


I don’t speak in hyperbole very often, and I want to make sure that you all understand what a big deal this is for the diabetes DIY community. Everything that we’ve worked for for the last 20 years, it all changes now. #WeAreNotWaiting

我不会经常夸夸其谈,我想确保你们所有人都知道这对糖尿病DIY社区有什么大不了的。 我们过去20年来一直在努力的一切现在都在改变。 #WeAreNotWaiting

"You probably didn’t see this coming, [Tidepool] announced an agreement to partner with our friends at Medtronic Diabetes to support a future Bluetooth-enabled MiniMed pump with Tidepool Loop. Read more here: https://www.tidepool.org/blog/tidepool-loop-medtronic-collaboration"

“您可能没想到会发生这种情况,[Tidepool]宣布了一项与美敦力糖尿病患者的朋友合作的协议,以支持未来带有Tidepool Loop的支持蓝牙功能的MiniMed泵。在此处了解更多信息: https : //www.tidepool.org / blog / tidepool-loop-medtronic-collaboration

Translation? This means that diabetics will be able to choose their own supported equipment and build their own supported FDA Approved Closed Loop Artificial Pancreases.

翻译? 这意味着糖尿病患者将能够选择自己支持的设备并制造自己支持的FDA批准的闭环人工胰腺。

开源人工胰腺病将在2019年成为糖尿病的新护理标准 (Open Source Artificial Pancreases will become the new standard of care for Diabetes in 2019)

Every diabetic engineer every, the day after they were diagnosed, tries to solve their (or their loved one's) diabetes with open software and open hardware. Every one. I did it in the early 90s. Someone diagnosed today will do this tomorrow. Every time.

每位糖尿病工程师在被诊断后的第二天,都会尝试使用开放软件和开放硬件来解决他们(或他们所爱的人)的糖尿病。 每一个我在90年代初做到了。 今天被确诊的人明天会做。 每次。

I tried to send my blood sugar to the cloud from a PalmPilot. Every person diagnosed with diabetes ever, does this. Has done this. We try to make our own systems. Then @NightscoutProj happened and #WeAreNotWaiting happened and we shared code and now we sit on the shoulders of people who GAVE THEIR IDEAS TO USE FOR FREE.

我试图从PalmPilot将血糖发送到云端。 每个被诊断患有糖尿病的人都会这样做。 已经做到了。 我们尝试制作自己的系统。 然后@NightscoutProj发生, #WeAreNotWaiting了问题,我们共享代码,现在我们坐的是谁给了他们的想法,免费使用的人的肩上。


Here's the first insulin pump. Imagine a disease this miserable that you'd choose this. Type 1 Diabetes IS NOT FUN. Now we have Bluetooth and Wifi and the Cloud but I still have an insulin pump I bought off of Craigslist.

这是第一个胰岛素泵。 想象一下这种疾病,您会选择这种疾病。 1型糖尿病是不开心的。 现在我们有了蓝牙,Wifi和云,但我仍然有我从Craigslist那里购买的胰岛素泵。


Imagine a watch that gives you an electrical shock so you can check your blood sugar. We are all just giant bags of meat and water under pressure and poking the meatbag 10 times a day with needles and #diabetes testing strips SUUUUCKS.

想象一下有一块手表会触电,以便您检查血糖。 我们都是压力巨大的肉和水大袋,每天用针头和#糖尿病测试条SUUUUCKS戳肉袋10次。


The work of early #diabetes pioneers is being now leveraged by @Tidepool_org to encourage large diabetes hardware and sensor manufacturers to - wait for it - INTEROPERATE on standards we can talk to.



Just hours after I got off stage speaking on this very topic at @RefactrTech, it turns out that @howardlook and the wonderful friends at @Tidepool_org like @kdisimone and @ps2 and pioneer @bewestisdoing and others announced there are now partnerships with MULTIPLE insulin pump manufacturers AND multiple sensors!

我下了舞台上来讲,在这个题目几个小时后@RefactrTech ,事实证明, @howardlook和美妙的朋友@Tidepool_org像@kdisimone和@ PS2和先锋@bewestisdoing和其他人宣布现在有多个胰岛素泵的合作伙伴关系制造商和多个传感器!

