Man landed on the Moon on 20 July, 1969. What was science-fiction only a decade earlier had become reality in a matter of years thanks to the ingenuity, the dedication, and the sacrifices of so many brave and brilliant men and women.
The story of the space programme and its crowning achievement has always fascinated me. Seeing the Apollo 11 module land on the Moon, and then seeing Neil Armstrong take his “giant leap” always brings tears to my eyes. If you have never seen the original footage, please do yourself and favour and watch it:
太空计划的故事及其取得的成就一直让我着迷。 看到阿波罗11号模块降落在月球上,然后看到尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)进行他的“巨大飞跃”,总是让我流下眼泪。 如果您从未看过原始素材,请尽自己所能,欣赏并观看:
Space exploration is without a doubt the greatest adventure of our history. It brought a new perspective on the fragility and the tenuousness of our existence. It ushered in a new era of technological development and scientific advancement. By exploring a new world, albeit so briefly, it completely changed ours for ever.
太空探索无疑是我们历史上最大的冒险。 它为我们生存的脆弱性和脆弱性带来了新的视角。 它迎来了技术发展和科学进步的新时代。 通过探索一个新世界,尽管如此短暂,但它彻底改变了我们的世界。
“他们用比手机少的计算能力来做到这一点” (“They did it with less computing power than a phone”)
The top comment on the second video posted above is probably one of the most mentioned trivia fact about the Apollo missions:

While this fact is true, we can amend it to better suit the current state of our technological progress. Thanks to Moore’s Law and Forrest Heller, an Apple developer, we know can claim the following:
尽管这一事实是正确的,但我们可以对其进行修改,以更好地适应我们技术进步的当前状态。 感谢Moore's Law和Apple开发人员Forrest Heller ,我们知道可以提出以下要求:
We went to the Moon with less computing power than a modern USB-C charger.
I’m going to copy the table that Heller published on his website, because I find the comparison incredible:

On his article, Heller later calculates that, taking into accounts the limitations of the Apollo 11 AGC, the CPU of the Anker USB-C charger is actually 563 times faster than the AGC.
海勒在随后的文章中计算得出,考虑到Apollo 11 AGC的局限性,Anker USB-C充电器的CPU实际上比AGC 快563倍 。
With roughly twice the storage and twice the memory, the charger beats the Apollo computer handily.
If you look a bit closer at the table, you will notice that the memory (RAM) and the storage are not initially displayed in the same units.
While the chargers use our common “bytes” and “KB”, the Apollo AGC uses “15-bit words”. You might already know what this means, but I didn’t so almighty Wikipedia came to my rescue :
充电器使用我们常见的“字节”和“ KB”,而Apollo AGC使用“ 15位字”。 您可能已经知道这意味着什么,但是我并没有那么全能的Wikipedia可以帮助我:
In computing, a word is the natural unit of data used by a particular processor design. A word is a fixed-sized piece of data handled as a unit by the instruction set or the hardware of the processor. The number of bits in a word (the word size, word width, or word length) is an important characteristic of any specific processor design or computer architecture.
在计算中,单词是特定处理器设计使用的数据的自然单位。 字是由指令集或处理器的硬件作为单元处理的固定大小的数据。 字中的位数(字大小,字宽或字长)是任何特定处理器设计或计算机体系结构的重要特征。
No that this was cleared, I had to dig deeper and learn more about this less-powerful-than-a-charger computer that took men to the Moon.
And boy, was I not disappointed by the journey!
手工电脑 (The Handmade Computer)
What do a needle and threads have to do with the Apollo 11 computer, you might ask? As it turns out, much more than you can imagine.
您可能会问,Apollo 11计算机与针线有什么关系? 事实证明,这超出了您的想象。
At the time, computers were using what’s called Core Rope Memory. And it is exactly what it sounds like: copper threads on which tiny metallic donuts were woven. The way the weaving was done, and the magnetic field of the donuts, would decide whether the thread would give out a 0 or a 1.
当时,计算机正在使用所谓的Core Rope Memory 。 听起来确实是这样:铜线编织有细小的金属甜甜圈。 编织的方式以及甜甜圈的磁场将决定线是发出0还是1 。
Here is a view of a rope memory plane from the Apollo AGC:

Let’s take a closer look at the interwoven threads and donuts:

Here are two videos showing you how they were doing it:
Now imagine that each AGC Rope Memory plane had 8'192 of these intersections, and that each memory module contained 14 planes. This equals to a total of 114'688 intersections to weave in order to produce a single memory module capable of holding around 4608 15-bit words.
现在,假设每个AGC绳索存储平面有8'192个交叉点,并且每个存储模块包含14个平面。 这等于要编织总共114'688个交点,以便产生一个能够存储约4608个15位字的存储模块。
The Apollo Guidance computer used 8 of these memory modules for the total mentioned above of 36'864 words, or roughly 72KB of storage.
That’s 917'504 intersections that had to be properly woven over months in order for the rocket to follow its course to the Moon.
The computer might have had less memory than USB-C charger, but I don’t think any charger ever required that much time, dedication, and efforts to produce.
翻译自: https://medium.com/digital-diplomacy/the-fascinating-story-of-the-computer-that-got-us-on-the-moon-a6daefa1d900