF to Word.
BugSPIREPDF-5493Fixes the issue that it failed to get email address of the digital signature.
BugSPIREPDF-5504Fixes the issue that the text lost when converting PDF to TIFF.
Spire.Doc for Java
BugSPIREDOC-7275Fixes the issue that the content was overlapped and its location was changed when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-7525Fixes the issue that the pagination was incorrect when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-7974Fixes the issue that the text and stamp was moved up when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8123Fixes the issue that the table was incorrect when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8312Fixes the issue that the image layout was incorrect when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8370Fixes the issue that the page number had extra decimal points when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8398Fixes the issue that the color styles was inconsistent when converting Word to HTML.
BugSPIREDOC-8509Fixes the issue that the program threw an error"missing initial moveto in path definition" when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8548Fixes the issue that the program threw a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exception when loading Word documents.
BugSPIREDOC-8550Fixes the issue that the program threw an IndexOutOfBoundsException exception when splitting table.
BugSPIREDOC-8566Fixes the issue that the program threw an error "Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count" when adding table row.
BugSPIREDOC-8569Fixes the issue that the text data of the Word document obtained was incomplete.
BugSPIREDOC-8585Fixes the issue that the program threw a NullPointerException exception when loading Word document in JDK1.6.
BugSPIREDOC-8625Fixes the issue that the vertical properties of cells was changed when modifying the contents of a cell paragraph.
BugSPIREDOC-8668Fixes the issue that the watermark position changed when converting Word to PDF.

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