Distribute ipa OTA

2023-11-23 03:38
文章标签 ipa ota distribute

本文主要是介绍Distribute ipa OTA,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

* Hyper link in download page is itms-services://?actiondownload-manifest&url=http://xxx

* Https protocal is not allow in download url and plist url, it will raise an error that xxx cannot be download(or connected?). If the download page the OTA package r in the same server, use http protocal instead, trust me , it will work.



How to Distribute your iOS Apps Over the AirJanuary 21, 2011 12:24pm GMT-0800

Over-the-air installation prompt

We've been using Apple's Wireless distribution method for sending out beta invites of Geoloqi. It's a much easier process for our beta testers than syncing with iTunes to install the app! They just click on a link from their phones, and they can download the app immediately!

How, you ask? Apple has made this possible since iOS 4.0, but not many developers have noticed it's available. TestFlight has make a great wrapper on top of this functionality, but it's possible to do it without using TestFlight too! How to set up Ad Hoc distribution

Build and Archive

First, build and archive your application from XCode. Make sure you've selected the Developer provisioning profile when building your app. This must pass code-signing verification or people will get an error when trying to install.

Archived Applications


Open Organizer if it's not already open. Select your archived application, then click "Share." The next step is slightly misleading. Choose "Distribute for Enterprise" here, even if you don't have an enterprise account! Make sure you select the same provisioning profile you signed the app with!

Choose Developer Identity

Creating signed archive

This is the critical step. At this point, XCode is bundling the provisioning profile into the IPA archive so that your users only have to download '''one file!''' No need to have them install the provisioning profile separately, since it will be included in the app archive!

Next you'll need to fill out the form that appears. XCode uses this info to create a .plist file. If you're comfortable editing the .plist file directly, you can do that instead.

App Details

ipa and plist files

At this point, XCode prompts you to save the files to a folder. You'll end up with two files, a .plist and an .ipa file. Now comes the easy part!

You just need to create a web page with a link to the .plist file using the special itms-services:// protocol. This might look something like the code below.

<a href="itms-services://?actiondownload-manifest&amp;url=http://loqi.me/app/Geoloqi.plist">Download Geoloqi

Installation Prompt

When someone clicks the link from their iPhone, they'll get a prompt that says "loqi.me would like to install Geoloqi." Clicking "Install" will then immediately download and install the provisioning profile and the app!

Note: This is not going to get you around the 100-device limit that Apple imposes. You'll still need to get your beta testers' UDIDs from them and upload them to the Provisioning Portal.

You can pretty up the download page like we have done to make it look like more than just a plaintext link. Here's some HTML and CSS to get you started making your own mobile installation page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <title>Install Geoloqi</title><style type="text/css">body {background: url(bkg.png) repeat #c5ccd4;font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif;}.congrats {font-size: 16pt;padding: 6px;text-align: center;}.step {background: white;border: 1px #ccc solid;border-radius: 14px;padding: 4px 10px;margin: 10px 0;}.instructions {font-size: 10pt;}.arrow {font-size: 15pt;}table {width: 100%;}</style>
<body><div class="congrats">Congrats! You've been invited to the beta of Geoloqi.</div><div class="step"><table><tr><td class="instructions">Install the<br />Geoloqi app</td><td width="24" class="arrow">&rarr;</td><td width="57" class="imagelink"><a href="itms-services://?actiondownload-manifest&url=http://loqi.me/app/Geoloqi.plist"><img src="geoloqi-icon.png" height="57" width="57" /></a></td></tr></table>

Here is the background graphic I used on the installation web page. Feel free to use it on your own pages.


这篇关于Distribute ipa OTA的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



Unity Adressables 使用说明(四)分发远程内容(Distribute Remote Content)

概述 远程分发内容可以减少应用程序的初始下载大小和安装时间。你还可以更新远程分发的资源,而无需重新发布应用程序或游戏。 当你将远程 URL 分配为 Group 的加载路径(Load Path)时,Addressables 系统会从该 URL 加载组中的资源。当你启用Build Remote Catalog选项时,Addressables 会在 Remote Catalog 中查找任何远程资源的

Hive中order by,sort by,distribute by,cluster by的区别

一:order by order by会对输入做全局排序,因此只有一个Reducer(多个Reducer无法保证全局有序),然而只有一个Reducer,会导致当输入规模较大时,消耗较长的计算时间。关于order by的详细介绍请参考这篇文章:Hive Order by操作。 二:sort by sort by不是全局排序,其在数据进入reducer前完成排序,因此,如果用sort


AOSP: Android Open Source Project 官网来源参考: OTA: Over The Air 官网来源参考: 参考: https://developer.android.com/preview/download-ota.html#install-ota https://source.android.com/

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1 前言 由于工作需要,公司要求将Xcode中的项目生成IPA文件,用于版本记录,由于没有咱们木有开发者账号,所以需要另类的IPA生成和发布方式,今天折腾了一番终于搞定了,特此与大家分享。 2 操作流程 2.1 将运行时Schema设置为IOS Device,如图: 2.2 点击Product->Archive归档项目: 2.3 归档后进入到归档窗口,选择分配方


其实被这个问题困扰了好久,不过秉承着三分钟热度的新年新气象,还是要多弄懂一点(⊙_⊙)ゞ Symbols是什么东西呢?虽然我对它没有深入的了解,但是大概知道它的作用。摘抄《深入理解计算机系统》里的一些描述: 一个典型的ELF可重定位目标文件包含下面几个节: ... ... .symtab:一个符号表,它存放在程序中定义和引用的函数和全局变量信息。一些程序员错误地认为必须通过-g选项来编


1、拥有一个开发者账号(99美刀)2、登录苹果开发者网站,添加想要安装测试应用的设备的UDID,可以使用 fir.im 提供的的接口快速获取 UDID (fi r.im-工具-UDID获取工具)(1)添加UDID:Devices---All或者iPhoneimage1.png(2)+添加image2.png(3)Register Deviceimage3.png3、得到电脑的钥匙串左上角-钥匙串