将Shareaholic Goodness添加到Google Chrome

2023-11-23 04:20

本文主要是介绍将Shareaholic Goodness添加到Google Chrome,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Have you been waiting to get that Shareaholic goodness in Google Chrome? Then your wait is over. Join us as we take a look at the Shareaholic for Google Chrome extension.

您是否一直在等待在Google Chrome浏览器中获得Shareaholic的好处? 然后您的等待结束。 加入我们,一起来看看Shareaholic for Google Chrome扩展程序。

Note: Shareaholic is also available for Firefox, Internet Explorer, Flock, Safari, and Songbird (see Shareaholic homepage link below).

注意:Shareaholic也可用于Firefox,Internet Explorer,Flock,Safari和Songbird(请参阅下面的Shareaholic主页链接)。

Shareaholic Setup


After the extension has finished installing you will see your new “Toolbar Button” and a new tab will open with information about Shareaholic. You should leave this “Information Tab” open for at least a few minutes because of the “login/create an account links”.

扩展程序安装完成后,您将看到新的“工具栏按钮”,并且将打开一个新标签,其中包含有关Shareaholic的信息。 由于“登录/创建帐户链接”,您应该至少打开此“信息选项卡”几分钟。

Note: There are no “in-browser” options to worry with.



If you click on the “Toolbar Button” this is what the drop-down window will look like. You can go ahead and start using the extension if desired at this point but you will be limited to the services shown here. Customization of the “Services List” does require an account and is definitely recommended.

如果单击“工具栏按钮”,则下拉窗口将如下所示。 此时,如果需要,您可以继续使用扩展程序,但仅限于此处显示的服务。 自定义“服务列表”确实需要一个帐户,因此绝对建议您这样做。


For our example we decided to create a new account and having the “Information Tab” open helped get the process started very easily.



There are only three things required for an account: a user name, an e-mail address, & a password.



Once you have created your new account you should go ahead and check your e-mail first. You will find a “Confirmation Request E-mail” waiting for you…click on the link provided to finish things up and you are ready to start customizing your “Services List”.

创建新帐户后,应继续并首先检查您的电子邮件。 您会发现一个“确认请求电子邮件”正等着您……单击提供的链接以完成操作,您就可以开始自定义“服务列表”了。


Here is a complete list of the services available at the moment. You can see the default set of services “highlighted/shaded” here. Changing what services are displayed is extremely easy…click on your choices to select (highlight/shade) a desired service or to deselect an unwanted service.

这是目前可用服务的完整列表。 您可以在此处看到“突出显示/阴影显示”的默认服务集。 更改显示的服务非常容易……单击您的选择以选择(突出显示/遮挡)所需的服务或取消选择不需要的服务。


A better look at the “Shareaholic Account Window”…

更好地了解“ Shareaholic帐户窗口”…


Here is our “Services List” ready to go after making some changes.



Shareaholic for Google Chrome in Action

适用于Google Chrome浏览器的Shareaholic

We decided to test Shareaholic on one of the great tutorial pages here at the site. To share just click on the “Toolbar Button”, select the desired service, and have that service open in a new tab (or window depending on your personal settings).

我们决定在该站点的出色教程之一上测试Shareaholic。 要共享,只需单击“工具栏按钮”,选择所需的服务,然后在新选项卡(或窗口,取决于您的个人设置)中打开该服务。


We started with Google Mail…we were really pleased to see that the entire tab was focused as a “Compose Window”. The “Subject & Letter Areas” were auto-filled for us…all that was left to do was choose an e-mail address, add any additional desired text, and send the letter out.

我们从Google Mail开始……我们很高兴看到整个选项卡都集中在“撰写窗口”上。 我们自动为“主题和字母区域”填充了……剩下要做的就是选择一个电子邮件地址,添加任何其他所需的文本,然后将字母发送出去。


Next we chose Twitter. Once again everything was auto-filled and the webpage link was automatically converted to a shortened URL using bit.ly.

接下来,我们选择Twitter。 再次,所有内容都自动填充,并且使用bit.ly将网页链接自动转换为缩短的URL。


Our final test was choosing is.gd. The webpage address was also auto-converted for us…all that was left to do was copy and paste our new shortened URL. This extension is a pleasure to use and will definitely become one of your most favorite (and useful) browser add-ins.

我们的最终测试是选择is.gd。 网页地址也为我们自动转换了,剩下要做的就是复制并粘贴新的缩短的URL。 使用该扩展程序是一种乐趣,它肯定会成为您最喜欢的(也是有用的)浏览器加载项之一。




The Shareaholic for Google Chrome extension will make a great addition to your Chrome browser…useful, convenient and fun to use. This is definitely a recommended install. Be sure to add Shareaholic to all of the other browsers on your computer so that you can enjoy that sharing goodness to the fullest.

适用于Google Chrome的Shareaholic扩展程序将为您的Chrome浏览器增添许多功能……实用,方便且有趣。 绝对是推荐的安装。 确保将Shareaholic添加到计算机上的所有其他浏览器,以便您可以充分享受共享的好处。



Download the Shareaholic for Google Chrome extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载Shareaholic for Google Chrome扩展程序(Google Chrome Extensions)

Shareaholic Homepage


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9834/add-shareaholic-goodness-to-google-chrome/

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