It’s no secret that the cable industry has been slowly crawling toward death. The convoluted cable packages, which are somehow becoming more expensive than ever, are losing a war with streaming services.
电缆行业一直在慢慢走向死亡已经不是什么秘密了。 复杂的电缆包装以某种方式变得比以往任何时候都更昂贵,但在流媒体服务方面却输掉了一场战争。
You’d think that the well-documented death of TV would lead cable companies to try something new and radical. You’d think that they’d send their best and brightest to work things out in a top-secret hotel lobby. Maybe they would even agree to lower their prices or to push for a new era of digital television that can compete with streaming services. But that’s not what cable companies are doing.
您可能会认为,有据可查的电视节目的死亡将导致有线电视公司尝试一些新颖而激进的尝试。 您可能会认为,他们会在最机密的酒店大厅里尽最大的努力来解决问题。 也许他们甚至同意降低价格或推动可以与流媒体服务竞争的数字电视新时代。 但这不是有线电视公司正在做的事情。
No, cable companies are doing something even more radical. They’re publicly arguing over free channels. The Spectrum cable company and the Tribune broadcasting company have begun a war over TV channels that anyone can access with an old-fashioned antenna.
不,电缆公司正在做的事情更加激进。 他们公开争辩免费频道。 频谱有线电视公司和Tribune广播公司已经开始争夺电视频道,任何人都可以使用老式天线访问电视频道。
Tribune owns most major over-the-air networks, like CBS, NBC, FOX, and ABC. These are locally broadcasted channels that you can pick up with an antenna. They’re not exclusive to cable networks. But Tribune holds licensing contracts with most major cable companies, and these contracts allow the cable companies to include Tribune channels in their lineup.
Tribune拥有大多数主要的无线网络,例如CBS,NBC,FOX和ABC。 这些是本地广播的频道,您可以用天线拾取。 它们不是电缆网络专用的。 但是Tribune与大多数主要的有线电视公司都拥有许可合同,这些合同允许有线电视公司在其节目中包括Tribune频道。
One of these cable companies, the Charter-owned service called Spectrum, was set to renew their contract with Tribune on New Year’s Eve. But the contract hasn’t been signed, and all Tribune networks have been removed from Spectrum’s cable service.
这些由有线电视公司提供服务的频谱公司之一,名为Spectrum,将在除夕续签与Tribune的合同。 但合同尚未签订,所有Tribune网络已从Spectrum的有线服务中删除。
Why wasn’t the contract signed? Well, Spectrum built an oddly aggressive webpage to tell their cable subscribers that they can’t afford to renew Tribune’s contract. They claim that Tribune is “driven by greed,” and that they’re demanding “over 50% more” cash than what they used to.
为什么不签合同? 好吧,Spectrum建立了一个异常激进的网页 ,告诉有线电视订户他们无力续订Tribune的合同。 他们声称论坛报是“受贪婪驱使的”,并且他们要求的现金比过去多“超过50%”。
But Tribune has posted a press release on their website, detailing how “extremely disappointed” they are that Spectrum won’t agree to renew the contract. Using the NFL playoffs as leverage, Tribune details how the “NFL playoffs are in jeopardy,” and how they “don’t want Spectrum subscribers to miss these games.” Of course, they could just watch the games for free online or over the air.
但是论坛报已经在他们的网站上发布了一份新闻稿 ,详细说明了他们对于Spectrum将不同意续签合同感到“极为失望”。 利用NFL季后赛作为杠杆,Tribune详细介绍了“ NFL季后赛处于危险之中”以及它们“不希望Spectrum的订户错过这些比赛”的方式。 当然,他们可以在线或通过无线方式免费观看游戏。
You may be wondering why Tribune won’t cut a reasonable deal with the Spectrum cable company. Here’s the thing: Tribune doesn’t need to broadcast their channels over cable services anymore. Cable television is falling out of favor with most consumers. Tribune has always offered their content to people for free, and it’s easy to watch their properties (like ABC) online.
您可能想知道为什么Tribune不会与Spectrum有线电视公司达成合理的协议。 事情就是这样:Tribune不再需要通过有线电视服务广播其频道。 有线电视在大多数消费者中不受欢迎。 Tribune一直向人们免费提供他们的内容,并且可以很容易地在线观看他们的财产(例如ABC )。
Tribune will eventually make most of their money on the Internet, so they might as well squeeze an unreasonable amount of money out of a cable company. After all, the cable companies are a lot more desperate than Tribune. Football fans that miss out on the playoffs aren’t going to get mad at Tribune for taking away their game; they’re going to get mad at their $100 per month cable company.
Tribune最终会在互联网上赚大钱,因此他们不妨从有线电视公司中榨取不合理的钱。 毕竟,电缆公司比《论坛报》绝望得多。 错过季后赛的球迷不会因为丢掉他们的比赛而在《论坛报》上生气。 他们会为他们每月100美元的有线电视公司而生气。
This could be a sign that Tribune and other television companies are turning their attention away from traditional television formats. It could also be a sign that cable companies, like Spectrum, don’t understand why their subscribers are still paying more than $1000 a year to watch TV. All we can say for sure is that it sucks to pay for cable in 2019.
这可能是Tribune和其他电视公司将注意力从传统电视格式转移的信号。 这也可能是一个迹象,表明像Spectrum这样的有线电视公司不理解为什么他们的订户仍然每年要花1000多美元来看电视。 我们可以肯定地说的是,在2019年为电缆付费很糟糕。
资料来源: 主板 , 论坛 , 频谱 (Source: Motherboard, Tribune, Spectrum)
图片来源: Burlingham /Shutterstock.com ( Image Credits: Burlingham/Shutterstock.com)
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/cable-companies-are-fighting-over-free-channels/