We the DIY #diabetes community declared #WeAreNotWaiting and, dammit, we'd do this ourselves. And now TidePool expressing the intent to put an Artificial Pancreas in the damn App Store - along with Angry Birds - WITH SUPPORT FOR WARRANTIED NEW BLE PUMPS. I could cry.

我们DIY的#糖尿病社区宣布了#WeAreNotWaiting,该死的,我们会自己做。 现在,TidePool表示有意将人造胰腺与“愤怒的小鸟”一起放到该死的App Store中,并提供保修保证的新BLE泵。 我会哭。

You see this #diabetes insulin pump? It’s mine. See those cracks? THOSE ARE CRACKS IN MY INSULIN PUMP. This pump does not have a warranty, but it’s the only one that I have if I want an open source artificial pancreas. Now I’m going to have real choices, multiple manufacturers.

您看到这个#糖尿病胰岛素泵吗? 这是我的。 看到那些裂缝了吗? 这些是我的胰岛素泵中的裂缝。 这种泵没有保修,但如果我要使用开源人工胰腺,这是我唯一的泵。 现在,我将有真正的选择,多个制造商。


It absolutely cannot be overstated how many people keep this community alive, from early python libraries that talked to insulin pumps, to man in the middle attacks to gain access to our own data, to custom hardware boards created to bridge the new and the old.


To the known in the unknown, the song in the unsung, we in the Diabetes Community appreciate you all. We are standing on the shoulders of giants - I want to continue to encourage open software and open hardware whenever possible. Get involved. 

众所周知,未知中的歌曲,我们在糖尿病社区中的感谢大家。 我们站在巨人的肩膀上-我想继续鼓励开放软件和开放硬件。 参与其中。

Also, if you're diabetic, consider buying a Nightscout Xbox Avatar accessory so you can see yourself represented while you game!

另外,如果您患有糖尿病,可以考虑购买Nightscout Xbox Avatar配件,以便在游戏时能看到自己的身影!

Oh, and one other thing, journalists who cover the Diabetes DIY community, please let us read your articles before you write them. They all have mistakes and over-generalizations and inaccuracies and it's awkward to read them. That is all.

哦,还有另一件事,报道了糖尿病DIY社区的记者,请在撰写文章之前先让我们阅读您的文章。 他们都有错误,过分概括和不准确,阅读它们很尴尬。 就这些。

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

赞助商:使用最新的JetBrains Rider从IDE直接管理GitHub Pull Requests。 Windows上的集成性能分析器也可以解决。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/this-changes-everything-for-the-diy-diabetes-community-tidepool-partners-with-medtronic-and-dexcom




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1、定义方法并绑定 class News extends React.Component {constructor(props) {super(props)this.state = {msg:'home组件'}}run(){alert("我是一个run") //方法写在类中}render() {return (<div><h2>{this.state.msg}</h2><button onCli


在糖尿病患者信息管理系统中,导入病人信息功能!form表单提交数据(Excel文件),在后台得不到file文件,解决方法:         private File filePath; //文件         private String fileName; //文件名         private String fileType; //文件类型 注:上面filePath必须有,否则下面


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关于如何开发自己的潜意识开发的底层逻辑和注意事项 我这里就不赘述了,可以看我前面的文章 今天主要讲一下,如何让我们祈祷的作用发挥到极致 这里提到了祈祷,其实就是正念 把自己的梦想,目标,愿望通过积极的语言 或者生动形象的画面告诉自己的潜意识 你的这些梦想,目标,愿望就会慢慢地变成现实 这是真的,有无数的案例可以证实 我这里就不举例子了,大家可以网上搜 我只讲一下,为什么有些人

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作者:计算机学姐 开发技术:SpringBoot、SSM、Vue、MySQL、JSP、ElementUI等,“文末源码”。 专栏推荐:前后端分离项目源码、SpringBoot项目源码、SSM项目源码 系统展示 基于SpringBoot+Vue的可视化社区医疗服务管理系统【附源码文档】、前后端分离 开发语言:Java数据库:MySQL技术:SpringBoot、Vue、Mybaits